
The Americas Geography by Letter - T

Can you guess these North and South American geographical answers that start with the letter T?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: December 22, 2019
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First submittedAugust 26, 2014
Times taken37,997
Average score68.4%
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Biggest city in Canada
Mexican city near San Diego
U.S. state
Another U.S. state
"Land of Fire" at the southern tip
of South America
Tierra del Fuego
The largest lake at an elevation of
3000 meters or higher
Lake Titicaca
Busiest intersection in NYC
Times Square
This New World plant is
an important cash crop of Cuba
Island nation just north
of Venezuela
Trinidad and
Capital of Florida
Range of "breast shaped"
Wyoming mountains
British island chain southeast
of the Bahamas
Turks and
Biggest Canadian city on Lake Superior
Thunder Bay
State in southern Mexico; Namesake
of a brand of hot sauce
Lake between Nevada and California
Capital of Honduras
Bay and city in western Florida
City in Ohio named for a city in Spain
Mountain on Baffin island with a
name from Norse mythology
Mount Thor
Level 96
Aug 29, 2014
As a former temporary Texan, I heartily approve of the clue for that state. Especially as today I'm wearing my "I messed with Texas and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt" shirt.
Level 82
Sep 12, 2014
Oooh, a missed opportunity to use "Titicaca"!!
Level 82
Apr 3, 2019
And now it's on there, yea!
Level 43
Mar 24, 2015
Or, Tarapoto, the Andean "City of Palms" and commercial hub, often used by tourists and visitors as a jumping off point to the Amazon rainforest.
Level 58
Jan 8, 2017
Yeah, EVERYBODY will get that one!
Level 66
May 6, 2015
Why does teton work, but grand teton not work?
Level 96
May 6, 2015
2 reasons come quickly to mind:

1 - The clue asks for the range, where Grand Teton is the highest mountain in the range.

2 - Grand Teton doesn't start with a T.

Level 85
Nov 17, 2017
It would if it was in my 4th grade homeroom for roll call.

Teacher: "Teton, Grand?"

Grand Teton: "Present."

Of course, this is an absurd analogy, as a.) it's more of an illustration than an analogy, and b.) no self-respecting mountain would say, "Present" when called. Every one I've ever attended class with said, "Here."

Level 65
May 6, 2015
17/19! Not bad for a dutch guy who has never been to the Americas before :)
Level 84
May 6, 2015
You cheaters! You can't tell me that 45% of you geography nerds know that Honduras's capital is Tegucigalpa without looking it up.
Level 50
May 6, 2015
Of course we do :)
Level 74
May 7, 2015
It's one of those you don't forget.
Level 21
May 9, 2015
It sounds so cool that once you learn it you never forget it.
Level 58
Jan 8, 2017
I've already forgotten it.
Level 36
May 8, 2017
Exactly! - It also helps, as another commenter mentioned, that Spanish is a very phonetic language.
Level 70
Nov 15, 2017
That was easy. But I never heard about Tittie shaped mountains before - which should be an accepted answer btw :P

Actually I'm gonna look them up right now.

Level 28
Aug 24, 2018
Everyone that knows a little bit of america geography could write it with no problem
Level 26
Sep 1, 2018
lmao I only know because of Spanish class
Level 82
Apr 3, 2019
You clearly underestimate how many geography nerds reside at this site. :-)
Level 81
Sep 29, 2019
I learned this in 6th grade and haven't forgotten it since.
Level 82
Aug 28, 2020
Do you still think so? Thought not.
Level 87
Jun 22, 2022
Strange way to admit you've never been to Tegucigalpa.

(Bold of you to assume no one else has either.)

