
Animals that Start with L

Name these animals that start with the letter L.
This quiz is not based on scientific taxonomy!
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: September 16, 2018
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First submittedOctober 10, 2012
Times taken91,612
Average score75.0%
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A group of them is a pride
Andean pack animal
Red crustacean fished for in Maine
Animal that can live in human hair
Can't change its spots
Bird that appears on the
Canadian dollar coin
Type of reptiles that includes
iguanas and geckos
Young sheep
Primate found only in Madagascar
Swarming insect and biblical plague
Beetle that is commonly red with black dots
Bobcats are a type of this
Eel-like animal that attaches itself to fish
Bloodsucking worm once used
in medical bloodletting
Rodent that doesn't actually
commit mass suicide
Most popular dog breed in the US
Level 32
Apr 13, 2013
Nice quiz. Surprised lamprey is so low, though.
Level 64
Oct 5, 2022
Ocean coloring book with stickers.

Back when all I feared was the eel lurking in a pipe by a marsh, my sweet maternal grandparents gave us these ocean-themed books.

Lamprey fear has never left me.

Eels are cute, though it is funny to scare my son with tales of sea sneks 🐍 !

Level 51
Aug 5, 2023
Many people doing this quizzes are not native english speaker. I knew the animal but not the english name for it.
Level 14
Apr 13, 2013
How did I miss lizard??!!
Level 57
Apr 5, 2022
idk, why are you asking me?
Level 79
Apr 15, 2013
I cannot believe I missed lamb
Level 59
Apr 15, 2013
Ahhh, I wrote "leming" with one M. It didn't take so I didn't even try another spelling. :(
Level 57
Jan 21, 2014
Never heard of the animals Lemming & Lamprey before. I'm surprised Loon is so low though.
Level 66
Nov 23, 2018
It's probably about where you're from. I've never heard of a loon.
Level 28
Nov 23, 2018
kinda sad that everyone can name the American bird (Eagle), but no one can name the Canadian one. *sigh*
Level 75
Feb 18, 2021
A soaring eagle is a tad more impressive than a little duck...
Level 52
Oct 8, 2023
Loons aren't ducks! They're their own thing -- with legs way back on the end of their body, making them poor walkers.
Level 67
Apr 25, 2021
AND Bald Eagles ARE kind of endangered.
Level 86
Oct 5, 2022
Actually, bald eagles aren't endangered any longer. They were moved from 'Endangered' to 'Threatened' in 1995, and from 'Threatened' to 'Least Concern' in 2007 - in the lower 48 states at least. Even though I live in a small urbanized state (Maryland), I see them all the time.

But don't plan a hunting trip any time soon - a US Federal law dating to the 1940's still makes it illegal to hunt, trap, harass, or kill both bald and golden eagles.

Level 69
May 16, 2023
Isn't it nuts that there were 2 illegal aliens in Nebraska who chose to kill a bald eagle?
Level 64
Oct 5, 2022
If we here aren't old enough to have watched 'On Golden Pond' with Fonda and Hepburn in their dottage, we may remember VH 1 etc mocking the hooning of that loon. Before the phone meme era.

It got funnier the more they played it

Level 18
Jan 28, 2014
Level 47
Apr 25, 2014
I think they're starting to use leeches again in rare cases.
Level 74
May 18, 2014
Not so rare. They use them to improve blood flow to skin grafts and reattachment surgeries.
Level 45
Aug 23, 2014
Yeah, and some people actually use maggots to clean a wound! They just let the maggots crawl around in the wound and the maggots will emit a secretion that will help get rid of all the dead and infected tissue, which lets an open wound close, which helps it heal faster! Pretty cool, huh?
Level 86
Jan 15, 2015
They actually eat the dead tissue too.
Level 78
May 14, 2024
Yup! As I understand it, they eat the dead tissue and leave the living tissue completely alone. It cleans out necrotic wounds on a much finer scale than any doctor can.
Level 64
Sep 10, 2017
Used in combat when medical attention was not immediately available.

