
A Quiz About Islam

Can you name these facts about the world's second largest religion?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: January 22, 2017
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First submittedAugust 9, 2014
Times taken43,770
Average score70.0%
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The last and most important prophet
The second to last prophet
Central religious text of Islam
Language of the above
Two main denominations of Islam
Fundamentalist branch of Islam
that starts with W
Small cube-shaped building that is
Islam's holiest location
Country with the most Muslims
Required religious pilgrimage
(for those who can afford it)
Most important cities
Islamic practice that has "dervishes"
Term for a system of law based on Islam
Word that means "struggle" and
sometimes "holy war"
Phrase that means "God is great"
Allāhu Akbar
Man who was either the first or fourth caliph
Term that mean "permissible", often
referring to food
Term that means "forbidden"
Month of fasting
Level ∞
Aug 9, 2014
If you're looking for a harder quiz, check out this one, by kalbahamut.
Level 37
Aug 24, 2014
This one was plenty hard--I knew most of the words, but not how to spell them!
Level 81
Sep 7, 2014
It's not *that* hard... though I intended to make it more accessible and never got around to it. Thanks for the nod anyway.
Level 81
Jul 4, 2015
Actually... 12/20 is the average score here, compared to 16/30 on my quiz. About the same.
Level ∞
Feb 24, 2020
Selection bias @kalbahamut.
Level 24
Jan 1, 2021
Hard is ok, false or partially correct is not. It’s Allah o Akber or Allah hu Akber(how it’s pronounced), kindly add those options as well.
Level 50
Oct 11, 2022
you missed the chance to call this Quizlam
Level 14
Sep 8, 2014
I tried madina, madinah, madeena, and madeenah, but none of them worked! Please correct the word or add those, since in Arabic this is how it is pronounced.

Thank You.

Level 81
Sep 8, 2014
Madinah is the most common spelling now. The spellings Mecca and Medina are falling out of favor. Though I noticed Makkah was accepted.
Level ∞
Sep 8, 2014
Madinah will work now
Level 68
May 7, 2017
Why did they change? I am just curious
Level 81
May 10, 2017
The same reason they changed Peking to Beijing, Canton to Guangzhou, Bombay to Mumbai, and Calcutta to Kolkata, I guess
Level 57
Apr 27, 2020
People have started sticking an h on the end of Medina? There's no h in Arabic. That is somewhat weird. Almost as if to emphasise that it's a long vowel at the end, which it isn't. Hmm
Level 80
Apr 28, 2020
I prefer the 'older' names.
Level 71
Oct 11, 2022
Why'd they change it? I can't say. People just like it better that way.
Level 44
Sep 15, 2014
Can you accept Isa for Jesus? In the Quran, Isa (also known as Jesus) is the second last prophet.
Level ∞
Sep 15, 2014
Isa will work now
Level 33
Sep 29, 2014
Wow... I was expecting to see a bunch of dumb anti-muslim comments. But... none. I guess the Jetpunk community is actually pretty mature/ well-informed. Cool!
Level 65
Apr 26, 2020
Why would you expect that?
Level 62
Oct 7, 2024
happens on other quizzes about muslims on this site
Level 50
Apr 19, 2017
Level 87
Jul 24, 2018
Seriously missed opportunity here.
Level 60
Apr 26, 2020
Only if you pronounce it wrong. The 's' in Islam is pronounced as an 's' and not as 'z'.
Level 75
Apr 26, 2020
Pay no attention to Eigengridiot, it's a good pun!
Level 80
Apr 28, 2020
@Eigengrau Islam can also be pronounced with a 'z' in English.
Level 54
Jan 24, 2021
Islam can't be pronounced as Izlam. The real and mentioned in quran is Islam.
Level 54
May 15, 2021
Level 81
Oct 11, 2022
The amount that people get excited about this is inversely proportional to the amount that it actually matters. Pronunciations of words change from place to place, language to language, dialect to dialect, accent to accent, and time to time. Stop being parrots.
Level 85
May 6, 2017
If you like this quiz, you might like the one I made Click here
Level 56
May 6, 2017
To anyone cheating by reading the comments, type: "Harambe". You're welcome!
Level 86
May 6, 2017 talks about "the practice of whirling".
Level 91
May 6, 2017
Interesting how I get an ad to "Meet Muslim Singles" on this page.
Level 61
May 8, 2017
You must have a wild internet search history if that's the advertisements that they're targeting you with. I'm not gonna ask
Level 91
Mar 14, 2020
Ha ha. Does it still count if I go icognito?
Level 81
May 10, 2017
I've seen plenty of ads for those sites in the past, but right now on this page they're trying to sell me parts for Caterpillar tractors.
Level 62
Apr 26, 2020
im getting moisturizer ads
Level 91
Apr 26, 2020
Well now that I have premium it doesn't matter, since I don't get ads anymore.
Level 67
May 7, 2017
Interesting. I knew Jesus was a respected prophet in Islam. I did not know he was the second-to-last.
Level 44
May 7, 2017
Indonesia?! Wow, I wasted 2 minutes trying to type in Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Sudan, South Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, etc. ^_^
Level 81
May 10, 2017
lotta people there
Level 70
Apr 27, 2020
I love it that you tried Israel for the country with the most Muslims .... that is Jetpunk determination at it's best.
Level 57
Apr 27, 2020
Yes I always find that intriguing, this massive Muslim country quite a long way away from any others (except Malaysia of course).

