Sorry to nitpick (I do love this quiz otherwise), but something about that English muffin clue strikes me as a bit of a stretch. Both the term "English muffin" and cornet specifically refer to things that, though they may be similar to the items you're looking for, are distinctly different from them. The food item is cooked very differently from an English muffin. The instrument makes a very different sound from a cornet. Neither of the words you're looking for can be described as a type or variety of the word you've given, let alone a synonym.
The cornet makes "a very different sound" from a trumpet? I grew up playing both and the sounds are far more similar than they are distinct. If you were comparing a flute to a cornet maybe.
I am from England and a crumpet is certainly not considered a muffin. A muffin is usually a sweet bun, not a form of bread non sweet thing that is closer to bread but im not sure what the american meaning of muffin is.
It doesn't say English Muffins, it says English muffins. I know it's picky but a crumpet is most definitely a muffin that is mostly thought of as English.
My problem was reading "cornet" as "comet" (it's that rn combo) and was looking for a muffin rhyme for Halley. It must be my font, but the words still look identical.
Great fun quiz. I am english but have never heard a crumpetreferred to as any kind of muffin so I did not get that one. The momma llama I got but actually entered mama llama which rhymes better than momma llama.
'Momma' isn't even a real word, not outside the USA anyway, and it certainly doesn't rhyme with llama. Now, a 'crisis with a South American pack animal', or 'llama drama' would be fairer game.
Can't really agree with you there QM - it's close, but the llama has a much harsher 'a' than momma. I'd grant you 'mama' as acceptable but I think you're pushing too hard for momma. Also, there's a large element of US accent required for momma to even be considered.
Confectionary refers to a place that sells confections. I think simply confection would be a better fit. I also agree that Mama Llama rhymes better than Momma Llama.
Do momma and llama rhyme?! Certainly not where I live. Well momma is american anyway and im english so I wouldnt have got this. But I thought it was pronounced mom-a. And llama, larma. But maybe not in the u.s. just thought id ask.
the person who said there are lots of south american animals. True. It was difficult. But this is meant to be fun quiz, guess it could have been a bit more specific but I have to give kudos for imagination
I'm very confused by all the people mispronouncing llama. Llama is a homonym (is pronounced exactly the same as) lama, as in Dalai Lama. Does that help?
I am fairly certain that "Person who deserves a gold star" should be accepted for "Person who strikes Eminem with his palm," regardless of whether it rhymes...
i think calling someone's natural accent "creative" pronunciation is a bit cruel.. i have lived in Australia 50 years but still get asked what part of England i am from, but i don't have a pronounced regional accent..... however in the UK they reckon i sound Australian....
As a non-native speaker I thought of these (probably not very accurate) alternatives: writer beater, funny penny, postsquash sasquatch (far-fetched but I still wanted to share it), hubble rumble.
Hit play. It's a perfect rhyme.
I missed the llama one. Was trying to find a word that rhymed with "mother" and didn't even know that was where llamas originated from...
Do momma and llama rhyme?! Certainly not where I live. Well momma is american anyway and im english so I wouldnt have got this. But I thought it was pronounced mom-a. And llama, larma. But maybe not in the u.s. just thought id ask.
the person who said there are lots of south american animals. True. It was difficult. But this is meant to be fun quiz, guess it could have been a bit more specific but I have to give kudos for imagination
1) There are lots of different accents
2) Many people have their own "creative" pronunciations
Gonna gift them an English dictionary so they can do a check this quiz.