JetPunk Change Log
You can now play Minesweeper on JetPunk. Check it out!
A new quiz format has been created! Sudden Death will end the quiz as soon as you get one answer wrong. Try it out today: Capital Cities - Sudden Death.
You now have the option to disable the zooming on SVG quizzes using the option in the SVG selection pane. Thanks to Dimby for his suggestion on the Message Board!
In an effort to move away from Reddit, QM has introduced the JetPunk Message Board. This is where you can ask questions, get help, post ideas etc.
This feature is still in testing
Indonesia has a new capital! Nusantara has joined the World Capitals quiz, other quizzes will follow in due course.
Edit, the next morning:
Or does it... Information on the internet is scarce to non-existent. Wikipedia changed the capital to Nusantara so I followed suit. But maybe some key ceremony didn't take place? Because Wikipedia says that in the SAME ARTICLE where says that Nusantara is the capital. Which is it? Why are there no sources anywhere? We'll allow Jakarta as a type in for that answer for the time being. Hopefully this gets cleared up in the next few days. What a mess and I apologize.
Further edit:
We are reverting back to Jakarta. I should not have made the change and I apologize again. Wikipedia led me astray but I should have held out for official sources. If and when the official decree is made, I will change the quiz but no stats will be reset.
New feature! You can now submit a question for consideration in our Daily Trivia challenges.
Visit the Daily Trivia page and then hit "Submit a Question".
We can't wait to see what great questions you'll come up with.
You can now create your own playlists, featuring any JetPunk quizzes. Create one here
Check out our newest badge: The Greece Badge.
Click Map quizzes now have the option to use multiple columns instead of a single scrollable column. Example: Europe Map Quiz
Check out our newest badge: The Africa Badge.
A long overdue change, the Elements of the Periodic Table quiz has finally been updated to use the official IUPAC names for elements. The only change for most featured quizzes was "Cesium" to "Caesium".
Albanian and Picard have been added to the Countries by Language list!
Quizzes which you have given a spotlight award to are now visible on the Your Favorite Quizzes page.
Series can now be created with non-latin character names (e.g. Chinese or Japanese names)
The closest thing JetPunk has to a personalized "Spotify Wrapped"! See what it's all about here: Your JetPunk Quiz Report 2023.
For all of 2024, enjoy a "Word of the Day" on JetPunk at the bottom of each quiz page!
Announcing a new feature: Streaks!
Now, when you complete a quiz with 100%, confetti will explode briefly onto the page in celebration!
After many months (even years) of development and exploration, JetPunk now has its very own Shop! You can read all about it in our announcement blog.
On your Create / Edit Quiz page, you can now filter by series using the filter above the table of quizzes.
Blog and Chart creators can now choose whether to send a notification when updating them. Unlike a quiz, blogs and charts don't have the same concept of "resetting", so the choice to update subscribers on a change is now given.
You can now import / export the text from Picture quizzes. If you retain the id of an answer, you can use this to update the text of an answer (while retaining the image.
Additionally, you can now Ctrl+Shift+V to multi-line paste into map-click quizzes.
Once a tile select quiz finishes, the tiles are now sorted into whether they should've been selected or not. Hopefully this makes tile select stats a bit more palatable.
You can now see a list of the 500 most-recently taken quizzes on your account: Recent Taken Quizzes.
After the introduction of JetPunk's Baseball Facts being positive, we have now added JetPunk's Basketball Facts!
Telugu has now been added as an unfeatured language. See all the quizzes for it here.
Stats for randomized quizzes are now available. These represent the % the answer was guessed in the event that answer was selected to be answered.
You can now sign-up to Notifications when a JetPunk Word Search puzzle is on the front page from the Manage Notifications page.
Also, if you are subscribed to me (Stewart) for quizzes, then you'll also receive notifications when a new puzzle is created!
After a two month hiatus, JetPunk Word Search has returned and is better than ever.
Read the full story here!
The price for JetPunk Premium will be going up soon. Until March 15th, you can still lock in the legacy rate of $35 / five years. After that, the price will be increasing to $20 / year or $40 / three years.
You can also now purchase Premium for another user, or a gift certificate to print out and be redeemed.
Unfortunately, due to changes in advertising partners we now have a legal requirement to get your consent for cookies to be used on site.
For more information, see our Privacy Policy.
Optionally see the scoring scale of a featured quiz after it has ended, to easily see what score is needed to achieve each point value.
Comments can now be collapsed to easily avoid long threads, and also the maximum comment reply depth is 3 as opposed to 2 levels
You can now multi-line paste with Ctrl+Shift+V in the chart editor, just like you can for the quiz editor.
