And I've just tried to block Pikes Peak from my mind entirely because it's in Colorado Springs, which the rest of Colorado would like to deport from the state.
In order to quench what seemed to have been an unending thirst for South American based geography quizzes based on letters, I've created my first South American Geography by the letters quiz. A was fairly easy, but I'm sure they will get much more difficult.
Half the quiz is on US, makes me think that "American" geography really means "the US is half of North and South America". Why is this quiz and other "American" quizzes too much about US? Why isn't any other country given so much love? I know this website is American, but aren't the quizzes supposed to be neutral? Just need some clarification, i'm not criticising, just want some info. Nice quiz by he way, keep it up!
US geography is better known around the world I guess? American films and music and media reference them all the time and are watched all over the world.
The US is big, it's populous, it's rich in culture, history, and geographic diversity, and most of the visitors to an English-language quiz website know more about it than other places. Something like half of the populated area of North America is the United States. And South America has fewer countries than any other continent. Get over it. Half is not that much, considering all of the above. It's not like this is a quiz on Europe and half the questions are about Belgium. That would be odd. This is not.
"The US is big" if we follow that rule, there should be a lot of questions about Canada here, guess what, there are not. "The US is populous" if we follow that rule and the one before, there should be a lot of questions about Brazil, guess what, there is not a single one. "The US has geographic diversity" if we follow that rule, there should be a lot of questions about Argentina, guess what, there are not.
How do you measure the richness of a culture or history?
And, since when the questions are made according to the knowledge of the users?
Excellent quiz again. Not a complaint, but the Spanish word for beach strikes me as an odd one for a geography quiz. Other examples of possible answers could be: Pizarro, Port of Spain, Paramaribo, Porto Alegre, Paraná, Lake Poopó...
Why is Pizarro better than the Spanish word for beach? Francisco Pizarro is definitely the most well-known person with the name, and he spent most of his life in Spain and for the Spanish crown, even if he was killed in, and most associated with Peru.
There are far more Spanish speakers in the North and South America than anywhere else in the world, native and non-native speakers.
Sheesh, the only answer I didn't get.
Back in the realm of sanity, however, it is 0.000000028758778 astronomical units.
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The name was simplified to "Pikes Peak" by the United States Board on Geographic Names in 1890.
First I guessed 'Plateau', which gave me the Plata question. Then I guessed Patagonia, then Prarie xD
How do you measure the richness of a culture or history?
And, since when the questions are made according to the knowledge of the users?
-Capital of Suriname (Paramarimbo)
-A Brazilian State (Pernambuco)(Other states: Para, Parana, Paraiba)
There are far more Spanish speakers in the North and South America than anywhere else in the world, native and non-native speakers.