Or Burgess Meredith and either Julie Newmar or Eartha Kitt to round out the classic West villains. Speaking of... no BURT WARD, either?!!! Cmon, people!
fun. IMO you ought to include Eartha Kitt as Catwoman. Maybe knock Halle Berry off the list- that movie is best forgotten anyway. and it would have been nice to see Mark Hamill get a nod for his universally lauded work as the Joker in Batman: Mask of the Phantasm.
Adding my voice to those calling for more actors from the awful '66 movie. Why include batman and joker but not the rest? Meredith, Gorshin, Meriwether, Ward and Napier were as much a part of that movie as Cesar Romero.
And the characters of James Gordon and Lucius Foxx ? They are also important in history, and also lack the actor who plays Alfred in the first series of films : Michael Gough . They should be !
Fairly obscure one. I love me some Billy Dee Williams, but his part as Harvey Dent was a blink-and-you'll-miss-it affair. Might as well include Robert Swenson as Bane in Batman & Robin if you're gonna go that deep.
I agree a whole bunch of comments on here. JGL was Robin (that was his name in the movie), not to mention the character that would become Robin. I'm semi torn, but he should be included. Irons and Williams should 100% be included.
To be fair, only two of them are good. Dark Knight Rises wasn't terrible, but it suffered from two major miscasts and being at least half an hour too long.
There were problems with The Dark Knight- mostly that Nolan seems to have been prioritizing themes over plot consistency- but the length was fine and assuming you're talking about Hathaway and Hardy I think they pulled it off really well. I don't really care for Gordon-Levitt but most people seem to like him.
...whaaa? I never heard anyone call The Dark Knight anything less than great, let alone awful. Just about the most perfect comic book movie ever made. Begins was boring I thought on first watch but after seeing Dark Knight, knowing that Begins led into it, it elevated the first movie so much more and it became enjoyable as a prelude to the near flawless sequel. Dark Knight Rises had good and bad things about it, but the Dark Knight.. just incredible.
Interesting and novel opinion, plats.. curious to hear more
I was in fact talking about Hathaway and Hardy. Aside from the fact Tom Hardy is the wrong ethnicity entirely for that character, he had some silly Sean-Connery-with-a-chest-cold voice going on, which really distracted from his performance. And Anne Hathaway just didn't do enough to come out of her nice girl image, so she was totally unbelievable. As for JGL, he wasn't so much miscast as just a pointless character. Just taking some random character and calling him Robin doesn't make him Robin. He added little to the bloated movie and could've easily just been left out entirely.
Yeah, there are a few things missing. You should have Michael Gough for playing Alfred in the 90s Batman movies and Alan Napier for the 1966 movie AND Jeremy Irons for BvS (possibly the best actor in that movie), Burt Ward and Joseph-Gordon Levitt should be included as Robin (even though we didn't know JGL was Robin until the end of the film), Lee Merriweather for playing Catwoman in 1966, Burgess Meredith for Penguin, Frank Gorshin for Riddler, Neil Hamilton and Pat Hingle for Commissioner Gordon. Even though he wasn't Two-Face, Billy Dee Williams should be credited for playing Harvey Dent in in the 89 movie and Batman Forever. And finally *sigh* as much as I hate to acknowledge it, Jeep Swenson should be credited for playing Bane in Batman & Robin.
You need to add the following: Suicide Squad to Ben Affleck's movies, Jared Leto and Suicide Squad to the Joker, Michael Gough and Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Forever, and Batman & Robin to Alfred, Bane from Batman & Robin, and Pat Hingle as Commissioner Gordon.
Wasn't Marion Cottiard also R'as Al Ghul. There are a lot of other actors you should have included. There were three other Alfreds (Alan Napier, Michael Gough and a terribly miscast Jeremy Irons) and (count 'em) three Catwomen associated with the "Batman" TV series.
Marion played Thalia Al Ghul, R'as' daughter. Also, you didn't like Irons? He was quite good, I thought. A different take, for sure, but a welcome one.
Why only Adam West and Cesar Romero from the TV show? Also, a good way to stump people would be by asking who played Harvey Dent in the 1989 Batman? Answer: Billy Dee Williams.