I suppose it's just one of those accidents of history that Indonesia, despite being spread across hundreds of islands, is one country, whereas the Middle East and North Africa are generally contiguous but are lots of small and middle-sized countries.

Level 68
May 8, 2017
Accept takbir for allahu akbar perhaps?
Level 60
Apr 26, 2020
The question specifically asks for the phrase. So takbir shouldn't be right. Just type the phrase lmao.
Level 63
Apr 26, 2020
I think that technically allahu akbar means "God is greater" rather than "great".
Level 70
Apr 27, 2020
'priamos' wins the 'Golden Nitpick Award' for May 2017 .... congratulations.
Level 80
Apr 28, 2020
@Malbaby priamos's comment was made this month.
Level 63
Apr 29, 2020
@Malbaby, yes of course in the context of this quiz it doesn't matter.

In terms of religion however it's quite an important distinction. It is a constant reminder to the faithful: no matter who you think you are, forget not that "Allah is greater". No matter what occupies your mind right now, forget not that "Allah is greater".

Level 57
Apr 27, 2020
Arabic is a language where if you get a vowel in the wrong place or stick the odd letter on, you often accidentally end up with a linked but different word. "Allahu takbir" is, I think, grammatical, and means "You, Allah, are getting older" - which may not be theologically sound :-)
Level 44
May 2, 2020
Lol, you obviously don't know Arabic well. Allahu takbir(un) would mean Allah is a takbir, not what you say. It would not make any sense, since takbir means making something greater or declaring its greatness.

The only verb that comes close is takabbara which means "behaved arrogantly", but the consonants are too different to get mixed up.

And there is a "h" sound at the end of Madinah. The ة is not silent. There is a reason it has that shape, it is a ه with the dots of a ت. If you stop on this letter, you read it like an English "h", but if you continue speaking you read it like a "t". In a middle of an Arabic sentence, you would hear al-madinatu, al-madinata or al-madinati (depending on the grammatical case), and you would hear al-madinah if it is at the end of the sentence, or in isolation. In English, it is only normal to use Madinah as we are not in an Arabic sentence.

Level 58
May 8, 2017
soon to be the worlds largest religion
Level 71
May 30, 2017
Yes, by the year 2050, there will be as many Muslims as there are Christians.
Level 81
Apr 14, 2018
eh... future population growth trends are hard enough to predict on their own. It's even harder to predict the growth of religions as you have to make assumptions of rates of retention between generations and rates of conversion and de-conversion, as well as make assumptions about the sincerity of people's professed religious beliefs.

Personally I think Christianity will probably still be #1 by 2050. But it's very hard to say. The most optimistic prediction I've seen on the subject is that by 2038 the majority of people in the world will be either atheist, agnostic, non-religious, or only nominally religious. It's not really correct to call any of these things a religion, but still it would be very nice to see "none" at the top of a list of world's largest religious traditions by number of adherents.

Level 72
May 8, 2017
Level 71
May 30, 2017
Super easy if you're Muslim.
Level 87
Jul 24, 2018
Or if you're a Jedi, apparently.
Level 80
Apr 28, 2020
Or fat, or a Spartan, or a llama.
Level 68
Nov 15, 2019
18/20. Pretty surprised that halal and haram has such a low percentage, I thought more people would know it.
Level 80
Feb 1, 2020
I guess you could call it...a Quizlam? Hahahaha I'll go back to sitting in the corner now...
Level 79
Apr 26, 2020
That feeling when you only miss "Ali" because you typed "Aly" :O
Level 37
Apr 26, 2020
Jihad does not mean "holy war" at all. Please fix it.
Level ∞
Apr 26, 2020

It certainly doesn't mean "holy war" all of the time, but its wrong to think that it never means holy war. The question is written in a way that reflects this.

