Recent JetPunk Charts

JetPunk user-created charts which have been published in the last two months.

This chart displays the growth and decline of Spain's five biggest cities by population from 1950 to 2025.

My total number of Quizzes made along with individual lines for English and Greek Quizzes.

This chart displays the growth and decline of France's five biggest cities by population from 1950 to 2025.

This is a chart where i show you the amount of deforestation in the Amazon and the Congo rainforest per year. this chart begins at the year 1988 until now (2024-2025), and for the Congo Rainforest it is from 2002 to now (2024-2025)I hope you find this chart interesting, if you do, please check my other charts as well. The x-axis is at the end of the year so that you can see how much the deforestation was that year.

Number of Threads and New Unique Users making Threads Per Day on the Message Board in September 2024.

Number of Likes and Comments Per Day on the Message Board in September 2024.

This chart displays the growth and decline of Japan's five biggest cities by population from 1950 to 2025.

This chart displays the growth and decline of Australia's five biggest cities by population from 1950 to 2025.

Number of cities on the first US Routes.

I am not entirely sure how this feature works, but if it helps you in some way, let me know.

Below is a chart which shows the population development of some of the most devastated cities during the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) between 1500 and 1800.

This chart displays the growth of Melbourne's population from 1950 to 2025.

This chart displays the growth of Sydney's population from 1950 to 2025.

This is the monthly takes of all quizzes on JetPunk by language as a percent (current featured languages only).

L'évolution de la population municipale des villes de la QuattroPole, réseau de collaboration liant Luxembourg, Metz, Sarrebruck et Trêves depuis 2000

This chart shows the population of Saint Helena from 1817 to 2021.


A graph showing how many takes each side has over time.

Voici l’évolution de la population des 11-20 départements actuels les plus peuplés de France selon CityPopulation.

Voici l’évolution de la population des 10 départements actuels les plus peuplés de France selon CityPopulation.

Πόσο μεγάλωσε σε προσπάθειες (takes) το πιο διάσημο κουίζ του σάιτ στα ελληνικά;

Wykres przedstawia liczbę wiadomości wysłanych na serwerze JetPunk Polska dzień po dniu w styczniu 2025 r.

This chart shows the population of Tristan da Cunha from the year 1856 to the year 2021.


This chart displays the growth of Amsterdam's population from 1950 to 2025.

This is a chart with the richest countries by GDP per adult.

This chart displays the growth of Amman's population from 1950 to 2025.

Det här diagrammet visar populationen av Stockholm från år 1950 till år 2025.

This is a chart displaying the growth of Algiers's population from 1950 to 2025.

This chart displays the growth of Addis Ababa's population from 1950 to 2025.

The top 50 most populated MSAs in the 50 states.

This is a chart displaying the growth of Accra's population from 1950 to 2025.

This is a chart displaying the growth of Abuja's population from 1950 to 2025.

This is a chart displaying the growth of Abu Dhabi's population from 1950 to 2025.

Only languages above 100k.

Στο γράφημα φαίνονται ολοι οι χρήστες με εμφανίσεις στο Ελληνικό ανεπίσημο πρωτοσέλιδο για το 2025.

This was very confusing to read.

Each data point is 10 years apart

All the airports I have ever used in my life by number of flights.

A comparison of the number of blogs published over time by three JetPunkers.

more flags 🎉

Wykres przedstawia liczbę użytkowników polskiego serwera JetPunk zamieszkujących na stałe w każdym województwie i o których wiadomo, że tam mieszkają.

Do you think Trump is serious about Canada becoming the 51st state or not?

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Mesa's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Kansas City's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Sacramento's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Fresno's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Tucson's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Albuquerque's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Milwaukee's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Baltimore's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Memphis' population from the 1900 census to 2025.

*=Mayn't count split view

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Louisville's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Detroit's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Atlanta's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Las Vegas' population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Portland's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Boston's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of El Paso's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Oklahoma City's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Nashville's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Denver's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Seattle's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of San Francisco's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Charlotte's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Indianapolis' population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Columbus' population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Fort Worth's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Jacksonville's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Austin's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of San Jose's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Dallas' population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of San Diego's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of San Antonio's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Philadelphia's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Phoenix's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Houston's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Chicago's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Los Angeles' population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of New York City's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

How many likes each Countries Iceberg installment has received.

imn't very experienced on spotify as u can see

Ensemble des utilisateurs ayant reçu au moins une étoile sur la section francophone de JetPunk en 2025.

Shows the total number of speakers of English and Mandarin from 1950 to 2100 according to Imperial Statistics.

Shows the total number of speakers of Punjabi and Swahili from 1950 to 2100 according to Imperial Statistics.

Shows the total number of speakers for 10 of the most languages in 1950 until 2100 according to Imperial Statistics

All quizzes featured in 2025, sorted by language.

Only those with over 3 wins.

My quiz takes, starting from the date I started from.

Many Rust Belt Cities have experienced large population losses starting from the 1950s. Most of them have fewer people today than in 1900. This chart compares the population data of seven major Rust Belt cities: Detroit, Columbus, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Baltimore, and St. Louis.

Ο αριθμός των κουίζ του ελληνικού τμήματος για το 2025!

Blogs published in all non-English JetPunk featured languages during the year 2025.

Wykres przedstawia ilość wysłanych wiadomości dzień po dniu przez najaktywniejszych członków serwera JetPunk Polska na Discordzie w grudniu 2024 r.

This chart features the number of all blogs from non-featured languages for the entire year of 2024

Nombre de messages envoyés chaque mois sur l'Alliance JetPunk francophone (serveur Discord JetPunk de langue française) en 2024.