If in a stationary position, one could fight while the maggots did their work.

Level 28
Feb 18, 2024
Thats cool but disgusting
Level 64
Oct 5, 2022
Morocco. Galen is still respected in Oued Zem. 🤔
Level 76
May 18, 2014
Never seen Canadian coins, so I didn't guess loon. I think several Europeans have the same experience.
Level 78
Jan 23, 2015
Yep. The $1 coins are called Loonies. The $2 coins are then called Toonies. Silly Canadians.
Level 64
Oct 5, 2022
takes me back to the halcyon days, before the fishing ban, potato blight, and the substance abuse it wrought

Looking at you, NB trawlers


Level 55
Oct 19, 2015
I only know it because it the names ^ mentioned above; I'm not Canadian either. But not too many birds start with "L", at least suborders/species/groups of them. After guessing, say, "lark," and....just kidding, I can't think of any others....anyway..."loon" would be one of the others I would guess. (What other birds start with "L"?? I know there are some!)
Level 55
Oct 19, 2015
*because OF, not it.
Level 64
Sep 10, 2017
Ligeon, licken, love, lobin, lparrow.
Level 46
Oct 19, 2015
Not only Europeans, but also Asians, like me.
Level 86
Sep 1, 2015
Since the clue specifically mentions Maine, I think "lobsta" should be an acceptable spelling!
Level 86
Oct 5, 2022
And now it is - thanks!
Level 68
Oct 19, 2015
I don't think lynxes are a type of bobcat. Distinct species.
Level 87
Oct 19, 2015
No, bobcats are a type of lynx. Their taxonomic name is Lynx Rufus.
Level 56
Oct 19, 2015
Well that was a nice easy 5 points. Not often I do a quiz here and not have to pause to think of an answer!
Level 20
Jun 14, 2016
Argh I put "locus" T_T
Level 12
Feb 5, 2017
I'm a bit surprised I got lamprey, although it did take longer to get loon and llama...
Level 59
Jul 23, 2017
Missed lamb....and a few others....
Level 34
Mar 18, 2018
I thought a loon was something completely different.
Level 66
Nov 23, 2018
The crustacean fished for in Maine is actually dark blue until cooked, when it turns red. The only red lobsters found in any numbers are Cape Lobsters, found in the waters off South Africa. As the LobstersAnywhere site states: "The Cape Lobster, found in the seas around South Africa, and in fact only recently included in the Nephropidae family, is actually the only lobster variety that is red whilst alive." [Sure that's pedantic, but this is a trivia site, isn't it?]
Level 72
Jan 9, 2019
It is a good comment. Most people think lobsters are red. I knew they werent, but didnt know there was actually one species that was,. I did know some lobsters are two-toned, split down the middle, due to chimera, one side can be male other half female. Rare but extraordinairy
Level 86
Dec 6, 2020
Yeah, I don't think they should include red unless they mean the cooked variety. "Crustacean fished for off the coast of Maine, known for its claw and tail meat."
Level 33
May 24, 2019
You should add Lugworm
Level 52
Jun 24, 2020
I don't think llamas are pack animals.
Level 68
Mar 12, 2021
That threw me too. I think it must refer to their carrying stuff, like a packhorse (though who uses that term now?) rather than hunting in a pack like wolves or hyenas.
Level 55
Jan 30, 2022
me when i can't spell leopard
Level 61
Mar 29, 2022
Accidentally typed in lobsta and was pleasantly surprised when it was accepted
Level 65
Jun 4, 2024
It would be unfair to actual Mainers if it wasn't, I'd imagine :^)
Level 64
Jun 29, 2022
9/16, not bad i guess
Level 71
Apr 30, 2023
13/16, somehow missed Ladybug because I forgot that it's technically a beetle, also missed lemming and lamprey
Level 69
May 16, 2023
I was hoping for a chance to use the tongue-eating louse ):