
Ages and Eras Quiz

Fill the blanks in the names of these historical ages and eras.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: August 8, 2019
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First submittedDecember 1, 2010
Times taken63,618
Average score59.1%
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Europe, circa 500–1500 AD
Middle Ages
European "rebirth",
late 1300s–1600s AD
The Renaissance
Period of increased glaciation
Ice Age
The United States, 1865–1877
When alcohol was banned in
the United States
Preceded the Bronze Age
Stone Age
Followed the Bronze Age
Iron Age
It came after the Triassic
United Kingdom, 1837–1901
Victorian Era
United Kingdom, 1901–1910
Edwardian Era
Era of cinema prior to 1929
Silent Era
The 1890s
Gay Nineties
The 1920s
Roaring Twenties
Period of rapid animal evolution,
about 500 million years ago
Cambrian Explosion
France, 1871–1914
Belle Époque
Era of "Robber Barons" in
the 19th century U.S.
Gilded Age
England, 1558–1603
Elizabethan Age
Europe, 1799–1815
Napoleonic Era
The Americas, before 1492
Pre-Columbian Era
The U.S. southern states,
before 1861
Antebellum Period
Launch of Sputnik and after
Space Age
India, 1858–1947
British Raj
Level 36
Sep 7, 2013
Good quiz. Got 18 out of 22.
Level 85
Sep 8, 2013
Great quiz! History minor finally came in handy, for the "Robber Baron" answer.
Level 81
Sep 8, 2013
I'm not sure if I've ever heard of the "Edwardian Era," but I knew enough about English monarchs to guess it correctly, meaning the only one I missed was the Gay Nineties. Sounds like a good time, though.
Level 51
Jan 30, 2014
I tried Chalcolithic before Bronze Age
Level 47
May 20, 2014
Level 35
Mar 22, 2016
Level 68
Mar 22, 2016
I tried copper just for lels
Level 69
Oct 3, 2021
I tried Tool Age, I suppose I relied a bit too much on Age of Empires for a moment.
Level 56
Nov 26, 2014
Could you accept "golden" for "__ Twenties"? It's how many Europeans call it.
Level 58
Jul 24, 2017
Do we? I've never heard of the Golden Twenties before.
Level 26
Aug 15, 2019
Me neither
Level 72
Feb 9, 2020
Me neither, maybe only in his country and not the rest of europe? We (in the netherlands) do have "the golden century" referring to the 17th century.

apparently in germany the twenties were called golden 20s (looked it up) but not in the rest of europe (as far as I know personally and can find info about)

