I must have tried to spell Albuquerque a 100 different ways, but didn't get the right one. Punishing myself by looking at it for 10 mins so I will never forget again
I had no idea there was an Aurora, CO, but I got it because of Aurora, IL, which I'm familiar with. And I picked up the larger Arlington thanks to the one in Virginia.
Austin, Albuquerque and Atlanta all have reasonably easy to recognize skylines, and a few landmarks. Anaheim's got DisneyLand- everybody would recognize that. Could've put in something about Wayne's World in place of Aurora. Or the already referenced ballpark for Arlington.
And there's no way Aurora, Il has almost 200,000 people.
here it is
Especially when New Mexico is sparsely populated and Atlanta has the world’s busiest airport.
Ever heard of Midland County Michigan's county seat called... Midland?