
2000s Catchphrases

Fill the blanks in these memorable catchphrases from the decade of 2000 to 2009.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: August 27, 2018
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First submittedApril 8, 2010
Times taken342,404
Average score50.0%
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Kanye West
Imma let you finish
Talladega Nights
Shake and bake
Chad Ochocinco
Child, please
Are you not entertained?
Saturday Night Live
More cowbell
I'm kind of a big deal
The Office
That's what she said
Pimpin' ain't easy
The Internet
Don't tase me, bro
Sex and the City
He's just not that into you
Project Runway
Make it work
The tribe has spoken
There Will be Blood
I drink your milkshake
How I Met Your Mother
Legen - wait for it - dary
Hug it out
George W. Bush
You're either with us or against us
Level 36
Jun 20, 2011
1/16 :D
Level 79
Sep 16, 2021
Stop your nonsense. You're just the afterbirth, Eli.
Level 14
Jan 5, 2022
3/16 :D
Level 77
Jul 15, 2011
I was born in 1992 and I beat over 75% of people in the 60's and 80's quizzes, yet for the 90's and 2000's one I beat less than 40% on both? How did I manage that? :(
Level 28
Aug 8, 2011
I would have gotten legendary if you hadn't abbreviated the name of the show. Any way to fix that?
Level 38
Oct 8, 2011
@ frankly my dear: me too...
Level 69
Oct 31, 2011
same here
Level 41
Nov 11, 2011
I have never said any of these in real life.

Taze should be acceptable for tase.

Level ∞
Nov 11, 2011
Taze will work now.
Level 14
Nov 24, 2011
@sierrasupafly: Thats not true. I have definately heard lots of these quotes on the internet and at school. And @dombski: The office is amazing, what planet do you live on?! And get off mine!!
Level 45
Aug 8, 2014
Wait. How can you ask somebody what planet they live on and then tell them to get off yours? If they live on your planet, you shouldn't need to ask them what planet they live on!
Level 67
Jan 29, 2022
Perhaps they are only visiting his planet?
Level 39
Mar 6, 2012
This is the worst quiz I have ever taken on Jet Punk. How can you get more stupid quotes?
Level 44
Dec 9, 2021
Lol the 2000s was a pretty stupid decade
Level 38
May 22, 2012
I only got two. And I'm alive in the 2000's. These are my years. And I got two, one because of my sister's obsession with Barney form HIMYM. ._.
Level 31
Jun 9, 2012
way tougher than the 90s! and these really aren't even that great of phrases ...
Level 26
Jun 11, 2012
...I've never heard anyone say any of these.
Level 15
Jul 26, 2012
you should be able to take a quote and call it a catchphrase! i've heard of thats what she said, but thats about it. the 60's. 70's, eighties and nineties catchphrases were actually things i would hear my parents and their friends say in their conversations the the dinner table. no one says "the tribe has spoken" in the middle of a conversation. use catchphrases, not popular quotes please
Level 15
Jul 26, 2012
i meant shouldn't at the beginning
Level 60
Oct 2, 2012
Only on JetPunk could you put Kanye West and George Bush in the same quiz.
Level 56
Jul 6, 2015
We ought to put them on the same spaceship.
Level 75
Feb 24, 2016
Lets get on it! let me know if I can help
Level 81
May 18, 2021
Geez, if only this guy could have seen into the future of 2018.
Level 29
Mar 6, 2013
I've heard people say "That's what she said" originated from The Office, but I was watching an old Beavis and Butthead episode (early 90's) and I heard Butthead say it. So I decided to look it up, and people are saying Wayne's World is the first documented use of it, but nobody really knows the origin. We need to solve this mystery.
Level 65
Mar 11, 2013
You are correct. That phrase goes back a long time. But, in the context of 2000's shows, it is fits here.
Level 37
May 15, 2013
I remember it being used when I was high school in the 80's. Yup, it's been around a while.
Level 66
May 25, 2014
We used to say it in the '70s, when Steve Carell was in high school.
Level 27
Mar 6, 2013
They all sound awkward anyway. And do people really say "I drink your milkshake", and if so, in which context?
Level 56
Mar 21, 2016
I'm with you, I wouldn't call this a catchphrase, as it really has no practical use. Or impractical, hip use, for that matter.
Level 60
Mar 6, 2013
Kanye and George Bush in the same quiz? That sounds like a good idea....
Level 69
Mar 9, 2013
Pimpin ain't easy was from the 90's.
Level 80
Jan 13, 2022
Earlier even. The Big Daddy Kane song came out in 1989.
Level 12
Jun 9, 2013
only 14/16

