But so long as there aren't any other Star Wars films included in this quiz, the short form "Star Wars" for ep. 1 should still be enough (it is in almost all other quizzes), especially since it was the only Star Wars film released in the 1990s.
It's highly debatable that the society in Starship Troopers is fascist. It looks more like an US-like free society, that happens to face hostile aliens bombing Earth with asteroids. It doesn't have the traits of a fascist government like a totalitarian system that crush basic rights.
"Service guarantees citizenship" means that you need to invest strongly in the common good for privileges like voting or holding a public office, but it's an opt-in, not mandatory. Non-citizens, called "civilians", only lack political power.
That's kind of like saying "Rocky Horror Picture Show" is an obscure movie because it didn't do well at the box office when it was first released.
Jar Jar doesn't even sound like any Jamaican I've heard!
"Service guarantees citizenship" means that you need to invest strongly in the common good for privileges like voting or holding a public office, but it's an opt-in, not mandatory. Non-citizens, called "civilians", only lack political power.