They're similar, especially nowadays, though originally they were distinct. Root beer was primarily flavored with sassafras, while sarsaparilla was primarily "smilax regelii," aka sarsaparilla. Even historically, both "tonics" often included similar ingredients, though in differing proportions.
It could be either. Ambrosia is now usually used to refer to the food of the Gods, but originally there was little or no distinction between nectar and ambrosia. Anyway, I reckon you're right and ambrosia should be counted...
I think an acceptable answer for "When life gives you lemons..." should be "You make life take the lemons back!" We all know that's how the saying REALLY goes.
What makes champagne the answer to the New Year's drink of choice? Either that is a contender for the most subjective quiz question ever or there's some reference I don't know about - Is it on a tv show or something?
I'd say that in the USA it is the drink most associated with new years eve. Perhaps that is not the case in the rest of the world, but I thought it was an easy question.
Might not be in every country but it is a common thing not just usa. I think most of the western world. (western europe, usa and australia new zealand.)>
At least something sparkly/bubbly. It is the standard image, if you look up new years eve you get images/cards of clinging champagne glasses just like when you look up birthday you get balloons and cake. Though not everyone might use/have those at birthdays.
Btw we didnt actually drink champagne, but did always toast with something in a nice glass. But on bigger gatherings there usually is atleast one bottle so everyone can get a sip and if not then there is prosecco or cava. It is the thought that count. Toasting on the stroke of midnight.
A powdered drink similar to Kool-Aid. If you don't know what Kool-Aid is, considered yourself lucky. (It's a powder of artificial flavors and colors which is mixed with sugar and water to make brightly-colored drinks that taste terrible but kids seem to love.) The red flavors stain carpets and clothing without mercy.
Kool-Aid is acceptable as a type-in for Flavorade. This incident is where the expression "drinking the Kool Aid" comes from. But Kool-Aid is technically incorrect as in addition to being brainwashed cult member talked into committing mass suicide they were also stuck drinking an off brand of sugary drink powder.
The documentary "Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple" contains archival footage of Jones talking about the supplies they have, and both brands can be seen. Although this does not prove that both were used for the poisoning, it is good circumstantial evidence that it was likely both. A first-hand account (Jonestown Is an Eerie Ghost Town Now, by Charles A. Krause, printed in the Washington Post, December 17, 1978) does mention that there were Flavor Aid packets, and this is likely the source of the many articles that claim that it was Flavor Aid instead of Kool Aid; however, there is no conclusive evidence that Flavor Aid was used exclusively.
I knew lassi (but only know it from indonesia.. so first I thought that couldnt be the answer) and kombucha, was proud I typed it correctly in one go though haha, thought I would fail it on spelling. But never heard of Flavor Aid, Slurpee, Arnold Palmer or Tang, they must all be american things?
Plus I didnt get root beer or ginger ale, I háve heard of those, but to this day I still don't know what it is. I think I tried to look it up once, but that obviously didnt help.
I also didnt get dr pepper which we do have here, but no commercials or anything so had no idea about claims they make or types of flavours (we only have one and on rare occasion I have seen a cherry version, but that was years ago).
And missed orange juice... I have no idea about the ingredients of those.. I was trying several types of liquor..
Serious disadvantage being Australian for this quiz: stuff like "Dr. Pepper" doesn't really exist in Aus but we have Schwepps, Kirks and plenty of other brands that have at least 27 flavours.
A beverage is something you can drink, so yea it is. It comes from latin bibere meaning to drink. (Though I guess it can differ locally. If you exclude water from drink aswell, as in do you want a drink, I guess I can imagine in some places it will be excluded)
maybe fancy european sangria is made with port, but my homemade stuff always used vodka. I was also sure it was mulled wine. (or glogg, the Scandinavian version)
sangria with vodka O.O I have absolutely no idea what that would taste like but I doubt it tastes like sangria. Personally I only know the base for sangria to be red wine (and often with sugar, but when I made it myself I just dropped the fruit right into the wine, the fruit makes it plenty sweet already)
Kombucha is a bit different than just a bacteria and yeast mixture. It is liquid fermented by a SCOBY, which is athe symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast, but the drink is the fermentation occuring in liquid. So it is technically incorrect saying that it is the yeast and bacteria, but the SCOBY was involved in the process of making kombucha.
The clue "soda that has 23 flavors" was confusing to me. I thought you were asking for soda brand that has 23 flavors, which got me thinking "Fanta" or "Crush" or maybe "soda stream". I think you meant 'soda that contains 23 flavorings' ... meaning there are 23 flavorings that go into making the flavor of Dr Pepper. If that is what you meant, then some better wording is requested.
At least something sparkly/bubbly. It is the standard image, if you look up new years eve you get images/cards of clinging champagne glasses just like when you look up birthday you get balloons and cake. Though not everyone might use/have those at birthdays.
Btw we didnt actually drink champagne, but did always toast with something in a nice glass. But on bigger gatherings there usually is atleast one bottle so everyone can get a sip and if not then there is prosecco or cava. It is the thought that count. Toasting on the stroke of midnight.
Plus I didnt get root beer or ginger ale, I háve heard of those, but to this day I still don't know what it is. I think I tried to look it up once, but that obviously didnt help.
And missed orange juice... I have no idea about the ingredients of those.. I was trying several types of liquor..