Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Currency of Germany and Greece | Euro | 95%
World's longest river | Nile | 90%
The largest continent | Asia | 89%
Neighbor of Michigan | Ohio | 89%
Also known as Persia | Iran | 84%
Well known Scottish loch | Ness | 81%
Pleasant city on the French Riviera | Nice | 75%
Major ethnic group of the Middle East | Arab | 71%
Indonesian island with many tourists | Bali | 69%
Third biggest city in France | Lyon | 69%
Capital of Latvia | Riga | 69%
Irish name of Ireland | Eire | 68%
Mountain range between Europe and Asia | Ural | 68%
Former currency of Italy | Lira | 64%
Sicilian volcano | Etna | 62%
Honolulu's island | Oahu | 62%
Ivy League university in Connecticut | Yale | 58%
England's most famous boys college | Eton | 56%
River upon which Stratford lies | Avon | 54%
Title for a ruler of Dubai or Abu Dhabi | Emir | 53%
Place to find the Taj Mahal | Agra | 45%
Heavily populated river valley in Germany | Ruhr | 45%
County of England nearest to France | Kent | 42%
Ancient city in Turkey described in the Iliad | Troy | 42%
Shrunken sea of Central Asia | Aral | 37%
Capital of Greenland | Nuuk | 37%
Largest island in the Inner Hebrides | Skye | 25%
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