i couldnt get the 'there will be blood' or the entourage ones

Level 11
Mar 13, 2014
This is more "Tv Catchphrases" rather than 2000's catchphrases. You should clarify that.
Level 66
May 25, 2014
What Bush said was "You are either with us, or you are with the terrorists.".
Level 36
Aug 11, 2014
100% with a minute to spare, had to think real hard about some of these.
Level 36
Dec 23, 2014
I got a couple...even shows I watch didn't come to mind as a "catchphrase." I read blogs and listen to podcasts of Survivor contestants--and this fall I watched 3 seasons of the show--the new one and 2 past ones I missed. Yet not a soul ever said "The tribe has spoken!" Only Jeff says that and only after each person has been evicted.
Level 72
Jun 8, 2019
It would be really weird if others in the show would say that ... It is about phrases that OTHER people repeat. I havent heard this one irl myself ( not most of the other ones) but I can imagine this one being used. Like a group of people are deciding what to do that night or what movie to watch. And then someone says the tribe has spoken to indicate it is decided what they ll do (And I can mainly imagne it being said when not everyone is on bord yet, like this is the decision, no more arguments)
Level 43
Sep 6, 2015
Proud to say don't taste me bro came from my town
Level 40
Oct 30, 2015
tf no one says these??
Level 22
Jan 12, 2016
"Pimpin aint easy" is Big Daddy Kane. 1989.
Level 59
Oct 6, 2016
i did better on the 80s catchphrase quiz than this one and i was born in 2000...
Level 28
Feb 25, 2017
for the survivor one the correct phrase is "your tribe has spoken" not "the tribe has spoken"
Level 66
Mar 3, 2017
Level 36
Oct 5, 2017
I guess, no, I KNOW that I'm not a child of the 2000's. Got three (and by chance) ... any chance of doing one for baby Boomers?
Level 36
Oct 28, 2017
who the hell is Chad ochocinco? (Chad 800 ?) I mean wtf ?
Level 86
Feb 14, 2018
That would be Chad Ochocientos. Chad Ochocinco played football for the Bengals. I think Chad Ochocientos was a pianist.
Level 67
Oct 20, 2023
American football, for those confused. Thought he might have been Indian for a minute!
Level 70
Jul 10, 2018
Does saying something a single time make it a catchphrase? Or is the bar basically saying something publicly once that you then become known for?

How about the 2010s Trump catchphrase being, "We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated."?

Level 63
May 12, 2019
Only a Sith deals in absolutes
Level 81
May 18, 2021
Subtlety not one of Lucas' strong suits.
Level 72
Jun 8, 2019
Being into someone, instead of in to looks weird to me, since into indicates a movement (bump into a wall) or direction. (putting something into your pocket) and action.

I researched it before posting a comment, and apparently it is written as one word, so no corrections needed on the quiz.

But it still feels incorrect to me. Maybe because there is such a distinct difference in latin cases/declensions; the difference of going into a house (accusative) and being in a house (ablative).

And maybe because in Old English this was the case as well. Old English has often felt more natural to me because it is grammatically closer to languages I know, than modern english. (Though knowing how a language evolved helps a LOT with getting things right, but sometimes the language has already let go off certain rules, so at times it can be a slight disadvantage as well

Level 75
Jun 21, 2020
Might we be getting a 2010s catchphrase quiz sometime soon now that the decade is over?
Level 29
Sep 9, 2020
Level 28
Feb 18, 2021


You scored 5/16 = 31%

This beats or equals 25.7% of test takers

The average score is 8

Your high score is 5

Level 79
Sep 16, 2021
I drink your milkshake. I drink it up!
Level 37
Dec 6, 2021
taylor swift deserved better than that...
Level 71
Sep 7, 2023
Very much america-centric. Outside of the US, almost none of these are known let alone that it were catchphrases.
Level 66
Oct 16, 2024
When I saw Kanye’s photo, I really hoped it would have: “You like fishsticks? What are you, a ___ ____?”
Level 67
Feb 10, 2025
3/16, but got the one with the least percentage lol
Level 57
Feb 11, 2025
Grew up in the 2000s and I genuinely did better on the 60s catchphrases quiz. Some real "nobody said this outside of the TV show/song" items on this list