Messages mensuels des 10 membres de l'Alliance JetPunk francophone ayant envoyé le plus de messages sur le serveur en 2024.

La série Culture générale publiée sur punkfrancais en 2024 à raison d'un quiz par semaine est le fruit d'un travail collaboratif des membres de la section francophone menés par Elboy. Ci-dessous, ses prises quotidiennes tout au long de son année de publication.

Wykres ten przedstawia użytkowników, których nowe polecane quizy najwięcej razy pojawiły się na stronie głównej w polskiej sekcji JetPunka w 2024r.

Wykres przedstawia użytkowników, których quizy najwięcej razy pojawiły się na stronie głównej w 2024r. w polskiej sekcji JetPunka.

Evolution des blogs publiés sur l'ensemble des sections linguistiques du site (à l'exception de l'anglophone) au cours de l'année 2024.

Pays d'origine des utilisateurs ayant choisi le français comme langue par défaut sur JetPunk.

Prises mensuelles sur l'ensemble de la section francophone tout au long de l'année 2024.

Wykres ten przedstawia ilość wysłanych wiadomości na serwerze JetPunk Polska na Discordzie miesiąc po miesiącu w 2024r.

Evolution du nombre de comptes (avec le français sélectionné en langue par défaut) et de quiz (en langue française, sélectionnée en étape 1 de création) créés au cours des années 2023-2024.

Evolution du nombre de comptes et de quiz créés au cours des années 2023 et 2024, toutes sections confondues.

Wykres przedstawia ilość nowych rozwiązań miesiąc po miesiącu w 2024r. na polskiej sekcji JetPunka.

Créateurs dont le plus grand nombre de quiz sont passés en page d'accueil (FP) de la section francophone en 2024.

Créateurs s'étant vus attribuer au cours de l'année 2024 le plus grand nombre d'étoiles sur leur quiz publiés sur la section francophone du site.

Nombre de blogs publiés par les blogueurs francophones en français au cours de l'année 2024.

JetPunkers s'étant vu attribués le plus grand nombre de mises en lumière (spotlights francophones) sur leurs quiz au cours de l'année 2024.

Wykres przedstawia liczbę nowych quizów stworzonych w języku polskim oraz nowych kont założonych w 2024r.

Wykres przedstawiający liczbę nowych użytkowników w 2024 w polskiej sekcji JetPunka tydzień po tygodniu.

Wykres przedstawiający liczbę quizów w 2024 w polskiej sekcji JetPunka tydzień po tygodniu.

Vuonna 2024 luodut suomalaiset JetPunk-käyttäjätilit ja tietovisat viikoittain.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of the United States' population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Wyoming's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Wisconsin's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of West Virginia's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Washington's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Virginia's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Vermont's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Utah's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Texas' population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Tennessee's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of South Dakota's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of South Carolina's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

Dies ist eine Zusammenfassung von Nutzern, die JetPunk beigetreten sind und Quizzen, die erstellt wurden.

Cette année, le projet collectif de Quizlendrier de l'avent organisé par baptistegorce a été particulièrement fructueux en termes de prises, notamment grâce à un passage quotidien en page d'accueil.

Ainsi, 22 des 24 quiz se sont classés dans les quiz les plus populaires du jour. Les voici, du plus au moins performant.

Για να δούμε την αύξηση των κουιζ στο ελληνικό τμήμα του JetPunk!
Κάποιες ημερομηνίες μπορεί να είναι λίγο λάθος

Το πρωτότυπο διάγραμμα από τον Neodymium

Some dates may be off

Acá vemos el tráfico de la sección española de JetPunk en el año 2024 por las pruebas creadas y nuevos usuarios cada semana.

You can see both the Lesser Antillies and Western Europe

These are my top 10 most popular series. The number associated with each is a number 1 - 10. This represents the place it is in my top 10, not the amount of takes it has (since I don't want to have to update this Chart that often).

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Rhode Island's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Pennsylvania's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Oregon's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Oklahoma's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Ohio's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of North Dakota's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of North Carolina's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of New York's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a summary of the number of JetPunk quizzes released, and new users joined, every week of 2024.

Ce graphique représente les créateurs francophones ayant cumulé le plus de prises depuis le 1er janvier 2024.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of New Mexico's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of New Jersey's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of New Hampshire's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Nevada's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Nebraska's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Montana's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Mississippi's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Missouri's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

These are my top 12 most taken quizzes. The number associated with each is a number 1 - 12. This represents the place it is in my top 12, not the amount of takes it has (since I don't want to have to update this Chart that often).

Ce graphique représente les membres du serveur discord de l'Alliance JetPunk Francophone par nombre de messages envoyées au cours de l'année 2024.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of the populations of the Southeast (AL, AR, FL, GA, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV), Pacific Northwest (AK, OR, WA), West (AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, MT, NV, NM, OK, TX, UT, WY), Northeast (CT, DE, DC, ME, MD, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT), and Midwest (IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, MI, MN, MO, NE, ND, OH, SD, WI) from the 1790 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Minnesota's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Michigan's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Massachusetts' population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This is a line chart displaying the growth of Maryland's population from the 1900 census to 2025.

This chart shows the positions of songs from the top 10 of the Billboard Hot 100 2024 year-end chart on the weekly charts. Please do not use these charts to cheat on my quizzes.

This will show the growth in takes of my top 10 quizzes over the next seven days.

Only like 30 songs and I don't really listen to it all too much.

Number of Countries with a Population over 200,000,000 by UN Projections

Featured quizzes only, except for Telugu