"larger relative" is a bit ambiguous as they're all crows. Rooks are smaller than Carrion Crows but larger than Jackdaws. Maybe "largest member of the crow family" is better?
I also heard that the other reindeer never let Rudolph join in any "reindeer games". Are there any updates on this development? Has the dis-allowment of Rudolph from "reindeer games" subsided after his successful guiding of the sleigh?
According to recent studies it has actually been found that Rudolph was only recognized for his talents on "one foggy Christmas eve" from this we can infer that Rudolph was only needed for the "one" Christmas eve and may have returned to his position on other foggy nights.
With birds of prey I had a hard time getting roofvogels out of my head ( what we call bird of prey in my country) only thing I could think of was ravenous bird hahah
my grandmother is named rhea and i didn't know it was a type of bird. She'd be disappointed but sometimes you learn about the people you love most in unexpected ways and sometimes you learn unexpected things....