Event | % Correct |
Joe Biden is elected President of the {United} {States} | 100%
The coronavirus pandemic starts in {China} | 100%
{Italy} is the first European country to suffer a major coronavirus outbreak | 93%
The {United} {Kingdom} finally leaves the E.U. | 93%
34 people die in bushfires in {Australia} | 85%
"Parasite", a movie from {South} {Korea}, wins the Oscar for Best Picture | 78%
{North} {Korea} is the largest country to record zero coronavirus cases, although their record-keeping might be a bit suspect | 76%
High on a Himalayan mountain pass, soldiers from {India} scuffle with soldiers from China, with fist fights and stone-throwing | 74%
Shinzo Abe resigns as Prime Minister of {Japan}. His eight-year term is the longest in the country's history. | 74%
Iranian general Qasem Soleimani is killed by a U.S. drone while in {Iraq} | 70%
{Iran} shoots down a commercial airliner but tries to cover it up | 70%
People in {France} are beheaded by terrorists because of cartoons of Mohammad | 68%
{Israel} normalizes relations with three more Arab countries | 67%
Led by epidemiologist Anders Tegnell, {Sweden} does not impose large-scale Covid restrictions | 65%
{Russia} becomes the first country to approve a Covid vaccine, skipping normal testing protocols | 61%
{Turkey} launches military operations in Iraqi Kurdistan | 60%
Qaboos bin Said, sultan of {Oman}, dies after a reign of nearly 50 years | 57%
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