
Answers by Time Period

For each year, guess the answer that would have been accurate for that time period.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: September 8, 2022
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First submittedNovember 13, 2012
Times taken41,662
Average score55.3%
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Most populous metro area
Tokyo / Guangzhou
New York City
1700 BC
Tallest free-standing structure
Burj Khalifa
CN Tower
Empire State Building
Eiffel Tower
Washington Monument
1 AD
Great Pyramid
English monarch
Charles III
George III
Henry VIII
William the Conqueror
Heavyweight boxing world champion
Mike Tyson
Muhammad Ali
Joe Louis
Largest country or empire by land area
Soviet Union
British Empire
Spanish Empire
Mongol Empire
500 BC
Achaemenid Empire (Persia)
Richest Person (private citizen)
Elon Musk
Bill Gates
Sam Walton
John D. Rockefeller
Nathan Rothschild
55 BC
100 meter dash record holder
Usain Bolt
Carl Lewis
Jesse Owens
Highest-grossing film of all time
Star Wars
Gone With the Wind
Level 74
Jan 16, 2013
great quiz
Level 73
Jan 16, 2013
Should accept Peking for Beijing, since that's what it was known as in the West in 1800.
Level ∞
May 3, 2015
Level 41
Jan 17, 2013
Fun quiz
Level 81
Jan 28, 2013
fun quiz. I'm surprised that more people got Carl Lewis than George III, Kufu's Pyramid, Babylon, the Burj Khalifa (is Burj Dubai acceptable as an answer? Maybe people aren't aware of the name change), CN Tower, or Washington Monument... I guess many people were probably tripped up by "free standing structure." CN Tower, the Great Pyramid, and the Washington Monument are not usually included on lists of tallest buildings. and if this were structures of any kind not "free standing" ones then the Warsaw Radio Mast was tallest in 1980, and the tallest of all-time until the Burj Khalifa surpassed it.
Level 72
Jun 8, 2019
I think people simply forgot to really think back in time. And somehow george was the one I missed aswell
Level 44
Jul 25, 2023
No. What happened to me is i thought he wanted the city the structure was lo cated in , after just havi ng completed cities. So i got none of those. E ven though i had them all , I was thinking along city lines.
Level 89
Jul 2, 2019
I only got Carl Lewis because I was trying for Joe Louis and wasn't sure about the spelling at first.
Level 65
Jul 23, 2019
exactly the same here
Level 54
Oct 31, 2024
I was trying to guess kings and I didn't know what to put so i said Louis and it worked
Level 74
Jul 21, 2015
Great quiz idea. 32/34
Level 56
Jul 21, 2015
Good quiz! Though, I am confused why you chose freestanding structures and not all structures or buildings in the strict sense.
Level 81
Jul 21, 2015
Because most people don't know about the radio masts and towers that would take the record for many years.
Level 75
Jul 21, 2015
Could you please also accept Rotschild?
Level 74
Jul 21, 2015
Great quiz, although I could have used more time. I tried Croesus instead of Crassus. Never heard of the latter.
Level 58
Jul 24, 2015
Crassus was one of the people in the first triumvirate, providing the financial power to go with the military (in Caesar) and the political (in Pompey).
Level 89
Mar 20, 2019
I guessed Croesus too.
Level 72
Jun 8, 2019
croesus would be more like 500 bc instead of 50 bc I guess.
Level 68
Jun 15, 2019
I also agree that this could use a bump in time.
Level 80
Feb 17, 2021
I guessed Croesus too!
Level 80
Oct 6, 2022
Did it again!
Level 58
Jul 21, 2015
I'm surprised that only 4% have guessed Crassus, is not studied Roman history outside of Italy? It's very famous thing that it was the richest man in the empire at the time of the triumvirate
Level 82
Mar 24, 2021
I got it from the very entertaining Horrible Histories song:

I'm Marcus Licinius Crassus

No rich man could ever surpass us

Wanted people to say I was brave

But I lost my first fight and hid in a cave

Living there could be a pauper's nightmare

But if you're rich like me then you don't care

I called my slave to the cave to ask it

To cook a feast and lower in a basket

Those Romans think they're minted

But they ain't rich like me

You can't call yourself loaded

Till you can buy an army

Ran Rome with Pompey and Caesar

They're more famous than me

But I'm the world's richest geezer

There's no-one richer than me

I'm minted!

