Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Leader who said "I have a dream" | Martin Luther King, Jr. | 89%
Celebrity who said "we're more popular than Jesus now" | John Lennon | 84%
Fill in the blank: Houston, Tranquility Base here. The _____ has landed. | Eagle | 82%
Article of clothing that feminists supposedly burned | Bras | 79%
Type of hat famously worn by Che Guevara | Beret | 69%
Country that won its first, and to date only, FIFA World Cup in 1966 | England | 63%
Tycoon who Jackie Kennedy married in 1968 | Aristotle Onassis | 61%
Medical procedure which South African surgeon Christiaan Barnard became the first person to perform | Heart transplant | 60%
The first person to go into space | Yuri Gagarin | 56%
Artist whose studio was called "The Factory" | Andy Warhol | 54%
Central European capital whose "spring" was crushed by Soviet tanks | Prague | 51%
Gang that provided security for the Rolling Stones at the Altamont Free Concert | The Hells Angels | 49%
Holiday on which North Vietnam launched a major offensive | Tet | 47%
African-American winter holiday first celebrated in 1966 | Kwanzaa | 46%
Pesticide criticized in the book "Silent Spring" | DDT | 42%
Mao's effort to purge traditional elements from Chinese society | The {Cultural} Revolution | 41%
Event which Bob Beamon won at the 1968 Summer Olympics, besting the previous world record by more than half a meter | Long jump | 40%
Country which experienced massive student and worker protests in May of 1968 | France | 39%
City that was "swinging" | London | 37%
Author of the true crime novel "In Cold Blood" | Truman Capote | 37%
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