JetPunk Blogs

A list of all blogs that fall under the category of JetPunk. Blogs about JetPunk that don't take the form of an official update.

A look at some of my favorite creators on this website.

A secret look at my plans for the season...

Zawsze marzyłeś/aś, żeby Twój quiz był polecany, albo przynajmniej był na stronie głównej? Zrób quiz z jednej kategorii, i spraw, żeby do tego doszło!

The first volume of Mystery Society! Read to find out more.

Hier geht es um eine Gruppe, in der wir gemeinsam als Community die besten deutschen Quizzes raussuchen. Ich würde mich freuen, viele von euch in der Gruppe zusehen.

As I progress further and further into my blogging journey on this website, I feel that I should go back and reflect on how good my past content was. It is no secret that I have improved, but how much? What was my best, and my worst, blog?

Wie Quizzes übersetzen, ohne etwas zu vergessen? Erfahre es hier in diesem Blog!

Hello, fellow JetPunkers. In the coming months, I will be doing a project celebrating my first anniversary of blogging.

Hey guys, this is the first Blog Gauntlet! The Blog Gauntlet is a new series aimed to increase the quality and quantity of blogs, challenging users to write creatively.

I have some very good news! Debate Night is returning to JetPunk after months of hiatus. In this reboot, I hope to make the blogs higher-quality. Our first debate topic is the subject of pineapple and pizza!

Hello, fellow JetPunkers. As I write this, the milestone of 1 billion quiz takes draws closer. I think it is a good time to reflect on our journey to this point, as a community.

Chapter Two of Tales of Jeppy the JetPunk Fish!

I have found ten great quizzes by users that are not featured that I think are really fun and maybe you would enjoy.

I have recently been pondering the idea of JetPunk milestones. Whether it be 1,000 quizzes, Level 100, or 10,000 takes, these numbers are always something to celebrate. As I approach the benchmarks of 20,000 takes and 400 quizzes, I wonder what I can do to celebrate. This blog will dive into my favorite options.

Welcome to the Astana Vault! This is basically my main page where I post updates on my projects, or other things.

An enormous project relating to JetPunk quizzes and obscure countries.

JetPunk has changed my life in many ways, both good and bad. This blog provides an overview of how it has.

I have found ten great quizzes by users that are not featured that I think are really fun and maybe you would enjoy.

The second issue of the JetPunk Magazine. I apologize for the long wait, but here it is. This installment is mostly about the blogging section.

As the quality and quantity of blogs decreases, I feel the need to write this blog. Inspired by many from the past, this will hopefully show users how to write better blogs.

A unique and creative look at what JetPunk would be like if it were a city.

Please return things to the way they were!

When Jeppy is not hanging out in the top left corner of JetPunk, doing photoshoots for the Jeppy in Disguise Magazine, and navigating high school, he goes on thrilling adventures, battling enemies from ninjas to Orcspel to the Belgian Order! This first chapter begins an epic adventure following our favorite fish.

The premier of the Jeppy Design Challenge! Push your creativity to the limits with an ancient vibe! This new series challenges JetPunkers to create artwork featuring Jeppy with a new theme every time. Good luck!

Welcome to the dazzling debut of JetPunk Magazine! Discover the excitement of the Daily Trivia Challenge and the revival of Dawn of the JetPunk Empires. Explore gems like "Place Names as Common First Names" and Nickelz’s Hypothetical Geography series. Join us, contribute your brilliance, and dive into the Origins of Civilization. Let the adventure begin!

JetPunk's long-awaited updates are on the horizon! This blog delves into the enhancements we eagerly anticipate, poised to transform our quiz experiences into an even more engaging and dynamic adventure. Stay tuned for epic innovations!

La communauté JetPunk francophone s'est lancée un nouveau défi ! Vous souhaitez en apprendre plus au sujet de ce projet et peut-être y participer ? Ce blog est fait pour vous !

What are polls, and would they make for a good addition to JetPunk?

What is a data map, and should JetPunk add them?

Pour mon premier blog, je vais parler de JetPunk, de son histoire, de sa fréquentation, de sa popularité et de plein d'autres choses ! C'est bien de savoir l'histoire du site que nous utilisons le plus !!

Something that matters for smaller quiz-makers on JetPunk: How can you ensure your quizzes get as many takes as possible by releasing them at the optimal time of day?

Goodbye. The time has come. I am leaving JetPunk. I do not know how long, I do not know if I will visit the site before I return, if I return, or anything. I have just decided that I should leave the site. You can read this to find out why.

It's been two years since we took a look at the most popular JetPunk series. This year we look again to see what has changed.

This is a list of the top 7 quizmakers in each language, as of December 21st 2023.

N'avez-vous jamais désiré savoir combien de quiz été pris chaque année sur le site, ou plus spécifiquement sur la section francophone ? Si la réponse à cette question est oui, alors ce blog est fait pour vous.

Ever wanted the stats on all quizzes taken in 2023? What about the most taken quizzes? Well, here it is!

Voici la troisième édition du blog francophone d'année en revue !

Statistiques, classement et informations en tous genres pour faire le bilan sur l'année 2023 et se préparer pour 2024.

Dziś, część z jetpunkowych blogerów chce podzielić się tym, że są dumni z sukcesu nad ich projektem rozwoju sekcji językowych innych, niż angielska w 2023 roku. A może by tak poczytać nieco z tej okazji?

Por primera vez, la sección hispanohablante de JetPunk tiene un resumen del año. Nos fijamos en los datos específicos a todo lo que ha sucedido en esta sección durante el 2023.

¡Felices fiestas a todos nuestros usuarios de JetPunk!

I'm starting a three-hundred sixty-five day quiz on January 1st, 2024!

The Recent User Blogs page has recently changed significantly. New users have begun to post many of the blogs we see on the page today, and blogging powerhouses such as baptistegorce, toowise, ItzIngenious, and Stewart, have not been posting as much content as back in the day. I recently did an analysis and will publish my findings in this blog.

Heute sind einige der JetPunk-Blogger stolz darauf, den Erfolg ihres Projekts zur Entwicklung "nicht-englischsprachiger" Blog-Bereiche für 2023 zu verkünden. Warum nicht zu diesem Anlass einen kleinen Blog darüber lesen?

Some of you may have heard of my Countries by AI Animal Avatar series, which challenges you to guess countries represented by an animal generated by AI. In the making of this series, I generated many animals, and chose the best ones for my quizzes. But only the best ones. This blog reveals the images I could never use, for various reasons. Read to find out more. Part 2 will come out sometime soon.

JetPunk is great. But I have some wishes for new features. What about you? Do you have anything that you would like to see added to JetPunk? Any features or improvements? Then tell me in the comments!

There is a continent out in the middle of the ocean. You've probably heard of it. But have you heard of it as Australia, or have you heard of it as Oceania? What is the continent called? You tell me in the latest Debate Night!

Welcome back to Debate Night. If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound? What even is a sound? (I also apologize for the last blog in this series.)

Wiele quizów niepolecanych nie wygląda estetycznie lub są niegrywalne. Oto najczęstsze powody.

You want to have your own JetPunk intreview but think that you will never be chosen? Then seize your chance with this new WITJ!

JetPunkers should celebrate these memorable days in our history. These are historic moments for our site, the Quizmaster, and users.

I made a new JetPunk group for fans of architecture and professional architects. Anybody can join!
