'Ciao' = 'hi'/'bye' in Italian; 'chao' = 'bye' in Spanish.
'Hasta luego' ('until later') would be an even better analogy in this instance though, since it means something closer to 'au revoir' ('until the next time we see each other').
I've never actually heard anyone saying 'hasta la vista' outside quoting Terminator - is it a Mexican thing or something? I live in South America and have been to Spain a fair bit...
But adios means farewell, whereas au revoir literally means "until we see each other again". Adieu would be a better French word to correspond with adios, both literally and by connotation.
I had some trouble with spelling some of the answers. Raeggae, Raggae, regge... Posseidon, Posseydon... Managed to get the first one, but after the 2 failed tries for Poseidon I thought it's just the wrong answer. I guess I have to just go with the simplest spelling next time.
How is 'Fat Bottom Girls' analogous to 'Baby Got Back'? I mean, Queen had lots of songs, so what makes this one - and not even the most popular one - different?
Please can Jetpunk stop including questions that use the term 'cretin' or 'cretinism' for hypothyroid disorders? The medical world has not used these terms for a couple of decades now!
'Hasta luego' ('until later') would be an even better analogy in this instance though, since it means something closer to 'au revoir' ('until the next time we see each other').
The more accurate analogy would be as follows:
Bonjour is to Adieu as Buenos Dias is to Adios.
It would be perfect for the clue though.
Ignore me, I found it, just realised it hadn't been updated .
Google has both Ninny originates in the 16th century Nellie in the 1920's and is an Americanism.
Both fit the question