
Analogies #8

Can you fill the blanks in these analogies?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: July 22, 2016
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First submittedSeptember 16, 2014
Times taken40,755
Average score60.0%
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This is to this ...
As ...
Baa is to Sheep
Hoot is to Owl
Flush is to Straight
Full House is to Flush
3 is to French Hens
2 is to Turtle Doves
Hepatitis is to Liver
Gingivitis is to Gums
Paris is to Seine
London is to Thames
Richard is to Lionheart
Vlad is to Impaler
Cashmere is to Goat
Angora is to Rabbit
Cranberry is to Bog
Rice is to Paddy
Over is to Under
Hyper is to Hypo
Monday is to Fair of Face
Tuesday is to
Full of Grace
This is to this ...
As ...
Monk is to Monastery
Troglodyte is to Cave
Cameron is to Titanic
Spielberg is to Jaws
Quartet is to 4
Trio is to 3
Tylenol is to Acetaminophen
Advil is to Ibuprofen
Guinness is to Dublin
Heineken is to Amsterdam
Superman is to DC Comics
Spiderman is to Marvel
Giant Panda is to Bamboo
Koala is to Eucalyptus
Swan is to Björk
Meat is to Lady Gaga
Ginger is to Halliwell
Posh is to Beckham
Hard Knock Life is to
Defying Gravity is to
Level 27
Jan 12, 2015
Kind of ashamed that I remembered that dress from Lady Gaga...
Level 73
Feb 27, 2018
That one stumped me totally. Even when I saw the answer lol.
Level 81
May 2, 2021
Why? A bit hard to forget.
Level 76
Jul 22, 2016
Tuesday is easy because it rhymes.
Level 72
Aug 23, 2019
Not if you don't have any idea what it is about. It still does not make sense to me.. (lots of things rhyme mace, pace, lace and so on..)
Level 78
Aug 15, 2021
I got that one just by guessing a three-syllable rhyme ending on '-ace' that I have kind of heard before. Felt like shooting in the dark and hitting bullseye.
Level 66
May 15, 2024
Thursday I don't care about you
Level 58
May 15, 2017
I had heard of the "Twelve Days of Christmas" before but I have never come across "Monday's Child".

Those questions seem almost impossible for a non-native speaker.

I guess I can say that I learned something new today. Thanks ;)

Level 66
Jun 15, 2017
Canadian law requires me to point out that James Cameron is Canadian.
Level 71
Jun 15, 2017
For some inexplicable reason I could not think of trio.
Level 66
Jun 15, 2017
Great quiz. not too easy. well done.
Level 76
Feb 20, 2018
I learnt something about wool today.
Level 66
Feb 12, 2019
You know Supernatural has taken over your life when your first thoughts upon seeing the one about Tuesday were 1) Heat of the Moment/Rise and shine Sammy and 2) Pig in a Poke.
Level 90
Mar 26, 2019
Defying gravity is all to The Roadrunner.
Level 79
Jul 28, 2019
Your advil clue doesn't translate well. Might I suggest that it is very "US-centric"? And before you say it, yes I know that this trade name is used in a dozen or so other countries as well as the US but that hardly makes it universal, does it? In my opinion, best to keep trade names out of jetpunk quizzes altogether lest one is accused of advertising.
Level 72
Aug 23, 2019
We have advil but never heard of tylenol. But seeing the name that preceded it, i guessed they were looking for the name of the substance
Level ∞
Dec 21, 2020
Man, I WISH brands would pay us to advertise in our quizzes. Geico, are you listening?
Level 81
May 2, 2021
So I gather you believe that giant pandas are native to every country on Earth including the Vatican?
Level 80
May 15, 2024
Even without worrying about the trade names of Tylenol and Advil (in my country Australia we have Panadol and Nurofen instead of these), the chemical name acetaminophen is only used in the US and Japan, while Europe and Australia use paracetamol. Ibuprofen however is more universal.

The clue would be improved by switching it around and making acetaminophen/paracetamol the desired answer instead of ibuprofen. That way, type-ins could allow either to be acceptable.

By requiring knowledge of the US-centric term acetaminophen to understand the analogy, the clue is indeed US-centric.

Level 72
Aug 23, 2019
That is a pretty local rhyme. Not known in non english speaking countries. Same for the christmas song, I know of it, but that is it (because it comes around in quizzes here quite reguarly :/) but you are mistaken if you think it is internationally known. Unlike several other christmas songs. (Jingle bells, rudolph the rednosed raindeer, dreaming of a white christmas and several others).

I don't think the rhymes of 1 specific country has a place in an international quiz. No way of knowing for the rest of the world. (Maybe you were under the impression they wére globally known? Because i haven't for instance seen you post Polish rhymes)

Level 81
Dec 28, 2019
I can understand people complaining of a US bias on ocassion, but even though it's a bit archaic now, I've come across that particular rhyme in every english-speaking country in the world, and since this is an english-language quiz, it seems strange to complain of a bias in this case.

When I take a spanish-language quiz, I expect to encounter some things that are specific to Spanish or Latin American culture. Likewise, when I take a german-language quiz, I expect to encounter questions relating to the culture and cultural history of german-speaking countries.

Level 59
Aug 17, 2021
Furthermore the poem "Monday Child" originated in England confirming that while the clue may be "English-speaking centric, it is not "US centric."
Level 68
Aug 21, 2021
I am Thursday's child - far to go. My English mother taught me that rhyme when I was little.
Level ∞
Apr 11, 2024
This quiz is in English. Feel free to make analogies quizzes in other languages.
Level 57
Jan 15, 2025
I'm sorry i know this is really old but it's so funny to me that I just saw a comment you made on a different quiz about wednesday addams namesake like 9 days before this comment and this is literally the poem it came from
Level 50
Oct 23, 2019
I went to college with a girl named Aceta Minophen. I don't remember much about her other than when she was around I felt slightly less pain.
Level 50
Mar 23, 2021
Bet she was a pill, though...
Level 87
Sep 11, 2022
Was she always offering the "Not tonight, I have a headache" excuse?
Level 81
Aug 15, 2021
Angora goats are actually a thing, so that's kind of a confusing question.
Level 61
Aug 15, 2021
Great quiz, just slightly spoilt by the US brand names (which was the only one I didn't get!)
Level 59
Aug 17, 2021
Why do you not also complain about the use of Dutch and Irish brand names?
Level 87
Jan 2, 2022
Because that wouldn't provide the chance to indulge in anti-American sentiment, which is the true purpose of such comments.
Level 82
Sep 16, 2023
thank you for not requiring me to spell out ibuproph... ibiproff... uh, the Advil one
Level 78
May 17, 2024
Even more difficult than the last one.
Level 66
Oct 9, 2024
These are so good QM. More if you think your brain can come up with yet more clues?!? Thank you.
Level 77
Oct 9, 2024
could you allow "Elphaba"? Annie could be the name of the character that sings the song, as well as the name of the show it's taken from; at least that was my first thought
Level 65
Oct 9, 2024
Spider-Man has a hyphen in it