
Ancient Roman Trivia #2

Can you guess these facts from the history of ancient Rome?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: September 5, 2018
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First submittedMarch 1, 2014
Times taken34,691
Average score60.9%
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The first 5 Roman emperors
"Great" Byzantine emperor who
reconquered Italy
Capitoline and Palatine are among
the seven _____ of Rome
Formal robe of a Roman man
Type of animal that
raised Romulus and Remus
Central marketplace of ancient Rome
Barbarian culture that sacked and
"vandalized" Rome in 455
Opposite of a plebeian
The first Bishop of Rome, according
to Catholic tradition
St. Peter
City called Lutetia by the Romans
Term for a division of Roman soldiers
Type of animal associated with the above
Tribe from whom the early Romans
stole their brides
River that Caesar crossed to conquer Italy
What Caesar said on that occasion
The Die is Cast
Egyptian pharaoh who was the lover
of Caesar and Antony
Activity that took place at Circus Maximus
Chariot Racing
Chaste priestesses who maintained
an eternal flame
Vestal Virgins
Method of execution used on Jesus and
followers of Spartacus
Level 24
Mar 9, 2014
please also accept 'alea' for the thing that was cast ;) I didn't recall the English word, but the Latin... (alea iacta est)
Level 87
Mar 16, 2014
But maybe you could accept "dice" ? I had to search for the singular you wanted :p.
Level 43
Mar 28, 2014
It's pretty clear from the context that it's singular. Otherwise it would be 'the dice were cast'.
Level 87
Mar 30, 2014
There are always two dice... and dice is a possible singular as well ^^ (
Level 73
Jan 24, 2015
"Die" is the classic translation.
Level 55
Mar 15, 2019
It's singular in latin: est, not sunt, and alea is first declension.
Level 73
Mar 28, 2014
Please accept Sabini as well.
Level 91
Mar 28, 2014
Justinian destroyed Italy in the process of reconquering it. Boo on you, Justinian.
Level 36
Apr 1, 2021
I used to think he was awesome for trying to get Italy back in the empire. He literally caused Italy to fall into a massive dark age that lasted until the beginnings of the renaissance.

The Renaissance was the rebirth of Italy after Justinian destroyed it!

Level 43
Dec 13, 2023
he really sucked in general. I (and historians writ large) place the end of the classical era and the beginning of the middle ages at the gothic war.
Level 77
Jan 30, 2024
"Historians writ large"? Care to back that up? Cause 476 has been largely considered the end of Antiquity and begining of the Middle Age.
Level 23
Mar 28, 2014
For the 'die' is cast, 'dye' should be accepted as it is the proper translation and the only appropriate spelling within the context of the metaphor.
Level 66
Mar 29, 2014
No, you're wrong. The "alea" that was "jacta" was not a pellet of Easter Egg dye, it was a cube on which pips were painted that was used by soldiers and others to gamble. The plural of alea is translated as dice, not dyes. The singular of dice is die, not dye.
Level 33
Apr 21, 2021
The singular of die is also alternatively dice nowadays. You and I might use die, but most people talk about a dice. The Oxford dictionary has separate entries for die and dice as singular nouns for the same thing.
Level 32
Mar 28, 2014
Please accept Shewolf for wolf, for that is what actually raised Romulus and Remus. Also, could you accept more spellings of legion, such as legeon?
Level 62
Mar 28, 2014
Could you accept Vandal for the of Vandals question?
Level 33
Aug 30, 2014
Yes, you ask 'what civilization (sic)', so I put 'vandal','germanic'and all sorts of adjectives. I wasn't expecting a plural noun.
Level ∞
Jul 5, 2018
Vandal will work now.
Level 51
Mar 29, 2014
Got 100% nice quiz!
Level 82
Mar 30, 2014
great quizz
Level 53
Apr 3, 2014
The opposite of plebeian is actually slave. A plebeian is a free man.
Level 68
Mar 29, 2015
This is definitely something to look into. Roman social strata would have been roughly slaves -> plebeians -> patricians -> emperor
Level 26
Sep 4, 2020
That is just not accurate messieur; the social hierarchy was based on the Centuriate Assembly. The social hierarchy looked more like this:

1.Patrician(Patricians were basically equal to the Equites. In fact, many Equestrians were richer and more powerful than Patricians(like Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus or Gaius Marius)


3.1st Class

4.2nd Class

5.3rd Class

6.4th Class

7.5th Class


Level 87
Dec 23, 2015
During the first centuries of Rome, there were just two strata : plebeians and patricians ^^.
Level 21
Jan 22, 2015
27% got Justinian? Really i can understand Paris and Sabines but Justinian?

I got 100% great quiz!

Level 74
Jun 13, 2019
I got Paris and Sabines but couldn't think of Justinian. Not all great minds think alike. :)
Level 43
Dec 13, 2023
I think its just people forgetting the Byzantines were just Eastern Romans.
Level 66
Sep 5, 2018
I guess reading all those mysteries by Steven Saylor paid off twice, once for being great reads and once for getting me points on this quiz!
Level 77
Nov 22, 2018
I thought you made a typo typing out Steven Tyler for a second, until I realised that Steven Tyler probably hasn't written any mysteries.
Level 69
Jun 13, 2019
That's where I got most of my answers from too.
Level 75
Sep 30, 2021
Yeah the Gordianus series is absolutely fantastic.
Level 87
Oct 29, 2018
I like to point out when I get an answer only because of having learned it from other JetPunk quizzes, so I will note that "Lutetia" was like that for me this time.
Level 81
Jun 13, 2019
Got everything except Tiberius. Still only worth 4 points. Tough crowd.
Level 45
Jun 13, 2019
I am Spartacus
Level 67
Mar 18, 2024
I am scrumpyone

(lets start a chain)

Level 59
Jun 13, 2019
There are various divisions of a roman army; legion, century, cohort, contubernium. Not just legion.
Level 75
Sep 30, 2021
In modern western armies a division is a unit of somewhere around 8,000 soldiers and is most comparable to a Roman legion.
Level 74
Jun 13, 2019
All those years of watching musicals finally paid off - I got Sabines from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers - those "sobbin" women.
Level 75
Sep 7, 2020
Please accept Tiberias.
Level 79
Oct 19, 2021
Only got 'Vestal' thanks for "A Whiter Shade of Pale" by Procul Harum
Level 78
Oct 18, 2023
Could you accept Vesta as well? I didn't realize we had to specify the adjective of it, and if you don't know the correct form (Vestan, Vestian?) you have no chance of getting a point there.
Level 66
Jul 19, 2023
Just to let you know that in the first column you typed 'Hintr' instead of hint.

Apart from that cool quiz :)

Level 34
May 13, 2024
First question column, change "hintr" to "hint"