What about Sean for a common Irish name? I dunno how common that particular spelling is in the US but I would say that would probably be the most common (although not the only way) it is spelled here...
Ha! I got stuck on Eric as Ernie's pal - and I know it doesn't fit the chain but I just couldn't think beyond it - plus my chain broke and I had no idea about the Huxtables' 3rd child (or any other).
No idea who the Huxtable's are either. Also never in my life heard a Henry called Hank. That must be a solely US thing. It's certainly not made it to Britain.
'Sir Guinness' is a very clumsy clue, as that was never his name (and never could be anyone's, unless Guinness is used as a first name). He was Mr Guinness, and then he was knighted, which made him Sir Alec.
do you have a reference for ruth meaning mercy? I've looked in a bunch of dictionaries, us and british, and all agree that it means pity, grief, sorrow or remorse. although often associated with mercy these are not the same thing.
I'm confused by this question and answer. Thanks