95% of the population in progressive countries live in the past. Not to say we shouldn't use words sensibly but you can't condemn the general populace for not learning the specific terminologies for tiny minorities by heart.
Nobody "condemned" anyone -- they just asked for a slight change.
I don't understand why this provokes such a reaction from some people. We adjust our language all the time -- do you speak the same way with your friends as you would with your boss or your grandma? It really shouldn't be a big deal to make such minor accommodations.
If you had read my post carefully you would have noticed that the slight accomodation was not the problem. Here's the deal: "doesn't sound like you're from the past" - so everyone who doesn't talk specifically like Tastymeatpie is from the past? Do you know how arrogant and removed from reality that sounds?
I've come to empathize with transgender people much more than before because of the posts of a user on another website. These posts explained the person's issues in a thoughtful and sensible manner and I've always made an effort to adjust my language ever since. You know what has the opposite effect? Someone creating borders between themselves and everyone who doesn't already know their terminologies. And that's exactly what "doesn't sound like you're from the past" expresses.
Can you not insist that people adopt your nonsensical newspeak? It's less chauvunistic and obnoxious and doesn't sound like you're from another planet.
Realistically, she did "change gender" though, so the term is accurate. If she just came out as transgender, but didn't have the surgery, fair enough, but she did biologically change gender, hence the term is correct.
Actually, by the technical definition, she changed sex, not gender. The whole argument is based on the crux that gender and sex are two separate things. Sex is what your sexual organs are, gender is what you are in your mind and heart. So, her argument would be that she was always gender female, but her sex was changed from male to female. Search "Genderbread Person" on Google for a good visual representation.
Thank you, Canuckquizzer1981, for explaining it perfectly (and to Tastymeatpie for bringing it up and to the other supporters and upvoters), although I would possibly add that gender isn’t just in the mind and heart, but also, neurologically, in the brain, as neuroscience is now discovering. People can disagree with the interpretations that led to the accepted proper nomenclature if they must, but I can’t understand why there would be a disagreement as to whether or not we should treat transgender people respectfully in this regard. It costs us nothing except for a minor course correction every now and again while we’re getting used to it – in our speech, in the wording of an online quiz, whatever – but it means the world to them.
Actually, the definition for gender has been changed to fit current opinions and beliefs about what gender is. So, to argue about the definition of the word "gender" is pointless. This is the problem with changing the definition of words to fit societal norms. When that is done, there is no basis for what the word means. Just like how "hate" can now mean you disagree with someone's beliefs instead of actually hating someone or something, or how "literally" is used to stress the importance of something when that isn't what the word means at all. Consulting a dictionary doesn't really help much anymore, because all 50 different definitions are now included for some of these words.
She didn’t change gender she changed SEX sex and gender are two very different things one is a real thing and one is social construct made to keep gender roles she came out and don’t argue that we are a small minority because we are not but we are not safe In most countries so a lot of us aren’t out and even in America once someone transitioned fully they might never tell because of how dangerous being transgender is in this world
I would think that there is no reason to complain about words changing to fit societal norms. All words mean what they mean because they reflect the way that society uses them. In response to ctleng76, the word "literally" has been used in an exaggerative sense for over a hundred years, yet crotchety 30-year olds still complain about it. And as far as the difference between "changing gender" and "coming out as transgender", people who haven't gone through the experience should allow those who have to determine the terminology. We do this all the time just to be decent people. It doesn't matter if your phrasing is "technically correct." I could say that when my dog died, it turned into a lifeless pile of meat. Societal rules say that's not right because society understands the experience of losing a dog. Even if you have never experienced that loss, you should still use a respectful phrasing to refer to the animal they loved. Just respect their human experience. :)
yes because it makes it sound like they randomly changed gender for no reason, its annoying to nitpick with countries but i think when it comes to this we should be respective as if caitlyn was right there.
I was about to claim “legit” as a Gen X invention (c.f. MC Hammer’s “Too Legit to Quit”, or behold the long version for a dizzying 15-minute spectacle with cameos galore), but when I looked it up, I learned that it’s been in use since 1897!
It may not belong in a quiz based on your personal knowledge of the decade’s newsworthy stories, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t belong here.
I, however, would like to know how my eating avocado on toast (it’s yummy!) cost so many poor Millennials their dream homes. So sorry, Millennials! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a couple slices of 12-grain in the toaster. You can live with your parents for another year or two, can’t you?
Oh, so it’s Millennials themselves eating avocados that is making them not be able to afford homes. Well that’s a relief; the way the question was worded, I thought they were blaming Boomers, Gen Xers (represent!), or even the Z’s eating avocados as somehow, twistedly, being the problem. On the other hand, they really need to stop shopping at Whole Foods if the price of an avocado there is on par with a house down payment.
Man, if I was a millennial I would be pretty mad at the idea that I can't get a home because I like avocado. That's pretty insulting. How about because the houses in the neighborhood their parents bought a home in for under fifty grand now cost half a million. Don't think skipping the avocados is gonna help much there.
No, you misunderstand. Everything is millennials' fault, and when millennials push back against the fact that Boomers have systematically rewritten the social order exclusively for their benefit, it's because millennials are crybabies. When someone whinges that he could afford a home at 25, so why can't millennials, we should not at all focus on the fact that the cost of home ownership has skyrocketed, as has the cost of college, which has become near-essential to get the kind of job that pays well enough to even have a shot at homeownership in a lot of places in the first place. No, we should focus on the fact that someone who could afford a home while working as a store manager in 1975 is obviously just a much harder worker than most young people today. Economics and finance has nothing to do with it. Young people are terrible and they ruin everything. No reason to think any harder than that.
Ha! You know, I thought it was being ironic, and then I googled it. Some of those articles on this were shocking. Glad it was meant to mock the articles and the people just trying to seek out the joy of avocado toast in their little studio apartments.
Guys, it's a joke. Some old guy in Australia said that millennials can't afford houses because they are buying too much avocado toast. He's obviously wrong, that's what makes it funny.
never heared about the dress. or flint (in relation to the water) and i don't think we have tide pods over here, so that went way over my head too. we have dreft pods. and ariel.
What if I told you there were communities in the United States with much more lead in the water than Flint and that no one cares? What about all the people in other countries with lead poisoning that especially no one cares about? I applaud the people who don't follow the news.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way.
The Maya did not predict the world would end in 2012. But then Nostradamus also predicted nothing. I challenge a sensible modern reader to find prophecy in what seems more like a late-medieval astrologer’s star sign chart. Immense leaps of both faith and logical reasoning are required.
'came out as transgender' is more accurate and doesn't sound like you're from the past
I don't understand why this provokes such a reaction from some people. We adjust our language all the time -- do you speak the same way with your friends as you would with your boss or your grandma? It really shouldn't be a big deal to make such minor accommodations.
I, however, would like to know how my eating avocado on toast (it’s yummy!) cost so many poor Millennials their dream homes. So sorry, Millennials! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a couple slices of 12-grain in the toaster. You can live with your parents for another year or two, can’t you?
I am so not a millenial.