I made a burger with these 3 ingredients once. Well the bananas were in the sauce called Caribbean BBQ with big banana chunks. It was delicous. Great mix.
He did not serve in Vietnam. He served in Germany from '57-'59 I believe. A that time the USA was still sending "Advisors" to Vietnam, not fighting troops.
Another comment that Heartbreak Hotel was his first RCA single, but not his actual first single by a long shot, which was That's All Right Mama/Blue Moon of Kentucky.
Correct. His first record on the Sun Label. Heartbreak Hotel was his first million selling record. Shame on Billboard Magazine for eliminating his #1 records prior to August 1958 when they started the "Hot 100". He has 18 #1 records, and now they are only giving him credit for 7. Outrageous!
The story about the TV is that when Elvis was serving in the Army, Robert Goulet insinuated that he was "taking care" of Elvis's girlfriend who was a singer in Goulet's show. Years later Elvis was in his hotel room in Vegas and Goulet appeared on TV. Elvis took his gun and shot at Goulet on the TV.
Always bad quiz etiquette when you have questions that are dependent on you getting a previous answer right. One of the great unwritten no-nos of quiz construction.
That’s not a rule. You might know the general area of the USA Elvis is from and could guess it in a few attempts, but you’re showing much deeper knowledge by knowing his hometown.
Fun fact, "Hound Dog" isn't originally by Elvis. It's by a black woman in 1952 called Big Mama Thornton. Elvis' version changes some of her lyrics but it's still obvious that it's based on her song.
The reason he wouldn't allow Elvis to accept any overseas gigs is because he (Parker), due to his illegal status in the US, was unable
to get a passport and of course, he would never let Elvis out of his
sight for any period of time.