Bar Charts now allow text input on the X-Axis to be used for labels.
After 1 whole year, JetPunk's Daily Word Search has finally come to an end. Read more about the reason's why in December's Round-Up, and see the blog of all the stats from the whole year here: JetPunk Word Search - A Year of Searching.
In the past, there have been issues where Brightness and Contrast settings do not match the resulting image. This has been fixed, and we've also expanded to include Saturation! (So you can do grayscale with saturation=0).
As well as this, you can now crop the image on mobile as well!
Interesting facts not interesting enough for you? Well take a look at JetPunk's Baseball Facts instead!
You can now use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+S to start any quiz, and arrow keys can now be used to navigate the grid in Tile Select quizzes.
On Tag pages you can now filter quizzes by only showing those which are untaken.
Errors in Typeins are now more prominently shown, and can be easily extracted by clicking the "Show Errors" button on the right-hand side.
Notifications have now been added for collaborations, quizzes added to groups, new and updated charts, and also newly featured quizzes in any featured language. Go to the relevant New and Reset page for each language to sign up for notifications.
You also have more options for disabling notifications on the Manage Notifications page.
Tag pages will now show your best score on a quiz - if you have taken it.
Badges are now calculated based on your current results. This means if a quiz in a badge gets reset, you will need to re-earn the badge.
The User Stats for all languages now allows you to filter the table by language: Total User Stats.
Also, you can now see New and Reset quizzes for all on the new page: All New and Reset Quizzes.
If you have ever received a spotlight on one of your quizzes, it will now appear here: Your Spotlights, accessible from the Recent Spotlights page for those that have had one.
You will also now receive a notification when you are awarded a spotlight, or one of your quizzes receives a spotlight. These can be toggled off on the Manage Notifications page.
Some minor blog changes, starting with the abilty to delete components simply by dragging them to the "Delete Area" on the right hand side.
You can also now set quick links to be numbered instead of just bullet points, with additional options per Heading to:
- Set the Heading to now appear in Quick Links
- Set the Heading to increment first number, i.e. to be a Heading
- Set the Heading to increment the second number, i.e. to be a Subheading
The controls of quizzes have been slightly reorganised to place Pause, Untimed and Help near the timer itself, while "Give Up?" has been made more obvious and moved more out of the way.
Similar to the addition of French Facts earlier this year, the French community has joined together to create their version of interesting quotes too! Take a look: Citations.
You can now modify which type of notifications you wish to receive via the Manage Notifications page. You can still manage your subscription from here as well.
If you wish to mute notifications from a specific friend, you can do this via the Friends page, clicking on the button and toggling the notification checkbox.
Two new categories have been added to Geography Snap, as well as several performance improvements on the back-end!
Clickable quizzes are now available for you to create. These allow you to create one-to-one matching quizzes, or one-to-many quizzes where the answers can be reused. Try it here. An example quiz is Word Addition Click Quiz.
Premium Members can now see their Top Days and Top Quizzes by Day in a new report, available from Quiz Analytics!
We've had a deep reorganization of our navigational menus at the top, as well as many other back-end changes to improve this part of the site.
Charts now have the option to invert the direction of their axes.
After you finish a quiz, you can now more easily play the next or previous quizzes in the series using the buttons provided (next to the retake button). Also, on English quizzes, you can share your result by copying it to the clipboard, which can be easily pasted onto any social media feeds!
An example of this is shown below:
Random Countries on the World Map
I got 19 / 20 for 4 / 5 points
User stats page will now show your progress through a level, similar to post-quiz stats. You can also filter by quiz type on other languages.
After community suggestions and discussions on the Word Search Feedback Blog, many suggestions have now come to fruitition. With all-time stats, a challenge mode and community-voted themes, there's lots to look forward to with JetPunk's Daily Word Search! Read all about the changes in the new monthly round-up: Word Search Round-Up - February 2022
View stats on your Total Level and Total Points for all featured quizzes in the "Total" page of User Stats.
JetPunk introduces a brand new daily minigame, JetPunk Daily Word Search! Enjoy a brand new puzzle each and every day, hand-crafted to perfection. More Info
Chart lovers can now create Bar Charts! When creating a chart, you can select the chart type in Step 1 on the right hand side. You also have the choice of bar width and whether to stack multiple series ontop each other.
You can create charts by going to "Create" in the navigation bar and then clicking the green button "Create Chart".
Introducing Series Analytics! Now, when Premium members use Quiz Analytics they can select "Series Report" to get the total takes by day for all quizzes in a selected series.