Level 55
Nov 17, 2022
First i want to say sorry, because my english is horrible. ( English is the third language i learned)

Please provide your information before you make this quiz. Dschihad (jihad) can also mean that you only go to school or pray for allah. Its by the way haram ( forbidden) to kill people in islam. A many people also say that there is a small dschihad and a big dschihad. And the big Dschihad mean to kill kefīr, but thats wrong everything what you do for allah ( go to school, pray for allah, don’t eat and drink at ramadan) is dschihad. So please remove this question or provide your information. And btw in shiā its haram to do Dschihad, so when you talk about „holy war“ you only talk about sunnā.

I am living now for 15 years in lebanon, so i have a bigger idea than you

Level 81
Apr 26, 2020
"holy war" is the most traditional and accurate translation of the term, lately insinuated or stated to be wrong by western Muslim apologists and sympathizers who feel that this accuracy is damaging to their efforts to paint Islam as an inherently peaceful religion. It definitely does not mean "personal spiritual struggle for self-improvement," or whatever else you've heard, at least not most commonly, or in any way other than in a non-literal metaphorical sense, or to the exclusion of other meanings. Muhammad used the term frequently to talk about the struggle to expand and perfect Islam, and while he did speak of doing this by pursuing moral rightness, he also explicitly used to term, many times, to talk about making war against, subjugating, and exterminating the infidels and those he saw as religious hypocrites (those who didn't accept him as a prophet or do what he said); the man was primarily a warlord, according to Islam's own traditions.
Level 44
May 2, 2020
There is some truth to what you say. The Qur'an doesn't use the noun al-jihad, it uses al-qital, fighting, but you find the verbal form jahhada, often accompanied by "in Allah's path", almost always meaning struggling to defend and expand the dominion of Islam, whether by fighting or by giving suppoprt with your assets. You find the form al-jihad in hadiths, always this same meaning.

Other meanings also exist in the Qur'an, like preaching or doing good deeds, but they are rare. The meaning of struggle against one's inner soul is also found in some hadiths, it's not a recent interpretation, but it's true that some recent apologists paint it as being the primary meaning of jihad, which is wrong.

There is no such thing as "exterminating the infidels" and go read the definition of hypocrite in a dictionary. According to Islamic tradition, Muhammad was primarily a prophet. Being a political leader was secondary, and he waged war as a prophet, to expand Islam, not as a warlord.

Level 81
Jun 24, 2020
If you spend your life waging war you are a warlord, whether you also suffer from schizophrenia or not.
Level 66
Apr 27, 2020
I believe you mean to say Quizlam.
Level 23
Apr 28, 2020
The most islamic country is Mauritania.
Level 64
May 3, 2021
Not talking about percentages.
Level 44
May 2, 2020
The hint of Shariah is wrong. Shariah is the set of rules given by God to Muhammad, it is unique (one may use "a shariah", but only to talk about a set of rules given to a specific prophet). People try their best to extract Shariah rules from the texts, but what they extract is not called a shariah, it's their own understanding that more or less conforms with the abstract Shariah. Also, Shariah in not really a law, as it contains many rules and exhortations that deals with personal matters (as opposed to public ones).

Historically speaking, Muslims didn't have written laws, the rulers would appoint judges that judged according to their own interpretation. The Ottomans were the first to have a code of law in the Western sense, which they called kanun (from Greek kanon) and then the word qanun entered in Arabic and Islamic litterature. Instead of calling their law shariah, countries call it qanun and claim it is fully compliant with the Shariah.

Level 74
May 26, 2020
Islam tag?
Level 43
Aug 8, 2021
i got 15/20, pretty good for a non-muslim
Level 85
Feb 13, 2022
I got 7/20...(pretty good for a Christian???)
Level 62
Oct 11, 2022
Should 'Christ' be accepted for 'Jesus', or is that a blasphemy?
Level 51
Nov 9, 2023
That would be blasphemy because they don't view Jesus as the Christ so yeah.
Level 55
Nov 17, 2022
اشهدوا ان لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
Level 28
Jun 23, 2023
i got 19/20 thou i am not a muslim :)
Level 51
Nov 9, 2023
I swear to God I thought I was tripping when "allahu akhbar" wasn't working but spelling I guess
Level 76
Nov 28, 2023
Pakistan now has the most Muslims. This quiz also needs updating.
Level ∞
Nov 28, 2023
Not yet. I'm not sure Wikipedia is pulling that 249 million population number from.
Level 62
Mar 11, 2024
I swear i saw it written qaaba once
Level 62
Oct 7, 2024
nope, that was prolly just me confusing the spellings qibla and kaaba for some reason