Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Studio that made "Toy Story" | Pixar | 91%
Mufasa's son | Simba | 90%
Academy Award | Oscar | 89%
WALL-E or T-800, e.g. | Robot | 89%
Movie about a red-headed orphan girl | Annie | 84%
Mr. Balboa | Rocky | 81%
Place for a chainsaw massacre | Texas | 81%
Planet from "Planet of the Apes" | Earth | 79%
Where Lindsay Lohan has been many times | Rehab | 72%
Kazakhstani movie character | Borat | 70%
Movie with a sexy pottery scene | Ghost | 69%
Joaquin's brother | River | 64%
Mike Tyson's pet | Tiger | 62%
Dragon from "The Hobbit" | Smaug | 61%
Devito/Schwarzenegger movie | Twins | 61%
How Ace Ventura says "delicious" | Yummy | 56%
Where Brad Pitt's character spent seven years | Tibet | 54%
Dennis Hopper movie: Easy _____ | Rider | 51%
Something to put on a shark, according to Dr. Evil | Laser | 45%
Jar Jar and Padme's home planet | Naboo | 39%
Frost interviewee | Nixon | 38%
Keanu Reeves movie: My Own Private _____ | Idaho | 37%
Rosemary's baby daddy | Satan | 37%
Jane Fonda's nickname: _____ Jane | Hanoi | 32%
Charlie Chaplin character | Tramp | 32%
Barbra Streisand movie | Yentl | 29%
Only sure way to kill an alien: Nuke it from _____ | Orbit | 22%
Bill and Ted's mentor | Rufus | 13%
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