Level 80
Aug 31, 2023
I feel this was perhaps said before you got to level 82 lol
Level 33
May 6, 2015
Can you accept taho for tahoe i couldn't get that one. Thanks:)
Level 67
May 6, 2015
Great quiz, but too easy
Level 85
May 8, 2015
Too America centric.
Level 65
Aug 22, 2018
Also too "T" centric.
Level 72
May 20, 2015
How could I forget Tennessee?! Anyway - fourth biggest city in Ohio? Really? Do you guys know the fourth biggest city in Bavaria, Yorkshire or Castilla - La Mancha?
Level 84
Nov 15, 2017
For Bavaria I'd probably guess it by listing those I know after Munich. Similar for T, I knew 3xC, and T is the only one I know besides them.
Level 74
Aug 23, 2018
M*A*S*H fans should know it, since it's where Corporal Klinger was always trying to get back to. Who can forget the Toledo Mud Hens?
Level 57
Feb 20, 2020
But the problem is Ohio is a lot more significant than those besides Bavaria. Just looking at population, Ohio is 5 times bigger than Castille La Mancha and 30 times Yorkshire.
Level 71
Apr 2, 2020
Absolute rubbish, Ohio has approximately twice the population of Yorkshire.
Level 59
Aug 3, 2020
I would say that the namesake of a spanish city was a good enough clue, and I wouldbalso say that the 61% who got it right agree as well. It's the same as with Mount Thor. I'm willing to bet hardly anyone would know if the clule was just the tallest mountain, without the norse mythology.
Level 81
Aug 15, 2016
For once can we have a quiz that isn't so Belize-centric. Just occasionally I'd like to see a bit more variety.
Level 71
Nov 15, 2017
But is it really an improvement? I couldn't Belize my eyes, but this one has an awful lot of Honduras in it.
Level 75
Dec 1, 2016
Tampa is much more central than west in terms of where it is in Florida. Even south would be more accurate I think.
Level 65
Jun 7, 2017
Have you even seen a map of Florida?
Level 84
Nov 15, 2017
I guess they disregard the size of the panhadle.
Level 61
Jan 4, 2018
I can't believe I missed Titicaca! That's the most fun name on here!!!
Level 36
Mar 15, 2018
Trinidad and Tobago are to the east of Venezuela. The ABC islands, (Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao) are to its North.
Level 86
Mar 27, 2018
Trinidad and Tobago is due north of Parque Nacional Delta del Orinoco in Venezuela.
Level 36
Jun 14, 2018
Consult a map. The ABC islands are to the North, Isla Margarita is to the Northwest and Trinidad & Tobago are to the West of Venezuela (close to Guyana, actually).
Level 94
Aug 22, 2018
Divantilya, you need to consult a map too as cpgatbyu is correct, T&T is due north of Venezuela - if you travelled south from T&T you would land in Venezuela. Admittedly it is towards the right (east) of the width of Venezuela but doesn't change the fact that it is still north. Perhaps it would have been better for you if the clue read simply 'off the coast of Venezuela'...
Level 67
Aug 22, 2018
Also to the north of Venezuela: Toronto, Tijuana, Tennessee, Texas,Times Square, Tobacco, Tallahassee, Teton, Turks & Caicos, Thunder Bay, Tabasco, Tahoe, Tegucigalpa, Tampa, Toledo (both Ohio and Spain) and Mount Thor.
Level 92
Aug 22, 2018
Not to completely defend divantilya, because he is being pedantic but you can travel from a point on mainland Venezuela (eastern tip of the Paria peninsula) due south and hit Trinidad (western tip of the Cedros peninsula).
Level 36
Aug 12, 2018
^ Correction to the above: Isla Margarita is to the North East and Trinidad and Tobago are to the East.
Level 69
Aug 22, 2018
Arrggh, put Tegucicalpa!
Level 74
Aug 22, 2018
Almost ran out of time. Kept spelling Titicaca as
Level 27
Sep 29, 2019
Very USA-centric!

Difficult for non-USA players.

Level 59
Oct 29, 2021
ur mom is usa centric
Level 81
Oct 1, 2022
I think the bigger issue is how one of the two continents seems to be largely left out. There are two questions about South America and three about Canada. Brazil doesn't get a look in.
Level 75
Dec 16, 2022
I understand putting giving the US the attention in most cases. It makes sense, given so much of your traffic is from the US.

But to *portray* a quiz and sell it to the good people of Jeptunk as encompassing the whole Americas, then to have over 40% of the questions talk *only* about the US, with over 60% of questions dependent on the US and Canada… meanwhile there's only 3 questions about South America (and even then one of those is at the border); now that's just UNFATHOMABLY silly.

This might be the first Quizmaster quiz I've given one star. At this point, I think you're doing this intentionally ;p

Level 68
Jan 13, 2023
Tetón can be translated from spanish as big tit
Level 67
Mar 10, 2024
My brain was so stuck on Tapatio hot sauce that I almost missed the actual name of the Mexican state...the OTHER hot sauce that starts with T. :)