His horns are huge. If you rephrased it as huge animal with horns there would be no issue. Now the huge can refer both to the horns or the animal. (The rhino's horns are tiny compared to the rest of him)
Reminds me of that infamous long-winded 6 minute joke about Jacques de Geauxties and his adventures with dolphins that eventually crescendos into the lamest pun ever uttered on national television, by Norm Macdonald on Conan O'Brien. Google it if you have the time... I watched it 3 years ago and it haunts me to this day.
For the "Q" bird... I tried typing in something close to "Quetzalcoatl" and got NO CREDIT !!! why not? My spelling might have been off by a letter somewhere ... but that's one hell of a word to spell correctly!! Challenging quiz! I got a 96% by missing that one Q-bird.
Woah! What the hell is that weird appendage? I'm really straining my brain to try to figure out the advantage imparted by that thing that would have made them evolve like that. The girl zebus think it looks sexy?
The dugong (Dugong dugon) is also in the Sirenia order, but in the Dugonidae family (the only living members.) They have a dolphin-like fluked tail and a long snout, in contrast to the round, paddle-like tail and shorter snout of the manatees, among other differences.
ram="not huge";
if (ram_ht>=huge_lb)
Because they always have a porpoise!
Ibex car - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibex_(vehicle)
Ibex African antelope - https://www.livescience.com/28102-ibex.html
(end of first paragraph)
Both are a little tenuous
Tarsiers look creepy as heck because of their giant eyes. I wouldn't want to see one in real life.
(Vaquita may not survive the decade)
The dugong (Dugong dugon) is also in the Sirenia order, but in the Dugonidae family (the only living members.) They have a dolphin-like fluked tail and a long snout, in contrast to the round, paddle-like tail and shorter snout of the manatees, among other differences.