Not so totally easy for a person who has never been to America. Escepially the "biggest cities" question was tricky. I totally guessed the Oregon-Maine-one, and for the Tennessee-one (with "ss", by the way) being a Chuck-Berry-Fan helped.
I agree for the average person not from america I would not label this an easy quiz. The first and the last question though felt tóó easy. (along the lines of spell usa, it felt very weird ending with that question after the other ones).
If I would take my mom as, what to call it, calibration point? She would obviously get the first and last right, and probably Florida and statue of liberty. (she would know both, but is not great at thinking under pressure ;) so might get intimidated by the questions and beforehand would say she doesn't know anything "You can stop asking me! I won't know the answers anyway!" and then I give all the answers and she would say, ow yea, all those names do sound familiar)
Agree. For a European like me all state-oriented questions (like the capitals, biggest cities etc.) are very difficult. The "problem" lies actually in the concept itself: because the states are not independent countries, they do not seem important.
To be that type of guy that we all know and love, where the Mississippi meets the ocean is nearly uninhabitable. New Orleans is 100 miles away. Most residents have never seen or been anywhere near the mouth of the river.
As for New Orleans' position relative to the mouth of the Mississippi, a number of reverse-tributaries flow from the Mississippi Upstream of new orleans to the ocean, which technically means that New Orleans is in a delta, which is kind of the end of the river.
As someone who is classified a geography nerd, this quiz isn't easy per say. I got 100% but still, even someone with insane geo knowledge wouldn't be able to clear 80%.
You seem to have very poor expectation of people's knowledge. I'd say anyone who does reasonably well in geography should easily make at least 80%. Someone with insane geo knowledge on the other hand should get 100% hands down. (I got 95% btw).
19 / 20 first try, didn't get the 'Mile High City' question. I don't feel like that nickname is really that well-known outside of the US. At least not here in Germany.
One of the beauties of this website is that it improves your general - and world - knowledge. I'm sure you'll come across a few more quizzes which have a question about Mile High City. And then you will know the answer! :)
Nobody denies the fact that one acquires knowledge by taking quizzes with answers they cannot get on the first try. The issue is that the quiz is supposed to be very easy and a question like that seems out of place.
Exactly! Most Americans (myself included) have never heard of Wuppertal, Bochum, Karlsruhe, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern or Bielefeld! Jetpunk has given me knowledge of other countries (not just Germany), and I'm sure I'm not alone on this matter.
I only got that by randomly guessing cities I was aware of no matter geographical position for another question (which I didn't end up getting anyways, what even is a New Orleans anyways [I'm from Canada for geographical reference])
Would you accept Six Grandfathers as an alternate entry for Mt. Rushmore? (Yeah, I'm trolling. Most people don't know it as that, but Mt. McKinley has reverted to Denali, so it could happen.)
I read 'Southernmost Major City' as 'Southernmost Capital City', and spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to spell Tallahasee, and only got Miami with 12 seconds left. :(
I guess I'm a dummy. But I forgive myself because I'm not an American and I have never been in the US. The questions might be easy for US citizens, but not so much for the rest of us.
Obviously, this quiz being easy means it's easier than other quizzes, not that it's necessarily easy for you personally. If you didn't get all the answers, then you've learnt something - don't complain, be happy!
If I would take my mom as, what to call it, calibration point? She would obviously get the first and last right, and probably Florida and statue of liberty. (she would know both, but is not great at thinking under pressure ;) so might get intimidated by the questions and beforehand would say she doesn't know anything "You can stop asking me! I won't know the answers anyway!" and then I give all the answers and she would say, ow yea, all those names do sound familiar)
The last one was so hard