
5-Letter Word Chain Game #2

For each hint, enter a 5-letter word. The last letter of this word will be the first letter of the next word.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: January 16, 2017
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First submittedNovember 14, 2014
Times taken63,949
Average score65.6%
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Australian dog
Drug made from poppies
Vaccine-preventable disease
Expert pool player
Former capital of Japan
Neighbor of the above
When the moon hits your eye, like
a big pizza pie, that's ...
Run away + marry
Not full
Canadian territory next to Alaska
Musical piece for nine musicians
Leg bone
Jewish leader
U.S. state famous for potatoes
Belted constellation
Israeli desert
Slow animal
Biggest city in Nigeria
Dutch oil company
Alpaca relative
Monastery leader
Place where everything's bigger
Lead singer of The Police
City in northwest Italy where
Christopher Columbus was born
Pleasant smell
Cupid's projectile
Coven member
Iliad author
Currency of Russia
Made a mistake
Level 66
Nov 20, 2014
I couldn't stop thinking of sloth for "slow animal." Could you give a better hint, like maybe "slow-moving gastropod?"
Level 73
Nov 24, 2014
:D I also thought of sloth first. "Snail" came to my mind shortly afterwards. But if I read such clue as yours, I'll most probably give up on trying to figure it out.
Level 66
Apr 6, 2016
I gave up. At first I thought I was spelling it wrong. Then I kept trying other variations. Slothe (Some British 'add an e' variation ), Sloths. (plural) etc.
Level 51
Apr 19, 2016
I did the same thing, MayaB. And I agree...I wouldn't remember what a gastropod was.
Level 77
Jun 14, 2017
yup - was stuck on sloth.
Level 77
Oct 28, 2023
Six years later, stuck on sloth again.
Level 58
Jun 15, 2017
No one spells sloth with an E on the end - it's not a British spelling at all.
Level 83
Dec 7, 2021
Not to mention that all of those efforts clearly break the five letter rule, so wouldn't be valid anyway. It's not that hard to understand...
Level 58
Jun 15, 2017
It's a shocker, when a quiz makes you have to think and work out what an answer might be when your initial thought isn't right...
Level 72
Jan 6, 2019
Really... I tried it like 6 times... eventually did get snail though (I was a bit slow I guess... ;) )
Level 91
May 29, 2020
I also thought of sloth, but then there would have to be a city in Nigeria called Hagos in order for it to work.
Level 55
Aug 25, 2023
exactly!!! i kept trying sloth but it didnt work
Level 66
Aug 27, 2023
I tried loris first - it's even in their name: some of them are called slow lorises. Then tried sloth. Never got snail.
Level 47
Oct 31, 2023
Level 76
Jan 9, 2015
Fun quiz. "Made a mistake". A little ambiguous. Could be taken as a noun and therefore ERROR or a verb in which case ERRED. I tried error and then went in a completely different direction. I think both should be accepted. Both are five letters, both work. Either one could trigger ERRED. Good quiz.
Level 68
Aug 30, 2016
How could "made a mistake" *possibly* be construed as a clue for a noun?? Maybe it could by someone who does not know what nouns and verbs are, but JetPunk is all about expanding our horizons and increasing our knowledge, not pandering to the lowest intellectual denominator. If someone gets "erred" wrong, they will learn something. If the completely wrong "error" is accepted, their grammatical deficiencies have no chance to improve.
Level 84
Jun 16, 2017
How could "made a mistake" *possibly* be construed as a clue for a noun??

If the answer is someone who made a mistake, it's quite possible to be a noun. It can't be a clue for "error" though, I agree about that.

