
5-Letter History Chain #2

For each hint, enter a 5-letter word. The last letter of this word will be the first letter of the next word.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: April 29, 2023
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First submittedSeptember 17, 2015
Times taken55,731
Average score65.4%
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Pacific Northwest carving: ____ Pole
Main crop of the Aztecs
Houston, Tranquillity Base here.
The _____ has landed
The first general anesthetic
Lancaster vs. York: War of the _____
Shakespeare play: Taming of the _____
Country which Edward Longshanks
conquered from 1277–1283
Job for a poor Victorian child:
chimney _____
Student of Socrates, teacher of Aristotle
Drug that caused wars between
China and Britain
Term for a wall painting.
Diego Rivera was famous for them.
Language of ancient Rome
"I'm not a crook", he said in 1973
"Don Quixote" is often considered the
first example of this type of book
Pack animal of the Incas
"Remembered" battle of Texas
J.S. Bach's instrument
Term for a Brit who got rich in India
Musical genre that started in
the Southern U.S.
Scimitar, claymore, cutlass
Kansas frontier town
Country led by Nassar and Sadat
Type of Greek god such as Cronus
or Prometheus
An assassin in feudal Japan
Wife of Muhammad who narrated
2,210 hadiths
Leader of an abbey
Level 96
Sep 21, 2015
Wow, my mind screamed bluegrass for the musical genre, and then I couldn't think of anything else. To be so close...
Level 9
Feb 3, 2017
I thought bluegrass too even though I knew it was bluegrass. Pretty much every time I start a quiz I get a brainfart.
Level 61
Nov 15, 2015
I wasn't aware of ever hearing or seeing the word "nabob," but knowing the first and last letter, I guessed it on the first try.
Level 83
Nov 15, 2015
I've only ever heard it as "nabab", but that was in a French book.
Level 55
Nov 15, 2015
For years I thought in Apocalypse Now when Brando (Kurtz) is heard on the tape, that he said "Those na-bombs - I hate them, I do hate them" as some kind of abbreviation for napalm bomb. Turns out he was saying "nabobs".
Level 58
Feb 4, 2017
Don't remember "nattering nabobs of negativism"? Spiro Agnew quote.
Level 36
Apr 5, 2017
Sure do remember our Spiro Agnew. In retrospect, he doesn't seem so bad now, does he?
Level 69
Apr 26, 2021
I know it as "nabab" as well. Would it be possible to accept that?
Level 66
Nov 15, 2015
Can't an abbess also lead an abbey?
Level 77
Nov 15, 2015
Abbess has 6 letters
Level 55
Nov 15, 2015
Also, a tip - these chains always link up in a circle, so the last letter of the last clue is the first of the first.
Level 43
Nov 15, 2015
There has never been such a thing as a ninja in Japan. They were created entirely by media, and while there were samurais and sensei, there were never actually ninjas in Japan.
Level 60
Nov 16, 2015
A ninja (忍者?) or shinobi (忍び?) was a covert agent or mercenary in feudal Japan.

Level 74
Nov 15, 2015
Your clue for Nabob is a bit misleading. It does not refer to all Brits who got rich in India. It only refers to those who worked for the East India Company who got rich off of scams and corrupt dealings. Other than that, it is usually referring to a viceroy or governor. Additionally, Native Europeans used "nabob" to refer to those who returned from India after having made a fortune there. Source of my info, Wikipedia, the source Quizmaster is so fond of referencing.
Level ∞
Nov 16, 2015
"A nabob /ˈneɪbɒb/ is an Anglo-Indian term for a conspicuously wealthy man who made his fortune in the Orient, especially in the Indian subcontinent"

First line of the Wikipedia article

Level 79
Apr 26, 2021
Your argument: 1. Nabob only refers to people who got rich from the East India Company. 2. Native Europeans use "nabob" to refer to those who returned rich from India. 3. Therefore... wait, 1 and 2 contradict each other. What are you saying?
Level 79
Nov 17, 2015
I'd like to thank Spiro Agnew for helping me get "nabob".
Level 63
Nov 17, 2015
I was thinking of Aisha the whole time, but couldn't figure out the transliteration wanted!
Level 71
Apr 26, 2021
Same. I thought her name was only spelled "Ayesha." Similarly, I tried "Ester" but not "Ether" :P
Level 36
Feb 12, 2018
"Nattering Nabobs of Negativism." - Spiro Agnew
Level 40
May 17, 2018
Nabob is highly misleading. It seems like a derivative of the Urdu word Nawab which was used as a title by the Islamic emperors in India. Never heard Nabob being defined in this context. Please verify.
Level ∞
May 18, 2018
Level 67
May 17, 2018
25/26. I wouldn't've gotten Dodge in a million years.
Level 65
Oct 8, 2019
I hadn't thought it was in Kansas, more west like Colorado or Arizona or south in Texas.
Level 57
May 17, 2018
Nice quiz, however, "The Tale of Genji" is actually considered the world's first novel. Here is at least one source (though there are many): Otherwise, this was an interesting quiz.
Level 66
May 17, 2018
Dodge isn't a Kansan city, Dodge CITY is the frontier town. that clue is technically incorrect.
Level 36
Sep 28, 2018
Who cares? We got it! - Frontier town: Get out of Dodge! (usually followed by: "by sundown").
Level 47
Jan 16, 2019
Got Dodge, missed novel and blues. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Level 72
Nov 14, 2020
Opium did not cause the Opium Wars. The British Empire's desire to conquer the entire world regardless of the human cost caused the Opium Wars.
Level ∞
Dec 14, 2020
The Big Bang caused the Opium Wars.
Level 85
Apr 26, 2021
Never heard the Sprio Agnew "nabob" comment, but got it from n---b thanks to the genie's song from Aladdin. If not for that, I doubt I would've ever heard the word before.
Level 74
Apr 26, 2021
Just a technical correction: Hadiths are narrated not written. Aisha didn't actually write anything. It was written down by later Hadith collectors who traced the narration to Aisha, who in turn didn't author them, but only narrated what she heard from the Prophet. That last part assumes Aisha wasn't lying or making it up, but then you could say the same about the people who narrated what she said down the generations, or the Hadith collectors who wrote them down decades later.
Level 54
Apr 26, 2021
Agree, She was narrator of hadith
Level ∞
Apr 29, 2023
Level 64
Apr 29, 2021
Awwww, I read that as "First general aesthetic."
Level 58
May 3, 2021
Pretty sure the blues is north African
Level 67
Jun 6, 2021
In India Nawab was a post generally held by Muslim rules in parts like Bengal, Awadh etc. Tried several spellings but not Nabob.
Level 54
Nov 5, 2023
The only reason I got Aisha right was because of the pedophilia, that might be a better clue
Level 66
Nov 5, 2023
The first novel is generally credited to Shikibu with "The Tale of Genji." Can the Don Quixote clue perhaps be rephrased to, "First modern example?"
Level 46
Nov 5, 2023
i thought carving was as in meat and wall painting as in a painting hung on the wall. i feel very silly
Level 69
Nov 8, 2023
I keep forgetting the Alamo!
Level 91
Nov 28, 2023
I was taught that the first novelists were Defoe and Swift, but a little research shows that they were simply among the first English language novelists, far pre-dated by other examples. You live and learn eh?
Level 78
Dec 20, 2023
8/24, not even halfway to the average score… I am surprised most people knew “Opium”, “Eagle”, and “Maize”.