Note: When first running for a series it can be slow, and bigger series will take longer
Rejoice! Numbered quizzes and blogs in series will now be sorted correctly, regardless of where the number appears in the title. You will have to resave your series to apply the change.
We also added the option for blog series to have the order of the blogs manually changed, simply go to the blog series page and click "Reorder". Note: due to technical restraints, modifying the series through the "Manage Series" page will reset the order.
Thanks to a massive collaboration between many members of our French community, I am pleased to present Anecdotes! The French version of "Interesting Facts"! It also comes with its own Chercher des anecdotes (aka search page).
Thanks to youtubeplayer, a condensed Polish version of the JetPunk SVG Guide is now available. It is linked, along with the Italian version, here: JetPunk SVG Guide.
As a special holiday gift to you all, all JetPunk pages will now feature a Christmas Jeppy in the navigation bar. Enjoy!
On User Analytics, Premium members can now select a custom number of days to show for charts, as well as the option to overlay a 7-day average.
Due to an increase in toxic behaviour, we have implemented major changes to blogs as well as the ability to disable comments on quizzes, blogs and charts. See more here: It's Time For A Change
Blogs can now be tagged as a Badge Blog.
Also, you can now search all Interesting Facts and Interesting Quotes using the new Interesting Search page.
Continuing JetPunk Dark Mode, we have now updated all JetPunk Standard SVGs to the new Dark Mode SVGs. All quizzes using JetPunk Standard SVGs (e.g. the world map) will have the update automatically applied.
For those wishing to update custom maps, see the new question on JetPunk's SVG Guide: How do I make SVGs for Dark Mode?
Note: We will not be updating SVGs on quizzes manually, unless it is necessary, it is up to users to fix it themselves where desired.
We added dark mode. You can access it via the "More" menu on the nav bar.
After saying I wasn't going to do this for years, I changed my mind for selfish reasons. Unfortunately, I recently had something called Posterior Vitreous Detachment (PVD) in both eyes. This is something that happens to almost everyone eventually, but rarely people as young as me. Unfortunately, my PVD was unusual because it led to a detached retina in my left eye. I've had two surgeries so far, and at least one more is planned. With luck, I will recover most of my vision in a few months but it's not certain. My right retina is still in tact but I have a ton of annoying floaters now. All this makes starting at a white screen very unpleasant. So now, on JetPunk at least, I can stare at a dark screen instead!
Many small fixes and additions today:
- Copying JetPunk Charts didn't change the title correctly
- Adding a Chart to a Blog when you have no Charts caused problems
- Charts with empty rows didn't format correctly
- Charts using dates would fail to draw if just one date was invalid
- Map Quizzes with answers starting with non-alphanumeric characters now jump-to-letter correctly
- Geography Snap now shows your total matches in the top box
- Snap Stats now shows the total matches by user in the chart
- Blogs with images will now show the image caption when showing a larger version of the image
- Recent Quizzes in non-featured languages can now filter by language in the table
On the User Notifications page (click the bell icon), you can now mark comments as "unread". This will give you back the notification for that comment, allowing you to read it later the next time you visit the notifications page. You can unread as many comments as you'd like, as many times as you need.
You can now add your JetPunk Charts into a JetPunk Blog! The chart must be published, and must be created by you to be used in the blog.
Users can now create their own JetPunk Charts. Just go to the main create page and then click "Create Chart".
You can now see all your friends' scores for Geography Snap! Simply click the link on the right-hand side of the Snap page, or go direct here: Geography Snap - Friends Stats
If you are sick of getting friend requests, you can now disable social features on your account.
Premium users can now compare two quizzes at once using the new "compare" report in Quiz Analytics.
On each map quiz's stats page, you can now display Your % on the map instead of the quiz's % as a whole. Example here
Also, on a user's page you can now filter quizzes by rating.
Because of too many repetitive quizzes, we will now be featuring quizzes from further down the list of nominated quizzes.
The quiz with the most nominations will still be featured each week, but any additional featured quizzes will be chosen based on CREATIVITY.
When editing images on desktop, you can now fix a specific aspect ratio to ensure the image is always the proportions you want (e.g. Square).
Randomized questions are now possible in Tile Select quizzes, however due to limitations of the stats system, you must have the same number of tiles in each question for this to be possible. Also, Tile Select quizzes can now have up to 100 questions instead of just 20.
You can also now change the question of Tile Select using left/right arrow keys or tab / shift+tab.
Minor improvements to groups, including the the owner being able to delete a group and edit its name and description. Also the ability to jump to a comment from the User Notifications page.
