
Best Selling Beers in the U.S.

How many of the best-selling beers in the United States can you name?
For the year 2019. According to
Make sure to guess varieties such as LIGHT or ICE
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: January 12, 2022
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First submittedJune 1, 2012
Times taken63,896
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27.2 mil
Bud Light
14.0 mil
Coors Light
12.4 mil
Miller Lite
10.6 mil
10.2 mil
Michelob Ultra
9.4 mil
Modelo Especial
8.1 mil
Corona Extra
6.7 mil
Natural Light
6.3 mil
Busch Light
3.9 mil
3.7 mil
3.3 mil
Keystone Light
3.0 mil
Miller High Life
2.7 mil
Stella Artois
2.4 mil
Bud Ice
2.2 mil
Natural Ice
2.0 mil
Yuengling Lager
2.0 mil
Pabst Blue Ribbon
2.0 mil
Blue Moon
1.9 mil
Dos Equis
1.6 mil
Steel Reserve
1.5 mil
1.3 mil
1.2 mil
1.1 mil
Milwaukee's Best Ice
105 Recent Comments
Level 63
Jun 23, 2012
Is there anything drinkable on that list?
Level 54
Oct 8, 2012
The only beer on that list that I'd even consider is Yuengling.
Level 81
Jun 23, 2013
Yeungling? Those are the things that everyone was so upset about Anakin killing in Revenge of the Jedi right? So when he killed a pack of Yeunglings what they really meant was that he blasted through six beers. Natalie Portman and Obi Wan were so upset because he had fallen off the wagon. And when they tried to stage an intervention about his drinking problem it didn't go well. Finally the end of that movie makes sense. I couldn't figure out what a yeungling was for the longest time...
Level 74
Jun 1, 2016
I think I like Kal's version of the Anakin story better than the original
Level 91
Jul 25, 2016
Revenge of the Jedi is my favorite Star Wars movie.
Level 75
Jul 25, 2016
Kal, you must rewrite the entire Star Wars franchise immediately. Then they might be worth watching.
Level 90
Oct 21, 2019
Anyone at the right age remembers Revenge Of The Jedi being announced when The Empire Strikes Back was out. They later changed the working title to Return because they "didn't want to give away too much plot". That may sound absurd now, plot and Star Wars movies, but at the time the kids were all talking about the big cinematic bombshell of Daddy Darth. Now if the working title had been Incest of the Jedi, yeah but revenge? We all saw that hand amputating revenge sh coming miles away and everyone just called it Revenge Of The Jedi the whole 3 years in between. People I grew up with still call it that without even thinking. We hated that Ewok "search your feelings" movie anyway. We were too old at that point for that crap and would have to think to name a newer Star Wars movie. ..Unless one of us had a kid who just wouldn't stop watching that annoyance. Kalbahamut outlines a much better script with Samuel L. Jackson potential.
Level 51
Sep 19, 2015
Corona without the lime or lemon :)
Level 71
Aug 4, 2018
I wouldn't drink most of it, but PBR, Yuengling, Stella, and Blue Moon are all at least drinkable. Not so much for the rest.
Level 90
Oct 21, 2019
No, it's beer.
Level 67
Jan 14, 2022
Guinness draught in Dublin is delicious, don't drink it much in the States. I like Stella. That's it for me on this list. Now if we are talking 15-20 years ago, I wasn't above the Natty and Keystone 30-pack slumming and Busch Light was a delicacy.
Level 19
May 22, 2013
America has the BEST taste in beer.
Level 48
Jul 25, 2016
You mean WORST?
Level 47
Aug 20, 2014
yes these beers are mostly pretty lame
Level 45
Sep 14, 2014
These beers suck. Yeungling's good, but the rest are pretty bad.
Level 85
Oct 7, 2014
I had no idea Busch still existed. Brands like Busch, Stroh's, Scheaffer (the one beer to have when you're having more than twelve) you just don't hear about any more.
Level 90
Oct 21, 2019
I remember one called Red White & Blue. The $1.20 returnable deposit on 24 cans was a serious contribution to the next 24. 2 bucks and something a case.
Level 69
Oct 8, 2014
With the exception of Yuengling, all of those beers are absolutely disgusting.
Level 91
Nov 1, 2014
Heineken out of a can is quite nice. Hell, I've had a Bud, on a hot summer day, and it seemed nothing else on earth could have been better.
Level 81
Nov 19, 2014
correction: all beers are absolutely disgusting. Including all those not on this list.
Level 81
Nov 19, 2014
I've had plenty of beer. I've traveled extensively in Europe and Asia and across North America and tried different local varieties. When I was younger I worked at a restaurant, tavern and brewery that made their own local varieties right on site. They took many of them to prestigious European beer competitions and came away with multiple gold and silver medals. As part of our training we had to sample all of them.

