The latest edition of the JetPunk Magazine, brought to you by the community!
Let's wish an happy birthday to our dear Ayaan by letting him answering a few questions about him and his JetPunk adventure!
The new and revised goals for the revival of Project Intraquiz.
Αυτό το μπλογκ αποτελεί μετάφραση από αγγλικό μπλογκ πάνω στο θέμα των type-ins.
¿Cuáles son las pruebas del 2024 que recibieron la mayor cantidad de calificaciones de cinco estrellas?
Blog przedstawia najczęściej rozwiązywane quizy w polskiej sekcji JetPunka w 2024 r. z podziałem na różne kategorie.
In diesem Blog wird gezeigt, welche Quizze im Deutschen die meisten 5-Sterne-Bewertungen erhalten haben.
Quels ont été les quiz les plus populaires sur le site l'an passé ? Quels types de quiz ont généré le plus de prises ? Et sur la section francophone ? Quels créateurs ont su se démarquer en 2024 ? Vous devriez trouver une réponse à toutes ces questions à la lecture de ce billet de blog.
¿Quieres saber cuáles son las pruebas más intentadas cada año? O ¿quiénes son los mejores usuarios de cada año? Quizá quieres saber cuántos intentos recibieron cada modo de prueba. Por primera vez, puedes saber eso y un poco más sobre la sección hispanohablante en este blog.
Ever wanted the stats on all quizzes taken in 2024? What about the most taken quizzes? Well, here it is!
Déjà la quatrième édition du récapitulatif annuel de la section francophone de notre site favori ! Vous y trouverez toutes les statistiques et anecdotes dont vous rêviez et bien plus encore.
JetPunk'un Türkçe bölümü için resmi olmayan dil portalı, Blog Portalı tarafından sunulmaktadır.
The newest edition to the Blog Portal, "Legendary Blogs"! These are essentially a blog equivalent of featured quizzes, and will be curated by the community.
Η Ελληνική έκδοση της ετήσιας ανασκόπησης του JetPunk για πρώτη φορά είναι εδώ! Θα κοιτάξουμε τα νέα χαρακτηριστικά του σάιτ και συγκεκριμένα του ελληνικού τμήματος!
Καλά Χριστούγεννα σε όλους!
A "Discovery Page" for blogs.
In this blog, we will list all threads that got more than 10 likes
In this blog, I detail what it would be like to customize your own Jeppy.
Our latest issue of the JetPunk Magazine, featuring the thoughts of our community!
Over the past five months, there have been over 250 blogs. Out of the most recent 250 of these blogs, which ones have been the most popular?
In this blog, I decide to help mobile users make SVG's using Boxy-SVG. Unfortunately, it only has a free trial of 15-days, but some users may still find it useful!
An expansion of one of my past blogs, delving into a thought experiment of JetPunk being a city.
The Thanksgiving Edition of the JetPunk Magazine. Brought to you by the JetPunk blogging community.
It's been a long time since this series has featured a French guest. Let's learn more about henrigolo in this 33rd interview!
Votre administrateur et utilisateur de confiance avisé vous fait généreusement part de sa fine analyse quant aux élections à venir sur l'Alliance JetPunk Francophone.
Tout ce que vous avez à savoir sur l'édition 2024 du traditionnel quizlendrier de l'Avent auquel vous pouvez cette année prendre part !
A blog going into the ins and outs of the leading theories attempting to explain Quizmaster's hate for Belgium.
Niestety, głównie z powodu braku zainteresowania społeczności, sklep już nie jest opłacalny do prowadzenia. 31 grudnia 2024r. zostanie permanentnie zamknięty.
Petit blog explicatif au sujet de la fermeture imminente de la boutique JetPunk.
Leider ist der JetPunk Shop aufgrund von mangelndem Interesse und Bestellungen kein zukunftsfähiges Projekt und wird nach dem 31. Dezember 2024 schließen.
Lamentablemente, debido a un desinterés, la Tienda de JetPunk es insostenible y cerrará al fin del año.
It's been a long time since this series has featured a French guest. Let's learn more about henrigolo in this 33rd interview!
Un nouveau projet collaboratif vient de faire son apparition le 14 octobre 2024 en Haute-Garonne pour but de faire découvrir les villes et villages des départements de France. L'objectif est d'étendre ce projet sur tous les départements. Je vous invite à lire ce blog et à réserver un département et le créer ! :)
Słowa od nas, polskiej społeczności JetPunka, dla Arjay za wysiłek wkładany w rozwój polskiej sekcji JetPunka.
Do you remember this blog series? Me neither. But it seems that a new entry just came out about the amazing Finnish quizmaker and blogger Pullarosa Pullasorsa!
A look at some of my favorite creators on this website.
A secret look at my plans for the season...
Zawsze marzyłeś/aś, żeby Twój quiz był polecany, albo przynajmniej był na stronie głównej? Zrób quiz z jednej kategorii, i spraw, żeby do tego doszło!
The first volume of Mystery Society! Read to find out more.
Hier geht es um eine Gruppe, in der wir gemeinsam als Community die besten deutschen Quizzes raussuchen. Ich würde mich freuen, viele von euch in der Gruppe zusehen.
As I progress further and further into my blogging journey on this website, I feel that I should go back and reflect on how good my past content was. It is no secret that I have improved, but how much? What was my best, and my worst, blog?
Wie Quizzes übersetzen, ohne etwas zu vergessen? Erfahre es hier in diesem Blog!
Hello, fellow JetPunkers. In the coming months, I will be doing a project celebrating my first anniversary of blogging.
Hey guys, this is the first Blog Gauntlet! The Blog Gauntlet is a new series aimed to increase the quality and quantity of blogs, challenging users to write creatively.
I have some very good news! Debate Night is returning to JetPunk after months of hiatus. In this reboot, I hope to make the blogs higher-quality. Our first debate topic is the subject of pineapple and pizza!
Hello, fellow JetPunkers. As I write this, the milestone of 1 billion quiz takes draws closer. I think it is a good time to reflect on our journey to this point, as a community.
Chapter Two of Tales of Jeppy the JetPunk Fish!
I have found ten great quizzes by users that are not featured that I think are really fun and maybe you would enjoy.
I have recently been pondering the idea of JetPunk milestones. Whether it be 1,000 quizzes, Level 100, or 10,000 takes, these numbers are always something to celebrate. As I approach the benchmarks of 20,000 takes and 400 quizzes, I wonder what I can do to celebrate. This blog will dive into my favorite options.
Welcome to the Astana Vault! This is basically my main page where I post updates on my projects, or other things.
An enormous project relating to JetPunk quizzes and obscure countries.
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