We have also added graphs to Friend Stats pages, similar to those within Quiz Stats
After some issues were brought up with the new "type in cells" of Step 2 in Text Quizzes, we have now changed this again to a different system. We believe this new system is much more reliable, with far fewer problems. The downside? You can no longer edit HTML directly, and so to do this use the new "Edit HTML" button.
A small downside for a small number of users, largely outweighed by the massive benefits in stability of the changes. Most of the changes were backend, so most users likely won't notice them.
This means to add <br> tags, you can just simply click enter in the cell!
Today we reimagined what the Quiz Editor could be, and added a bunch of new features to it including Random Picture quizzes and picture in Tile Select quizzes. You can see the update blog here: The Create Update
Pictures within Multiple Choice quizzes can now have their attribution shown after the quiz is finished by clicking on them.
Some minor changes and fixes today. Notably including group notifications for the group owner (only the group owner), adding quizzes you've nominated but haven't been featured into Your Favorite Quizzes (accessible from your user drop down). Also hovering over circles in the dot placer now shows their name.
You can now create Groups on JetPunk. This can be used to share quizzes and scores with a group of people who share similar interests.
Today we released The Blog Update. This has been a major development for 2 months now, and is finally available to users!
Read all about it here: The Blog Update
We will now be highlighting more user quizzes on the front page with the User Spotlight feature.
Today we gave blog owners the power to delete comments from their own blog. We hope this helps to reduce spam within the blog comments. Read more here.
You can now remove ignored users, allowing them to add you as friends.
Also, friends stats are now available from the more info box on every quiz.
You can now search for pictures by answer in the picture selector when creating a picture quiz. Simply click "Search within collections" then type a search term and it will show up to 30 images from quizzes with that term in that image's answer.
The old blog article on Collaboration I wrote was outdated and largely useless now. Thankfully, we have a new info page with the information on it! Collaboration on Quizzes.
We've added picture choices to Multiple Choice quizzes, simply select the green image icon and select a picture, then it will appear as a choice instead of text!
You can also choose the layout of the choices now, as well as having up to 8 options instead of 6!
We added Super Tables to many more pages, including All Featured Quizzes and Recent User-Quizzes.
You can now schedule a quiz to be in a series once released. To do this, schedule a quiz as normal and then select a series from the selection box in the scheduler window. The quiz will be added to the series immediately after scheduling.
We added more regions and updated the user countries map shown on users' profiles. You can edit your own map here: Edit Countries Visited Map.
A massive thank you to IAB whose subdivision maps were a massive help in getting this update done
You can now search and filter quizzes on the Create Quiz page by type and language.
Today we added a way for user's to add tags to their French quizzes. Originally, French tags were only given by Stewart or Quizmaster, but now we have given the option for Premium french users to access this feature for their quizzes as well. Note that French tags are not fully created yet, so if a tag doesn't exist right now, it may do in the future.
If you have French quizzes, a new button on "Create" at the top will appear for you to add tags to your French quizzes. Alternatively visit this page.
Quizmaster released a new minigame, and this time evil demons are, yet again, trying to destroy the United States!
Try your hand at putting back together the U.S. in our U.S. State Puzzle minigame!
For all Geography Snap fans, you can now enjoy Capital Cities alongside your usuals for the game. We've also expanded the game modes so you can select any combination of categories you wish!
Due to spam, users will now only be able to submit one blog post per 24 hours.
We've made some changes to the navigation bar at the top of the site to reduce crowding and allow for future additions.
We've made some improvements to Multiple Choice Quizzes, including the option to randomize questions!
We also added importing and exporting, akin to Text and Map quizzes, so you can export your quiz to a spreadsheet, as well as then importing a quiz from a spreadsheet. To see the formatting for this, try exporting a Multiple Choice quiz to see.
You can now see all series created by a user. This is linked on their user profile and on each of their series pages.
You can now see quizzes collaborated with you on the Create / Edit Quiz page. To uncollaborate from any quiz, simply click the button on the end of its row.
Today the index of information pages was updated with a modernized appearance.
You can now see the answer stats for an SVG quiz on the map! These are color-coded based on % guessed, just visit and quiz's stats page (that has an SVG and is non-randomized) to see it.
A note that we released a brand new minigame, Geography Snap, on October 25th! See the blog about it here: A New JetPunk Minigame.
In other small changes, we've expanded Super Tables further to Most-Taken User Quizzes (including adding a new language selector there) and to Your Favorite Quizzes as well as the often-used New and Reset Quizzes page! Lastly, we also added a new "reply" button to the last comment of a chain, to make it clearer that you can reply there, but the indent level will remain the same.