I've never had a a good beer. They're all disgusting. Look like piss. Smell like piss. Taste like piss. Makes you feel bad. Not a good combo, really. There are some fruity non-alcoholic varieties in Saudi Arabia that are okay. And Smirnoff Ice I guess is technically beer and that's at least drinkable. But I don't think those would count to most people.

Level 43
Nov 19, 2014
Level 58
Nov 19, 2014
This is cute.
Level 81
Nov 20, 2014
Does not liking beer make you a witch, too?
Level 71
Nov 20, 2014
One of the few kalbahamut rants I feel compelled to respond to...I can understand never having a good beer because some people just don't or won't ever like beer...but they certainly do not all smell and taste like piss. Most of the beers on this list probably do to folks who don't normally drink beer, but there are many that most likely never would smell/taste that way even to the most unrefined beer pallet. E.g. Chocolate stouts, vanilla porters, raspberry lambics, pretty much all least I certainly hope no one's piss smells like that. And of course beer doesn't have to make you feel bad. Everything in moderation.

Finally, yes, only witches hate beer.

Level 62
Nov 20, 2014
Every rant of yours I have read, Kalbahamut, I can now understand a little bit better knowing that you prefer a Smirnoff Ice over a nice cold beer.
Level 81
Nov 22, 2014
Oh no, I've been judged harshly by people who like drinking beer so much that they form negative opinions about others' unrelated comments based on their lack of beer consumption. Whatever will I do? I live for the approval of alcoholics and beer snobs.
Level 76
Feb 6, 2015
I dislike beer too. The only ones that are still called beer and that I actually ever liked was Lindeman's Kriek. Also Lindeman's apple beer. Possibly/probably other fruity lambics. But not all kriek. - I've discovered it's the hops flavour that I just do NOT like. I don't like food that has beer added to it either.
Level 74
Jul 25, 2016
The only good beer is root beer.
Level 75
Jul 25, 2016
Spot on, Kal. 'Good beer' is an oxymoron. Just because it's popular doesn't make it good. And to me coffee is equally awful. If I lived where the only available beverages were beer and coffee I'd die of thirst.
Level 81
Jul 30, 2016
I've started to enjoy coffee the last several years. Maybe my taste buds are dying from old age.
Level 74
Jun 11, 2018
if there was a place that only drank beer and coffee, I think everyone would die... or at the least be very very unhealthy. I think alcohol and caffeine both dehydrate you.
Level 53
Jul 2, 2022
I take it you have tasted a lot of piss to come up with that horrible take?
Level 76
Nov 19, 2014
The intro to this quiz is hysterical! Once more with feeling... Hint: Think of the world's crappiest beers, and then guess those.
Level 90
Oct 21, 2019
Where's Peel's then? It tastes exactly like Budweiser but cost what Budweiser should. About a dime a can. Maybe we should go by liters sold, not money. Then we'd see the real cheap beer heroes come out on their daily trip off the couch.
Level 43
Nov 19, 2014
My favorite beer is the one in front of me.
Level 43
Nov 19, 2014
People confuse "best selling" with "best" all the time.

The best beer I've ever had was made in my best friends garage.

Level 37
Nov 20, 2014
Living in the UK, I didn't know half these beers. I kept guessing Stella Artois, Becks, Fosters etc...
Level 81
Jan 12, 2022
You know, I've only ever had Fosters twice: both times in London. This despite being Australian. It's basically unheard of in Australia.
Level 65
Nov 20, 2014
Sorry to say but American generic beer is very watery and far below par relative to other beers around the world. Not prejudiced just been round the block.

I'm surprised they topped your list but there again there are a lot of surprises in some of these quizzes and comments!

