Paris was small and weak, not a warrior at all. Apollo, who was a god, guided his hand to shoot a poisoned arrow into Achilles' heel. Hector was the best fighter in Troy and Achilles was the best fighter for the Greeks.
Yep Achilles was so wrapped up in himself I don't think he had time for an archnemesis. It should be the other way round, that Hector's archnemesis is Achilles.
from what I heard, Achilles got shot in the heel, the only non-invincible part of his body (because he was dipped in the river styx) and he got shot by a Trojan warrior there.
You could also say that his archnemesis was Agamemnon, who took away Briseis, Achilles' concubine, causing Achilles to sulk in his tent rather than fight the Trojans. But Hector is a better answer.
fascinating to know that was a question before Hamilton the musical became a huge hit! I don't know a single person my age who doesn't know about Hamilton and Burr now
Ohioan here! It’s a huge deal to most people, and fans of American football love to watch this rivalry. Not every question has to be within your general knowledge.
Batman may have a lot of memorable villains but the Joker is the one that has caused more pain and suffering to the Batman family and Gotham City more times than any other villain ever did, such as crippling Batgirl or beating Robin to death with a crowbar. He also turned the entire city of Gotham into zombies, blew up a school full of children, devoured basically all of China, and even tricked Superman into destroying Metropolis. No other criminal has the same insanely chaotic method of behavior like the Joker.
Well, no one's claiming that Superman is real, so we can get into a civilised discussion about the details of a fictional character. If everyone could just agree that Jesus is also fictional, we could have those same discussions. Don't see why, though, because the Bible is an exceptionally boring story.
Except that Jesus WASN'T fictional. Most historians agree that he was a real person, including many historians (Jewish, Roman, et al) who wrote about him not long after his death (many of whom were not very flattering). Now, whether he did everything attributed to him in the Bible, that's a matter of religious debate. Depends upon what you choose to believe. However, again, the historicity of Jesus the human being should not be up for debate. Also, the Bible is far from "boring," if you have an attention span for reading. Some of the individual books within can be a dry: "so and so begot so and so, etc..." but it has a LOT of really interesting information, knowledge, wisdom, and yes, some pretty wild stories!
If only we could just all acknowledge that the most well-attested-to and famous historical figure of the ancient world was fictional. Oh, how simple life would be without pesky evidence! Between sources like Flavius Josephus, Tacitus, the dead sea scrolls, and others, we have an account of nearly all of the events of the life of Jesus without even bringing the Bible into the equation.
disagree about hood in place of Robin Hood. However, you should seriously accept "white whale" in place of Moby dick. I was really hung up on that one. haha, I'm getting old...
Surprised G.I. Joe is so low! Who could forget Cobra Commander, one of the all time best '80s cartoon villains? Now the important question: hood or helmet?
You can call us Aaron Burr from the way we droppin' Hamiltons!
P.S. Yes I know when this was released
other Biblical entities and suddenly there are HUGE arguments about whether or not they are real! - Yep. it AMAZES me!