Level 82
Oct 3, 2021
Yeah, it's specifically called this in Germany only
Level 43
Jun 5, 2015
I belong in the 1890s
Level 68
Mar 22, 2016
Haha, this is a bit oblique
Level 62
Mar 22, 2016
You want to live in a world where black people and woman had less rights, and then you want to die of a curable disease or air pollution at the age of 40?
Level 55
Mar 22, 2016
I'm guessing that @francesca meant it because she is either gay, likes being happy, or both.
Level 58
Jul 24, 2017
I also don't think it was supposed to be taken quite so seriously!
Level 80
Mar 31, 2020
Many areas of the world had less air pollution in the Gay Nineties than today. Also, I like the idea of living in a 'gay' decade (provided that the word means its original definitions).
Level 80
Jul 18, 2020
And the word is fewer*, not 'less'.
Level 80
Jul 18, 2020
And many so-called 'curable' diseases in the 1890s were not curable then.
Level 58
Dec 7, 2020
Level 72
Aug 14, 2019
I think most people don't know that gay used to mean cheerfull (I always think of someone cheerfully twirling and skiping along the fields with a smile and birds landing on them)
Level 67
Aug 14, 2019
I think most people do know that.
Level 80
Mar 31, 2020
It also could refer to something bright, colourful and showy, such as a 'gay dress'.
Level 55
Aug 14, 2015
I've done this quiz twice now. I always fail the same question, about baseball. And everytime I expect it to be something like "Greats Era" or "Golden Era" or maybe the "Southpaw Era" and instead the answer is sad and disreputable.
Level 57
Mar 22, 2016
How about Plantation as an alternate for pre-Civil War South?
Level 68
Sep 14, 2016
I've never heard of a "Plantation Age", and besides, there were plenty of extant plantations before, during, and after the antebellum South.
Level 49
Mar 22, 2016
Missed the 1865-1877 one... and I've taught HS US History for 34 years! I was thrown by the dates. Reconstruction did not begin until the Civil War was over.... and ended with the election of Rutherford Hayes and the Compromise of 1877.
Level 74
Mar 22, 2017
It's the only one I missed, but it's because I somehow read the dates as 1765-1777 and I tried Revolutionary, Independence, Colonial, British, and then gave up. Why does my brain do that???
Level 56
Mar 22, 2016
Thank goodness it was Jurassic, because that would represent most of my knowledge about paleontological eras.
Level 59
Dec 16, 2016
you could include era of good feelings
Level 65
Feb 11, 2017
I absolutely love this quiz! The variety in defining characteristics, including geology, politics, human innovation, pop culture, and sports, makes it particularly interesting.
Level 65
Feb 11, 2017
i would say that the so-called "Space Age," which was defined by the Space Race between the United States and the Soviet Union, ended in the early 1970's.
Level 58
Mar 22, 2017
For the first question, I typed in "Dark" without really reading the question properly, and it accepted it. That's simply wrong. The Dark Ages should not be accepted, as that is only a small part of the Middle Ages, and certainly didn't go up to 1500! Some of the things accepted on Jetpunk can be weird at times (like not needing regnal numbers when being asked for specific monarchs).
Level 81
Jul 24, 2017
Never saw anyone so upset about getting a question right.
Level 58
Mar 23, 2017
good quiz 100 percent first try FIRST TRY !!!!!!!! im smart
Level 60
Aug 14, 2019
oh god
Level 40
Apr 16, 2018
Does Quizmaster read all these comments? I would shoot myself
Level 70
Dec 15, 2018
The Quizmaster has to be thick skinned, it takes all sorts to be a jetpunker and I'm sure Quizmaster enjoys reading the comments ...... good or bad.
Level 72
Aug 14, 2019
No he doesnt, only the ones that have a suggestion in them and the checkbox marked. Though maybe he gets bored sometimes and reads more ;) but he has enough on his hands as it is.
Level 70
May 19, 2021
How does the Quizmaster know that the comment has a suggestion in it if he doesn't read them all?
Level 62
May 13, 2023
If they are marked with a check mark?
Level 90
Jul 17, 2018
Gotta love P.C. It's "offensive" to say Dark Ages now. They're now the "Early Middle Ages" even though the Middle Ages were so named because they occurred as a bridge between the Dark Ages and the Renaissance when learning and (re)discovery really took off again with ever weakening counter strikes from the Church.
Level 36
Dec 15, 2018
Yes, it's confusing and frustrating when the sociologists and other "experts" change that which we know to be historically correct to psycho babble in their effort to be "politically correct". By the time the "correction" to all historical events is made, we will all be living in the morass of Orwell's "1984".
Level 81
Mar 20, 2019
It's also offensive to call anything a dialect now, according to some. So they just call everything a distinct language, even though they obviously are not.
Level ∞
Aug 8, 2019
This is so true. It's especially ridiculous with the Serbo-Croatian "languages". Nationalism is poisonous.
Level 64
Aug 14, 2019

What does this have to do with nationalism?