Level 37
Nov 21, 2014
"Bud Light Lime Straw-ber-ita"... why is this a thing?!?
Level 71
Nov 21, 2014
Yuengling is okay. Sadly, PBR is the second-best beer on this list, in my opinion. This is disappointing in a country that also produces Dogfish Head, Russian River, Anchor, Bell's, Ommegang, Allagash, etc...
Level 44
Jan 17, 2015
no coors or mgd? seriously in the US people drink crappy beer. lol btw Yuengling was what I drank in PA lol
Level 82
Feb 10, 2015
Good Lord, the US has terrible taste in beer.
Level ∞
May 31, 2016
It really doesn't. This is more about market fragmentation than anything else. There are thousands of craft breweries that make excellent beer. But craft breweries make many different varieties and don't always sell nationwide, therefore its impossible for any one craft beer to enter the list.
Level 65
Jun 28, 2022
I think this might depend on the person. Many people that want cheaper beer in the US might just watch sports and drink their bud light. People willing to spend more money and that actually care about drinking nice beers should be able to find many of the best craft beers in the US anywhere.

But I think this applies anywhere in the world. The most sold beers in Belgium are probably Stella Artois and Jupiler whilst the country has some of the best trappist and abbey ales.

Level 54
May 29, 2015
This is the worst collection of swill. The only thing worth drinking is the Yuengling. The rest is varying shades of alcoholic water.
Level 53
Jul 2, 2022
Guinness, Coors, Stella, Blue Moon, and Yuengling are all good.
Level 76
Jul 25, 2016
This makes me depressed more than any other quiz. So much flavorless crap is consumed here. Good quiz idea though.
Level 49
Jul 25, 2016
Amen brother!! That's why they are all served and promoted as 'ice cold'. If they start to warm even a little they are undrinkable.

If you open a beer and the flavor gets stronger and better while you are drinking it, that's beer!

Level 55
Aug 4, 2018
Sturgeon's law: 90% of everything is crap.

Also keep in mind that these are the *best selling*, and it doesn't give market share. If only 10% of the market was buying these beers but the other 90% was split between thousands of craft breweries (many with only small scale and/or local distribution) this quiz would look the same.

Level 69
Jul 25, 2016
Sloppin Foam
Level 61
Jul 25, 2016
Beer snobs are the most boring people on earth.
Level 62
May 19, 2018
Level 77
Oct 4, 2021
wine snobs are worse!
Level 65
Jun 28, 2022
I would rather be a beer snob than having to consume light beers, as if Budweiser wasn't watery enough. I tried Budweiser once and that was enough.

How can you possibly still feel like a man drinking bud lights? People would never drink such "beers" in Europe.

Level 53
Jul 2, 2022
Actually Budweiser is widely available all over Europe, it is an absolute trash beverage, but it is at least on par or better than Heineken.
Level 69
Jul 26, 2016
Whenever I'm in the good ol USA I drink Sam Adams. Nice caramel flavour. I'm told they have been bought out so I may have to retest it next time I'm there.
Level 85
Sep 29, 2016
Yuengling would be higher if it had wider distribution. Sooooo good!
Level 61
Dec 15, 2017
If it hasn't expanded out of the East coast yet, I don't think it ever will. It's America's oldest Brewery and has had almost 200 years to expand out and distribute itself
Level 53
Jul 2, 2022
They have no need to expand, they have done enough business in their current market to be profitable without straining their capabilities.
Level 78
Oct 17, 2016
Beer Snobs of the World...ASSEMBLE!
Level 62
May 19, 2018
Hi! We're here!
Level 65
Jun 28, 2022
Cheers from Brussels!
Level 53
Jan 3, 2018
Stella Artois and Yuengling are both good, the rest just plain suck.
Level 21
Mar 20, 2018
Americans have very bad taste in beer.
Level 62
May 19, 2018
I can see where you would think that if you're going strictly off of this list. The mindless masses will always buy the same old piss water. However, we have much better options available now with the rise of craft brewing, but most of those businesses are local or regional. They can not sell enough units nationwide to crack the top twenty.
Level 86
Jun 29, 2018
Are that many people drinking Blue Moon? Wouldn't have guessed that in a million years.
Level 77
Aug 4, 2018
I think I've only ever tried it once like 5 years back, but I remember it being pretty good actually. Better than any of the other beers on this list that I've tried at least.
Level 71
Aug 4, 2018
wow, is this list a pathetic comment on peoples taste of beer
Level 53
Jul 2, 2022
You need to account for younger kids that have to drink what they can afford, most high school/college kids just get whatever is cheapest. That's why Budwater is so high on the list and why Natty Ice even made the list.
Level 73
Aug 4, 2018
The last four years of college have prepared me well for this quiz, which is essentially a list of the cheapest, most widely available beers on my college campus lmao.

