Mythbusters disproved the five-second rule on one of their episodes. I was like, "Really? You had to actually take the time to prove to people that it isn't true?" On the other hand I strongly doubt that germs picked up from the floor will kill us, considering all the unwashed hands that likely touch our food in restaurants and we still seem to survive.
From the episode in which Homer realizes (with the help of a Guatemalan insanity-inducing-pepper causing him to hallucinate interactions with a space coyote played by Johnny Cash) that Marge is his soul-mate? How is that remotely sad?
Imagine me not knowing a Michigan Basketball team from twenty six years ago. You'd almost think stuff like that wasn't really common knowledge out side of America. Sigh. Another quiz with a question that non-Americans just won't have a chance of getting.
I appreciate this is a predominantly American site but it does get monotonous when quiz, after quiz, after quiz have questions that us non Americans have all but zero chance of getting.
Can you even get through one quiz without whining? Do you know what the definition of the word trivia is? I didn't know the answer to that one, either. Doesn't mean there's something wrong with the quiz.
I couldn't spell borough. I kept trying burrough, which according to the online Websters is now obsolete variant of borough. Or I could have been spelling it like that because I was thinking William S.Burroughs.
Great to learn the term 'five hole' - never come across this before. The British English term from football is to 'nutmeg' another player, often we just say 'meg'/'megged'.
There is a very enjoyable variety of creative names used in other countries and languages for this - there's a fun Wikipedia article here listing lots of them.
Germ 1: Let's go after it!
Germ 2: No! We must wait 5 seconds.
(5 seconds pass)
Germ 2: Okay go
I appreciate this is a predominantly American site but it does get monotonous when quiz, after quiz, after quiz have questions that us non Americans have all but zero chance of getting.
There is a very enjoyable variety of creative names used in other countries and languages for this - there's a fun Wikipedia article here listing lots of them.