Level 67
Aug 14, 2019
Nationalism has inspired the countries that used Serbo-Croatian language to insist they are different languages depending on where you are (eg., It's Serbian in Serbia and Croatian in Croatia), but they're really the same language. Then one side will claim the other "stole" or corrupted their language. It's a bunch of needless distinctions and juvenile posturing.
Level 69
Jan 13, 2025
These comments are all BS, not based in reality.
Level 74
Aug 8, 2019
None of those examples have anything to do with PC, and everything with using more precise language to avoid popular misconceptions. PC-Theory really is the modern anti-intellectualism.
Level 84
Aug 9, 2019
Indeed. "Dark Ages" are not offensive, just incorrect. Language/dialect has always been a very political distinction and it's always been problematic. Norwegian and Danish are about as close as Croatian and Serbian standard.
Level 81
Aug 14, 2019
There are plenty of leading intellectuals who call out PC culture for the baloney it is and often to be politically correct means using *less* precise or at least less correct language or to intentionally obfuscate. There's a mixture. But calling different Serbo-Croatian languages all distinct languages is a good example of this. It would be more precise to call (at least some of) them dialects of the same language. But because dialect is now seen as some kind of pejorative, and to avoid hurt feelings or to inflate pride or arbitrary divisions, many have switched to using *less* precise language and calling these different dialects different languages. It may be true that politics factored in to decisions to label different dialects different languages in the past - that doesn't mean that we should welcome the injection of more politics into these decisions in the future, or that the distinctions should simply be abandoned. Leave such decisions to linguists and leave politics out of it
Level 81
Aug 14, 2019
^which is the whole objection to PC language. When words and definitions become politicized then there is a loss of meaning, not a net gain. Though there are, of course, some criticisms that are inaccurate or go too far and sometimes more precise terms do get incorrectly labeled as "PC" when they're not. A blanket condemnation of those who have pointed out the flaws in PC culture is just as anti-intellectual as anyone who rejects any change in language, even those that are not politically motivated, as being "PC"
Level 67
Jan 11, 2019
I really thought that 'La Belle Epoque' would be on here.
Level ∞
Aug 8, 2019
Level 70
May 19, 2021
I too saw 'Midnight in Paris'.
Level 96
Aug 8, 2019
Great quiz!
Level 72
Aug 14, 2019
I think some of these were geological rather than historical eras. I mean, aren't people a necessity for something to be historical?
Level 86
Aug 14, 2019
So "Time" and "Space" were the names of people in that Hawking book? Never read it, but I bet they got up to some mischief... :)
Level 86
Aug 14, 2019
What term would you use for the first 3.5 to 4 billion years of earth's "history," if not historical? Of course, an even bigger number applies to the universe. Humans can don't necessarily need to bear witness to these "ages and eras," to classify them as such.
Level 72
Feb 9, 2020
If you want to get pedantic, you cóuld say it isnt history. History is considered to be the recorded past. Anything before writing systems is considered prehistory. But people generally call everything in the past history though. Things not to do with people is called natural history.
Level 80
Aug 14, 2019
Typed 'Columbus' but didn't work
Level 68
Oct 3, 2021
Level 64
Aug 14, 2019
Great quiz!
Level 20
Mar 13, 2020
only reason i knew the Cambrian explosion is from "history of the world i guess"
Level 80
Mar 31, 2020
I learned it in Biology class.
Level 76
Mar 30, 2020
This comment in no way relates to this quiz, but you need to change the "Oakland Raiders" tag to be "Las Vegas Raiders"
Level 43
Mar 31, 2020
gay ninties, havent heard that yet.
Level 80
Mar 31, 2020
Nineties*. Also you might be interested in the film The Naughty Nineties.
Level 72
Mar 31, 2020
What is going on with the girl in the picture? There is like an alien coming from the back of her head! Some sort of anemone tentacle...
Level 80
Mar 31, 2020
That's her hairstyle and hair jewellery.
Level 44
Aug 23, 2020
No idea
Level 64
Jun 3, 2020
Wasn't there a Copper Age between the Stone Age and Bronze Age?
Level 44
Aug 23, 2020
What about the Tudor Era?!?!?
Level 66
May 19, 2021
It's the date range which would stop Tudor being a type in, the dates given are for when Elizabeth I was on the throne only, and not for when Henry VII, VIII, Edward & Mary were ruling.
Level 65
Sep 27, 2020
We call the "Napoleonic era" the Georgian period. Having it called the Napoleonic era is like calling 1936-1945 the Adolfic era.
Level 78
Jun 2, 2022
But the Georgian period was from 1717 to the 1830s, covering the reigns of George I, George II, George III, and George IV (and sometimes including William IV, thus the ambiguity in the ending date). Even if you wanted to limit it to the reign of just one of the Georges, none of them match up to 1799-1815, which happened entirely within the reign of George III (reigned 1760-1820), and includes part of the Regency era of 1811-1820. In addition, it says it's an era for Europe, not for Great Britain/the UK, while Napoleon's empire affected a very large portion of the continent.
Level 39
Oct 28, 2020
Me trying all the eras in the civilization games- (Good quiz by the way!)
Level 57
Oct 3, 2021
Would you accept Pre- "Columbus" era? I kept typing other things like colonial, settler, pilgrim until I gave up lol
Level 81
Oct 5, 2021
If you wanted to add another answer from outside of Europe and the Americas you could maybe put in the Meiji Era/Period or the Meiji Restoration. Perhaps also the Three Kingdoms Period of Chinese history. Or the Middle Kingdom or New Kingdom of Egypt. Or the Second Temple Period of Jewish history. Or the Arab Spring.
Level 91
Oct 24, 2021
The Dark Ages did not last until 1500, they were over by 1000 ad at the latest