
A Quiz About Judaism

Can you name these facts about Judaism?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: September 15, 2019
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First submittedJanuary 11, 2015
Times taken14,428
Average score59.1%
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Man who made a covenant with God
Son of the above who God initially
demanded as a sacrifice
Son of the above; Ancestor of all Jews
Central religious text; Has five books
He led the Jews away from Egypt
Brother of the above; First high priest
Term for a direct male-line descendent
of the above
Food that one is allowed to eat
is called ...
Singer who leads
the congregation in prayer
Jewish way of saying "congratulations"
Mazel Tov
Container for the stone tablets;
Current location unknown
Ark of the
Day of atonement
Yom Kippur
The Jewish New Year
Rosh Hashanah
King who built the first temple
Two main ethnic groups of Jews
Holiday to celebrate Jews being
spared the plagues of Egypt
Unleavened bread that is eaten
on that holiday
Feast on that holiday
At that feast, a cup is reserved
for this prophet
Language of Judaism
Coming of age ceremony
Bar Mitzvah
Level 82
Jan 11, 2015
It won't accept "bar mitzvah".
Level 76
Jan 12, 2015
I think it should accept Bat Mitzvah too (and have it as an alternative in the answer.)
Level ∞
Jan 12, 2015
Fixed. And Bat Mitzvah will work too of course.
Level 81
Jun 10, 2024
Yes, but shouldn't both show up in the answer? Or similar to the two main ethnic groups, have two answers?
Level 42
Mar 19, 2015
"Priest" should be accepted as a correct answer, since that is the meaning of the Hebrew word Kohen. But the clue should be changed, since not all direct descendants of Aaron are kohanim, only the patrilinear ones (sons of sons etc). Only have priestly status and were allowed to conduct sacrifices in the Jerusalem Temple.
Level 55
Sep 13, 2015
Thank you; I thought this as well (re: the line of priests).
Level 76
Mar 20, 2015
Good quiz. I would have sworn that Abraham was the first person circumcised.
Level 55
Apr 6, 2015
Cappa1 -- you are right and the quiz is incorrect. See Genesis 17, particular Genesis 17:9-14 and 17:23-27. Isaac has not even been born at this point, and Abraham is circumcised as is Ishmael and all the males in Abraham's household. Isaac was not the first to be circumcised. However, in Genesis 17:19, Isaac will be the one with whom G-d will establish the covenant. So perhaps the question could be tweaked slightly in line with that. But clearly these circumcisions took place before Isaac was even born.
Level ∞
Sep 15, 2019
Sorry about that. Finally fixed.
Level 72
Oct 17, 2019
"fixed" haha
Level 51
Apr 30, 2015
isaac is the first person to be circumcised at 8 days old. Abraham was circumcised before.
Level 78
Sep 13, 2015
22/22. Thank god I'm a Jewish atheist.
Level 76
Sep 13, 2015
I'm confused by your comment; isn't that like saying you're a carnivorous vegetarian? I was raised Catholic but have long since been an atheist and I would NEVER call myself a Catholic atheist! What's the point of being an atheist if you still call yourself Jewish? Please enlighten me...
Level 81
Sep 13, 2015
Jewish is an ethnicity as well as a religion and has been for a very long time. There are many atheist or secular/non-practicing Jews.
Level 34
Dec 12, 2017
I'm Modern Orthodox Jewish.

Yes, atheist Jews are still Jews. I know atheist Rabbis.

