Beltway is not a term for Washington DC... sometimes Washington DC is referred to as "inside the beltway"... but the "inside the" part is essential otherwise you are just referring to the road (Interstate 495) that runs in a circle around Washington DC, not Washington DC itself.
alright nevermind... with a bit of googling I found people referring to both "inside the beltway thinking/policy/whatever" and "beltway thinking/policy/whatever"... so I guess the quiz is right... though IMO this is probably just a recent corruption of the term that originally made sense, probably by people who weren't from Washington and didn't know what it even meant. oh well... language is dynamic.
Actually, kalbahamut, I feel your first comment is correct. Just become some out-of-town news media misuse terminology does not make it correct! I live in Metro DC, and we NEVER say something like, "We're going into the Beltway for dinner tonight!" (although we do complain about the traffic on the Beltway an awful lot). The hint could easily be changed to "a term for the road that encircles a city, such as Washington, DC". (Baltimore has one, too.)
I know this is really late but...the timing belt (or chain) is different from the serpentine belt. One is an integral part of the internal combustion engine and the other uses the power generated by the engine to run various auxiliary devices.
Timing belts are different, but in Australia a serpentine belt is usually called a drive belt or (most commonly) a fan belt, regardless of how many other things it runs besides the radiator fans.
The cam belts you've shown are all toothed and have an exact timing needed for the function of the engine, serpentine belts are smooth and work things other than the engine.
Please accept red as well as black belt for martial arts. Numerous martial arts (Jiu jitsu, which I took for several years, as well as judo, I believe aikido, and karate too if I recall correctly) ACTUALLY have a red belt as the absolute highest colour available. They're just quite rare due to how hard they are to earn.
Quite a few language differences between US phrases and UK phrases, so thank you for the lesson. I knew Rust Belt and Bible Belt, but Beltway and Borscht Belt are new to me. Again, thanks for the new information. I've learned some stuff here.