Amazing that a speaker of one language could hear "cockadoodledoo" while a speaker of another language hears "kikiriki". (I did a YouTube search for "rooster cockadoodledoo" and "gallo kikiriki", and they really are the same sounds.) I guess it's all a matter of what you expect to hear.
yes of course it is. The rooster makes a noise that doesn't sound anything like either of those. More like... arrerrerrerrooo... which is not as cute as "cock a doodle doo"
In French it's "cocorico" (stress always on last syllable in French, "co-co-ri-CO") and if someone is being a braggart or, as we say in English, crowing about something, you can cut his ego down a bit by yelling "cocorico!" Of course "coco rico" means "delicious coconut" in Spanish...
I thought iiik would be a pig. Probably cause in in my mother language i sounds like the English e. So iiik = eeek. Not sure about the Spanish pronunciation of the letter. But oink oink would be a pig I guess.
Chee-chaw! Chee-chaw!
Caw! Ca-caw!