PS you should accept "Natty" for Natural Lite and Natural Ice

Level 92
Aug 4, 2018
Why does Bud get you all the versions of Bud and Miller get you all the versions of Miller, but Natural doesn't get you all the versions of Natural?
Level 72
Aug 6, 2018
G'day Bruce. Monty Python summed it up perfectly......American beer is like making love in a canoe........f**king close to water.
Level 41
Aug 6, 2018
LOL why is the picture from Finnish Lapin Kulta beers...
Level 30
Sep 2, 2018
noice quiz
Level 32
Dec 5, 2018
You've all heard the joke, yes? The one about american beer being like sex in a canoe?
Level 47
May 1, 2019
How is Keystone not number 1??

They have the specially lined can!

Level 65
Aug 30, 2019
Do we need more proof that your average Joe has no clue about beer and wastes his life drinking low quality p***? I'd be ashamed lol
Level 82
Oct 31, 2019
I don't usually drink any of these beers, and I enjoy a lot of different craft beer, Treehouse, Alchemist, Trillium, Lawson's to name a few. But sometimes, on a hot day (maybe after you've mowed a lawn, or done some manual labor, or played a pick-up game, nothing can beat a nice cold Bud Heavy. The first one for thirst, and the second to enjoy. (Sometimes, mind you).
Level 77
Oct 4, 2021
Actually in anything related to food and drink American tastes are pretty much the crappiest in the world - they mistake quantity and/or price for quality all the time - oh and cars....
Level 96
Jan 11, 2022
Sad state of affairs. How is having sex in a canoe like American beer? They're both effing close to water.
Level 96
Jan 11, 2022
I think its cool I can finally get Yuengling in Texas! It's a decent beer.
Level 77
Jan 11, 2022
I live near Pottsville, PA...home of Yuengling...the oldest brewery in the USA.
Level 81
Jan 11, 2022
For a country that makes so, so many excellent beers, many Americans still drink absolute swill.
Level 85
Jan 12, 2022
Not sure where they'd rank today, but growing up I remember us having Schlitz, Rheingold, Schaeffer and Narragansett in the house. Dad would always let us have a sip of his. And when we were old enough to mow the lawn, sometimes he'd let us have half-a-beer when it was really hot out.

He always said there are only 2 things that quench thirst: water & beer. And i think he was right.

Level 85
Jun 28, 2022
Ah, yes. The big cooler at the family reunion. Hamms, Pabst, Schlitz, some generic stuff from the grocery store. Long before the era of "lite" beer. And a box of wine or two. Lots of alcoholics in the family.
Level 88
Jan 14, 2022
Level 76
Jan 28, 2022
Light :D ... as if you don't build Molson muscle all the same.
Level 67
Jun 28, 2022
I still dont understand how people like beer. Its disgusting.
Level 68
Jun 28, 2022
Only knew 7 of those as a Brit - and their 'light' alternatives. And the only other one I got was Miller/ Light due to that old awkward advert.

British list would have Carling, Carlsberg, Fosters, John Smiths etc.

Level 60
Jun 28, 2022
I see an opportunity for someone to bring "taste" to the Americas.
Level 43
Jun 28, 2022
I dont understand the automatic america bashing all the time. Of course some beers on this list are crap, but surely not Budweiser, Guinness or Heineken
Level 72
Jun 28, 2022
Budweiser is swill - I'll give you the other two though...
Level 58
Jun 28, 2022
Very surprised to not see any Sam Adams on the list
Level 78
Jun 28, 2022
What's this "Light" nonsense? Get some Special Brew down you.
Level 72
Jun 28, 2022
It's the US marketing machine's way of selling you "healthy", flavorless beer...
Level 67
Jun 28, 2022
People want to trash American's taste for watery beer but where else can you drink 9 beers on a sunny Saturday and still safely mow your lawn? Not Germany, that's for sure.
Level 38
Jun 28, 2022
The Seattlite in me kept trying to type in Rainiers...they're a classic.
Level 62
Jun 29, 2022
That picture is from Finland. "Lapin kulta" translated is Lapland's gold. I call it Reindeer's piss.
Level 65
Jun 29, 2022
I must insist that "natty" be accepted for Natural light/variants and "stones" for keystone
Level 71
Jun 30, 2022
Why is Duff beer not on here !?!
Level 23
Jul 6, 2022
Guinness isn't a beer
Level 83
Dec 25, 2022
lol what
Level 83
Dec 25, 2022
I feel bad for getting icehouse and steel reserve :/