
American Universities by Clue

Based on the clue, try to name these American universities.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: December 27, 2019
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First submittedFebruary 24, 2019
Times taken8,605
Average score60.0%
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School whose famous dropouts include Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates
Most prominent Mormon University
Brigham Young
Both Presidents Bush were members of this school's secret "Skull and Bones" society
Gatorade was invented to "aid" this university's athletes
Woodrow Wilson led this university before becoming President
Its lacrosse team was falsely accused
Baltimore university whose medical school is often ranked #1
Johns Hopkins
Trained black pilots during WWII
Pasadena university where the guys from "The Big Bang Theory" work
Founded by Thomas Jefferson
Enrico Fermi built the world's first nuclear reactor at this Midwestern school in 1942
Where four Vietnam War protestors were killed in 1970
Kent State
Ohio liberal arts school that was the first co-ed college in the U.S.
"Animal House" was based on this Ivy League school in New Hampshire
Virginia college named after an English king and queen
William & Mary
Bay Area university whose gigantic campus has a land value of perhaps $50 billion
The state university of New Jersey
Midwestern university famous for wrestling and creative writing
The second largest university in the state of Alabama
Pittsburgh school named for a steel baron
Carnegie Mellon
Level 76
Feb 24, 2019
Needs yellow box?
Level 68
Feb 25, 2019
Accept UVA for Virginia? That's what it's commonly referred to.
Level 75
Feb 25, 2019
Most definitely. Others to accept: UChicago, Hopkins
Level 81
Mar 4, 2019
Yes please. I've been saying this for years. Just because one person isn't as familiar with this acronym as he is with BYU, MIT, UCLA etc doesn't mean it is any less commonly used. (though I've never heard "Hopkins" before and I grew up an hour away) UMD, UNC, UF, FSU, CMU, etc etc should be accepted. Some are, some aren't, which is inconsistent.
Level 81
Apr 13, 2019
+1 for my own comment
Level 82
Sep 10, 2023
i live less than 30 mins away and we regularly call it Hopkins!
Level 65
Apr 14, 2019
Another +1. I only call Virginia "UVA" to the point that I almost thought I had gotten the question wrong when it didn't work. Also, I primarily hear "Hopkins" instead of Johns Hopkins, so I support APHill's comment too.
Level 82
Mar 19, 2019
What? No Devry? No U of Phoenix? No Art Institutes of Minnesota? I'm shocked!!
Level 81
Apr 13, 2019
or Trump University
Level 81
Apr 14, 2019
Yeah I know I was just trying to think of something worse than Devry.
Level 71
Mar 31, 2019
I believe that it's spelled Carnegie Mellon with an E not an A.
Level 36
Apr 13, 2019
^ Yes it is: CAR NE GIE.
Level ∞
Apr 13, 2019
Okay, fixed
Level 65
Apr 13, 2019
Yay! My school made it!
Level 52
Apr 13, 2019
"University of Chicago" should be accepted
Level 85
Apr 13, 2019
Agreed. I typed University of Chicago 3 times before I finally tried Chicago and it worked.
Level ∞
Apr 13, 2019
Level 56
Apr 15, 2019
I don't normally complain (really I don't) but why doesn't University of Virginia work as an answer for the school Jefferson founded? 'Cause that's its name.
Level ∞
Dec 27, 2019
Penalty for completely unnecessary typing.
Level 59
Dec 27, 2019
Just wanted to point out there's an unnecessary P after Hint. That's all :)
Level ∞
Dec 27, 2019
Okay, fixed
Level 72
Jan 15, 2024
Please accept things like:







These are all very common.