Level 45
May 9, 2020
If you make a mistake when typing numbers on a calculator, for example, you can get an ERROR. It's one way to understand the clue. There's no reason for it to be accepted here, but it's not about 'grammatical deficiencies'...
Level 63
May 15, 2020
I'm going to agree with samiamco. If it was looking for "error" it would have just said "mistake" rather than "made a mistake." The word "made" is a clear indicator that it's looking for a verb, not a noun.
Level 63
May 29, 2020
the grammar doesnt really matter. next word starts with a "d".
Level 81
Apr 2, 2015
Knew all of these except I'd never heard of a "nonet" before... but... with the first and last letters and the clue that it's five letters long it wasn't difficult to deduce.
Level 60
Jul 18, 2017
Yeah, got that one on a pure guess, just plugging in letters between the n and t that sounded like they might be a musical word.
Level 74
May 29, 2020
Quartet, quintet, sextet, septet, octet, nontet...oh, wait. Who gave permission to take away the first t in nonet?
Level 74
Apr 2, 2015
Fun quiz. But an aroma isn't necessarily pleasant.
Level 68
Aug 30, 2016
I didn't think so either, but the dictionary says it is!!
Level ∞
Jun 10, 2023
Thank you for looking it up! I wish more people would do that.
Level 36
Apr 10, 2017
Yes it is. An aroma is pleasant, an odor not so. The confusion comes from people using the terms interchangeably, when they're not.
Level 68
Apr 5, 2015
Didn't read instructions, didn't know it was a chain... still got 25 though
Level 67
Jun 14, 2017
A clue like "Japanese city famous for it's protocol" may have helped. :-/
Level 62
May 31, 2020
no, no it wouldn't have
Level 53
Jun 14, 2017
I dont' agree with the "Empty" clue. Empty means there is nothing in the vessel/item/etc. but "not full" could or could not be empty. This should be tweaked.
Level 45
May 9, 2020
But "empty" is necessarily "not full", so the clue is correct.
Level 71
Dec 18, 2021
I suppose
Level 71
Dec 18, 2021
I agree
Level 63
Jun 14, 2017
Couldn't get beyond place where everything is bigger- Just made me thing of the clip from Father Ted! lol Good Quiz though
Level 75
Aug 23, 2020
lol so "close" would work for "place where everythings is bigger" :D
Level 80
Nov 17, 2018
Derp thought neighbour of the above meant the heavens :/
Level 72
Jan 6, 2019
Anyone else tried tardis for everything is bigger here? It also starts with a t and ends with an s (and yea I know it is 6 letters, but I still tried it, quizes arent Allways flawless.. and couldnt think of anything else. (Untill much later when I said the sentence outloud a few times)
Level 72
Jan 6, 2019
isnt calling a dingo a dog like saying a wolf is a dog? Doesnt seem correct to me. I believe dog and dingo are both subspecies of the wolf and not dog=dingo or dingo is a breed of dog. (ow and I missed two, but they were the lower percentage, one of them I really didnt get the sentence, had no idea what how who or when theywere asking.)
Level 74
May 29, 2020
I agreed with you until I looked it up. The first part of the definition of dingo was "wild or half-domesticated dog..." Every source I checked called them a wild dog. So, this old dog learned something new today. :)
Level 52
Jun 20, 2019
Got stuck for a few trying to figure out the different states of a potato... fries, fried, baked... Sigh. Wrong state!
Level 48
May 29, 2020
Me too, I was thinking Chip? Cooked? Mashed? All states I find potato in.
Level 71
Apr 24, 2020
Shell is the common name for an Anglo-Dutch company, so that question is not quite right. "Shell" was originally the British part of it in fact, the Dutch part used to be referred to as Koninklijke Olie (Royal Oil, try saying that fast in English). But now apparently the entity's name is Royal Dutch Shell PLC, with primary listing in London: even though the head office is in the Netherlands, you might just as well say it is a British company.
Level 74
Oct 28, 2023
And owned by Shell, Jr.
Level 70
Jun 1, 2020
Polio can also be prevented with a vaccine.
Level 43
Jun 1, 2020
But doesn't start with an M or end with an S
Level 41
Apr 29, 2023
Not full does not mean empty, in fact in most cases it implies that it contains something
Level 67
Aug 17, 2023
I think there's a typo? Wrather isn't a word (that I know of).
Level 85
Aug 30, 2023
I agree! It should just be "wrath"
Level 69
Oct 28, 2023
It's not a valid scrabble word. When searching the word using DuckDuckGo all the results are for 'weather'.
Level 69
Oct 28, 2023
I've never heard of wrather either, just wrath.
Level 68
Oct 28, 2023
Everyting is bigger in America.
Level 32
Oct 31, 2023
a rabbi is NOT a jewish leader! they're leaders of synagogues who advise jewish people
Level ∞
Oct 31, 2023
A dog is NOT a pet! It's an animal that lives in a person's house and is petted by people.
Level 68
Nov 1, 2023
Why is 'anger' for 'wrath' the least guessed answer? Am I missing something?
Level 69
Aug 6, 2024
I like that shell, which ends with two L's, is followed by llama which starts with two L's
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