Strictly speaking "the Big Train." And how about "Big Six," "Death to Flying Things" (you can look it up, as Casey Stengel used to say), "the Old Perfessor," "Ducky," "Big Poison," "Rapid Robert," "Old Pete" and so forth?
McGruff was the REAL crime dog. During Saturday morning cartoons in the 80s, kids were instructed to "Take a Bite out of Crime" with McGruff, the Crime Dog. That's where Fred McGriff got his nickname from.
I would have gotten Victorino, but I doubt he'd be over 30%. I think Travis Hafner has the best nickname of good but not great players from that generation.
I only got 2 right, Babe Ruth, (most guessed) and Mike Trout, (least guessed) at least Mike Trout has made me feel like I've accomplished something in life.
At the Yankees game?
Yeah, well it wasn't him.