We have begun converting some of our tables into "Super Tables". These new tables are searchable, sortable and filterable! You can also select a random quiz from the table with a single button.
As of today, you can see these changes on any User Quiz Page, Series Page or any Quiz Suggestions Page. (To access the latter, simply finish a quiz and click "More Suggestions" in the grey box at the top).
Over time, we will continue to convert other tables to include this new functionality.
Quiz creators can now block users from commenting on their quizzes.
We made many behind-the-scenes changes to how our site works in order to reduce the time we spend moderating quizzes and comments.
We've taken action to reduce the amount of spam on our Recent User Blogs page. Some users have now been hidden due to excessive and low quality blog posts. Don't let this happen to you! Use proper punctuation and spelling today.
Today we made a few small changes, including:
- Nominations will now show how many you have left, and how long you have to wait if you've run out. They are also visible to the user themself on their quiz index page.
- You can now remove your rating from a quiz by clicking the small grey "x" to the right.
- Private quizzes are now "link-only" and won't be visible in a user's quiz list except to the user themselves.
- In the quiz editor you can now add / remove caveats more easily, as well as collapse or expand all type-ins at once.
- For our color-blind users, we now make standard city-circles a little darker so they can be more easily differentiated from the correct cities.
Stewart has added a bunch of new features to make it easier to add maps to a quiz. There are so many changes it's hard to summarize them all. Fortunately, you can read all about them in this blog post.
Thanks to Stewart for all his hard work to make this possible!
Update (June 23rd) - We have now added zooming capability on clickable map quizzes too, by popular demand.
Finnish is now a featured language! A massive thank you to user Penguinish for translating the site into Finnish for us!
Along with this, all featured languages will now have a front page, meaning a new quiz will appear there every day!
You may have noticed that we made a change to the sidebar to make it look less cluttered. We also added a new page showing the most-taken quizzes per day by language.
Slow typists rejoice. We've added a couple more type-ins. "NZ" will now work for New Zealand, and "KSA" will now work for Saudi Arabia.
We have expanded our list of most-nominated quizzes to show all quizzes with at least 3 nominations.
We now accept "DR" as an official type-in for the Dominican Republic.
Quiz creators can now mark a quiz as "private" if they don't want it to show up in the recent user quizzes list or in search.
This option is located underneath "language" in Step 1 of the quiz editor.
You can now mark a comment on one of your quizzes as "sticky" so that it will always appear at the top of the comments section.
Sometimes, updated quizzes appear on the Recent User Quizzes page and on e-mails sent to subscribers.
To prevent clutter, we've changed the criteria for when a quiz will appear in those places. Here are the new criteria...
1. The quiz must have new or changed answers.
2. The quiz can only be marked as updated every so often, depending on how often it has been taken.
Times taken | Minimum interval |
1000 + | 3 months |
250 + | 6 months |
50 + | 10 months |
10 + | 24 months |
< 10 | never |
And kind of unrelated, but I went over to the French blog page and now I feel cheated. Why must the English page be so different?
A question for you. Why do you feel the need to ask for big changes seemingly every other day?
It seems like once a blog drops off page 5 of the RUB, you'll never find it again unless you know the name or the user who published it, and for blogs several years old this is a bit of an issue
"You can only have a certain number of pending invitations open at a given time.
You'll be able to send more when time passes or when people accept your invites."
Also in future questions should be asked on the message board not here. This is a changelog.
after that, do they expire?
If not, how do you make the dots invisible until guessed
For example, most SVGs save with 3, 4 or even 5 decimal places in the path definitions. Nobody can see the difference of 0.001 pixel on a screen, so it is useless extra information.
I wish to know this to be sure I haven't been making mistakes in calculations when counting. By which I mean this type of page ( Thanks!
Also, notifications for new features.
Just a question how come there are no sound effects or anything (just curious)
Might as well put it out there.
Quick links on the ChangeLog
Also whammies?
Earlier saves also no, as then we'd have to store every single time someone saved a quiz... potentially requiring 5x+ the amount of storage space.
Quizzes, blogs, and message board posts are unaffected
I guess the question would be if it was worth it for the Quizmaster or Stewart to put the effort in to make it
It’s a really small issue but I also lost a lot of work because I was told the blog was unlocked so I started writing.
You have to be very careful with collaboration, we don't have the resources nor money to have dedicated cloud servers that check for changes every second like Google or Microsoft.
request it be same for charts if not already
was there a change in users using nominations or amount given?