Level 15
Jul 21, 2015
There's no such thing as year 0.
Level 90
Jul 3, 2018
Tell that to the Khmer Rouge. They don't like being called wrong btw.
Level ∞
Jun 8, 2019
Level 87
Nov 1, 2018
I clearly know more about sports than I do about rich people.
Level 87
Jun 8, 2019
And now, 7 months later, I have flip-flopped.
Level 72
Jun 8, 2019
The pyramids are low ! (well, they were high... ;) )
Level 87
Jun 8, 2019
They must have been, to think that building those giant things was a good idea ;)
Level 63
Jun 18, 2019
It amazes me just how long it was the tallest free-standing structure. And how today its height is nothing.
Level 69
Jun 8, 2019
Tbh the date for Crassus should be a little earlier, as he died in 53bc at the Battle of Carrhae.
Level ∞
Jun 8, 2019
Level 86
Jun 9, 2019
Crassus was not a private citizen.
Level 78
Aug 30, 2021
That's a tricky one. I take "private citizen" as not a royal whose wealth is both passed down and is tied to the state. Crassus amassed his wealth prior to being a financial patron of the first triumvirate. It would be akin to someone like Donald Trump. He amassed his wealth as a private citizen and then spent 4 years as president. Would that preclude him from this quiz? I think the clue is probably fine.
Level 82
Jul 2, 2019
I needed more time.
Level 78
Jul 2, 2019
Urghhhhh, 30/38. I put Rockerfeller which is pretty stupid and Cressida which i suppose just makes me an idiot but yunno
Level 69
Jul 3, 2019
It should accept Baghdad for Babylon, since they're in the same location
Level 81
Jul 3, 2019
It's 100 km away.
Level 64
Jul 9, 2019
You should accept Giza for the pyramid one
Level 80
Mar 1, 2021
That would be like accepting "Paris" for the Eiffel Tower
Level 79
Nov 11, 2023
What about cheops?
Level 44
Feb 19, 2020
Annoyed at myself for not getting the Washington Monument as I got it mixed up with the Lincoln Memorial. Also I had no idea that the CN Tower was that tall
Level 56
Feb 23, 2021
Elon Musk is currently the richest person
Level 66
Nov 23, 2021
I was disappointed not to see Mansa Musa!

But I realize his empire made him rich, so he doesn't count. :(

Level 65
Oct 6, 2022
To be more exact, we can debate how much was gold worth in Mali since it was so common there. Probably not that much considering how hard he accidentally crushed the egyptian economy due to inflation, giving away so much gold during his pilgrimage.

When it came to actual purchasing power, I wouldn't be surprised if other major monarchs (the Pope, the king of France, the Holy Roman Emperor, the Doge of Venice, the Yuan Emperor...) would be actually richer.

Level 74
Oct 6, 2022
Time was a real limit on this one, for me.
Level 49
Oct 9, 2022
Brilliant quiz but I think the time should be longer tbh
Level 79
Nov 11, 2023
Could you add some spellings for burj khalifa? I spelled it with the H in different places and two f's, but had to go to google for the correct spelling.
Level 80
Apr 9, 2024
Richest person needs updating to Bernard Arnault :)
Level 61
Apr 23, 2024
Washington monument was not the tallest structure in 1880. It was finished in 1884, before it the spire of Rouen cathedral was the tallest.


Level 80
Dec 2, 2024
The question says 1885 and it hasn't been updated since 2022.
Level 71
Dec 11, 2024
32/38, very fun quiz