So Halle Berry is included for the standalone Catwoman film, but no Lee Meriweather from 1966? And what about Burt Ward, Burgess Meredith and Frank Gorshin?
Why do you ignore characters in your quiz who appeared in other movies? Alfred was in the Tim Burton Batman movies, Robin, albeit not as the sidekick was in the Dark Knight trilogy as well as the 1966 movie. Catwoman, penguin and the Riddler were in the 1966 movie (I think Batgirl might also have been, been a while since I've seen it). There just seems to be no consistency. Also, maybe add Suicide Squad for Joker (since you have Catwoman and Joker as standalone movies).
As others have said, I don't think it makes sense to include Halle Berry here. Her movie doesn't involve Batman in any way, and this is a quiz about actors in the Batman franchise. Also, if you're including Ben Affleck, you might as well bring in other actors from the DCEU like Margot Robbie or Jared Leto or even Jeremy Irons.
Leto sucked. Affleck was good actually in Batman v Superman... but by Justice League he was phoning it in. Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn would be a worthy addition.
What, did Burt Ward kick your dog or something? Omitting Lee Meriweather, Burgess Meredith and Frank Gorshin was bad enough, but to exclude the original "Robin" cheapens this quiz.
Make a quiz about all-time great home run hitters, but be sure to leave off Babe Ruth. Or make a quiz about astro/cosmonauts and leave off Yuri Gagarin.
Almost no one would get those answers. I'm not exactly young myself, and I run a trivia website for a living, so I know more trivia than at least 99% of people. And yet I've never even heard of some of the people you just mentioned.
71% of 219 quiz-takers got Burgess Meredith, 63% got Frank Gorshin, and 43% got Lee Meriwether on the quiz at https://www.jetpunk.com/user-quizzes/27519/1966-batman-actors/stats
I'm a little offended (playfully). I'm not that ancient, and IMO, Burgess Meredith was, by far, the most iconic Penguin. Looking at the current quiz stats, only 41% correctly guessed the new Penguin and 35% guessed the new Riddler. I'd be willing to bet you my bottom dollar that a higher percentage would have guessed Meredith than that.
Make sure to add Commissioner Gordon and Alfred from The Batman (2022). You can maybe add Joker too, played by Barry Keoghan, but I would understand if you didn’t want to do that since it wasn’t totally revealed. By the way, I really enjoy this website and I appreciate the dedication you take to always keep it up and running, I really respect that. Keep up the good work!
Ursula Andress? Are you perhaps thinking of Lee Meriwether, who played Catwoman in the 1966 movie? Or Julie Newmar, or Eartha Kitt, who played her in the TV show?
I have never watched a Batman movie all of the way through and it showed with my score of 10 and zero points. Rented one of the Michael Keaton films with a girlfriend in the late 80s and got bored and went out. Watched one of the Dark Knight films (don't remember which one) with wife and son at the cinema and fell asleep after a few minutes. Just not my thing, I'm afraid
As much as I am in favor of including Eartha Kitt anywhere and everywhere she can be, this quiz is specifically about the movie actors, and she was only on the TV show.
Who were the 8% that forgot Bayuhl? Are they stupid? Man and Jonkler and Bone are must haves, who haven’t gotten them? Is there a lore reason why only 92% of people chose Christopher Bayuhl? Are they stup-
Alfred (Batman-Batman and Robin) Micheal Gough and Batman v Superman, Jeremy Irons
Harvey Dent (Batman) Billy Dee Williams
Robin (Batman 1966) Burt Ward
Penguin (Batman 1966) Burgess Meredith
Bane (Batman and Robin) cant remember guy who plays him
Also Riddler and Catwoman in Batman 1966 but cant remember who plays them
bane was cool
Interesting and novel opinion, plats.. curious to hear more
Make a quiz about all-time great home run hitters, but be sure to leave off Babe Ruth. Or make a quiz about astro/cosmonauts and leave off Yuri Gagarin.
Makes no sense.
Jared Leto - Joker
Cillian Murphy - Scarecrow
Andy Serkis - Alfred
Jeremy Irons - Alfred
Margot Robbie - Harley Quinn