I've always found it funny that the Redskins get so much hate for their name despite their very respectful logo while the Indians are given a pass despite their rather insulting mascot.
No kidding, but they do catch some grief. But that Indian guy, the grinning idiot. What could be worse? How about Crazy Horse disemboweling G. A. Custer?
The Indians have retired that logo. They were smart enough to phase it out over time so as to minimize the uproar. A few years ago, they switched the primary logo (i.e., the one on their cap) from the Indian face to a "C." They put the Indian on some merchandise here and there and occasionally let him appear on the sleeve of a game's jersey, but he appeared less and less frequently as time passed. He has not appeared once this season, and you're not going to see him again on an Indians uniform. I actually think they handled the whole thing very well.
They are known to push out the eggs of other birds, lay their own and let the parents of the destroyed eggs raise their blue jay offspring. I'd say that goes beyond annoying.
When they do decide to make their own nests they dive bomb and pester those who walk nearby. Quite annoying.
They can go beyond annoying. They can be down right dangerous. I have the scar on the back of my head to prove it. One dived on me like a P-51 Mustang. I mean the bird not the team.
They are annoying and greedy, but I think they are beautiful and they give heck to the squirrels which qualifies them for sainthood in my husband's eyes. (I like squirrels, but hubby calls them tree rats.)
I'm just going to assume that the clue does not have to correspond with the actual meaning of the team names, such as for Twins, Braves, Indians. With that said, a young female horse is a FILLY, not a Phillie. They're completely different words. That;s like defining "whine" as an alcoholic beverage made from grapes.
There is no meaning for the word "Philly," except possibly as a term for a person from Philadelphia, but I have never heard that usage and I doubt it exists. Given the circumstances, it's good enough. You think "a female horse is a filly," and from there, you really should be able to get the answer.
could not stop thinking of the buccaneers for the jolly rogers even though i knew that was the wrong sport, kicked myself when the answer showed up after i timed out. sometimes your brain just gets stuck and you cant get it unstuck even though you know you are on the completely wrong path.
That was fun. I was stuck for a minute with just one left to decipher. I don't find Blue Jays annoying, and while I was trying to think of what bird could possibly construed to be annoying, a Blue Jay was calling outside my window the whole time!
When they do decide to make their own nests they dive bomb and pester those who walk nearby. Quite annoying.