Level 90
Oct 17, 2019
The better question is why would he thank God if he's an atheist? :)
Level 62
Oct 19, 2019
It's almost as if he were making a joke.
Level 74
Aug 28, 2020
I would call it a nation (how it is used in the Tanakh), not an ethnicity, a group of people who share the same lineage. An ethnicity refers more so to people from the same region while Jews are scattered across the world. A better example of an ethnicity might be Bukharians, a specific group of Jews from the southern Soviet area. Also, I believe that just because you are Jewish does not make you a Jew and this is where the English language cannot catch up with the evolution of the Jewish people. The way I see it, you can be Jewish by associating yourself with the nation and adopt its culture and some social norms but being a Jew prioritizes one's relationship with G-d, a dying aspect many possess in modern Judaism.
Level 67
Feb 6, 2021
Yeah I'm scared that secularization is gonna wipe out modern Judaism. I went to a friend's bar mitzvah, and during the fourth Aliyah, they changed the verse to be about civil rights instead of, ya' know, the Torah.
Level 81
Jul 11, 2022
I think that without that secularization Judaism would have already died out long ago. Or... maybe there would be a handful of tiny ultra-insular communities here and there or ultra orthodox Jews, at best.
Level 20
Dec 20, 2022
judaism will never die out- we have been around for over 5000 years, and it will take more than secularism for it us to stop. am yisrael chai!
Level 54
Sep 13, 2015
Could you except Pesach/Pesakh for Passover? It's the Hebrew name. You also have Hebrew words for priest (kohen) and new year (rosh hashanah) in it.
Level 69
Aug 30, 2016
yea i tried pesach at first and i was like ????
Level 34
Dec 12, 2017
I also tried Pesach. I think it should also accept Matsoh and Bar Mitsvah as alternative spellings.
Level ∞
Sep 15, 2019
Pesach will work now.
Level 65
Sep 13, 2015
Should accept Eliyahu for Elijah...there are too many spelling possibilities for this quiz to be fun for the quiz maker!
Level ∞
Sep 15, 2019
Eliyahu will work now
Level 62
Sep 13, 2015
Some more spellings for Mazel Tov might be nice (Mazltov, mazul tov, etc.). Thanks!
Level 69
Sep 14, 2015
Very basic. Way too easy. Eliajh only gets a cup at the seder, not a chair.
Level 45
Sep 16, 2015
He does, however, get a chair at a brit milah.
Level 82
Dec 1, 2017
We don't give him a chair either, just the cup. :)
Level ∞
Sep 15, 2019
Changed chair to cup, thanks.
Level 33
Sep 15, 2015
13/22, which is impressive for a Christian who has never been to Israel and a synagogue once (for a school trip)
Level 69
Aug 30, 2016
there should really be more jewish languages added to this: yiddish, ladino, judeo-arabic, etc. are also languages unique to the jewish people... and technically other languages not unique to jews could be considered "languages of judaism", most n. american synagogues are in english and they guide the judaism of the synagogue members. if you mean the language of the torah you should say "language of the torah"... or just delete the question.
Level 90
Sep 29, 2019
It always seemed a stretch to call a Seder a feast unless they chow down on snacks in the living room afterwards.
Level 75
Oct 17, 2019
Our seders are always feasts. Matzo, charoset, gefilte fish, matzo ball soup, brisket and/or roasted chicken, potatoes, vegetables, wine (not just Manischewitz or Mogen David), flourless chocolate cake, macaroons, and more. I eat too much every year.
Level 67
Feb 6, 2021
Do you not feast? While yes, there is an order of stuff we have to do, but are you telling me you aren't downing a whole loaf of challah by yourself?
Level 73
Oct 17, 2019
Accurate. Bonus points for also accepting Jewish names of the answers.
Level 91
Oct 17, 2019
I'm pretty sure I said this before, I don't remember where, but I like how the picture looks like Moses is holding a giant slice of toast.
Level 72
Oct 17, 2019
lmao that is too funny!
Level 74
Oct 18, 2019
That's how Jesus fed so many people with just a few loaves of bread, massive loaves.
Level 34
May 8, 2024
You gotta slice it and toast it first, brother.
Level 72
Oct 17, 2019
Please accept mazzeltov and bar mitswa, those are the only ways I have ever seen it written.
Level 69
Oct 17, 2019
אני מסכים לחלוטין
Level 71
Oct 17, 2019
How did I get Jacob when typing "Israel" lol
Level 67
Oct 17, 2019
Jacob changed his name to Israel. Same person.
Level 75
May 9, 2020
damn i tried thora and tora, please accept either
Level 67
Feb 6, 2021
thora shouldn't be accepted.
Level 71
Sep 10, 2020
86% Proud to be Jewish!!!
Level 67
Feb 6, 2021
A few things.

Please accept "Cohain" or "Cohein" or "Cohen" as a type in for Kohen.

Two main ethnic groups of Jews? There are equally as many Mizrahi Jews as compared to Sephardi Jews, if not more.

Also, for coming of age ceremony, Bar Mitzvah is the masculine version. Females have a Bat Mitzvah. B'nei Mitzvah would be more correct in a term for the occasion.

Level 73
Mar 16, 2022
Aren't the two main groups Ashkenazim and Mizrahim? Sephardim has far less people than Mizrahim
Level 70
Oct 22, 2023
but mizrahi is a lot more modern and also very vague, sephardi dates back to the middle ages and maybe even before. Historically it makes more sense to have sephardi than it does mizrahi imo
Level 69
Mar 23, 2023
I thought Bar Mitzvah was one word, so I didn't get it, or most other questions.
Level 25
Sep 28, 2023
This is a great quiz, but you should add the original names - Abram, Yitzchak, Israel/Yisrael, Moshe, and Eliyahu. Also, you should add a "rabbi" question. Also, you should except Pesach, because it is the real name of Passover. Furthermore, there is a seder on Sukkot, too. There is also a cup of Miriam at a traditional seder. Hebrew is the language of Israel, not Judasm. And please, lastly, yet most importantly, change 'Bar Mitzvah' to 'B'nei Mitzvah. There are non-binary and trans-gender people who might feel offended otherwise.
Level 34
May 8, 2024