The way I’ve heard it, the Irish Wolfhound has the tallest average height, but the tallest individual was a Great Dane. I had the latter growing up and it’s amazing how such large animals can be around small children and never knock them over or otherwise hurt them by not knowing there own strength (although God help the stranger who goes near ‘their’ kids without permission!).
Equally amazingly, they somehow manage to always find a spot where they take up very little space, despite their huge size. Absolute heartbreakers though, unfortunately they don’t live very long due to the way they’re bred. :-(
The colossal squid, which still has not been seen alive in its natural habitat, is thought to be even larger than the giant squid (although its tentacles are shorter). The largest known colossal squid was hauled to the surface by fishermen off New Zealand in 2007. It weighed around 1,000 pounds. Unlike the giant squid, whose arms and tentacles only have suckers lined with small teeth, the colossal squid's limbs are also equipped with sharp hooks: some swivelling, others three-pointed. Its body is wider and stouter, and therefore heavier, than that of the giant squid. Colossal squid are believed to have longer mantles than giant squid, although their tentacles are shorter. The squid exhibits abyssal gigantism. The beak of M. hamiltoni is the largest known of any squid, exceeding that of Architeuthis (giant squid) in size and in robustness. So that's the difference between colossal and giant. Architeuthis is easy. It's the giant squid's genus, and is often simply said to mean giant squid.
Well, there's nothing else that starts with Komodo so I kinda agree. Komodo is also a island in Indonesia, which would kinda be like saying "Sumatran" for a Sumatran tiger :)
A Commodoe Dragon? Very elusive. Usually you only see those the morning after a heavy dinner at PF Chang's. And it's rare that one weighs in at over 3 Courics, much less 366 lbs.
I can think of one or two European countries who had no difficulty at all in renaming islands in Indonesia, at one point in history. There are hundreds of native languages on one particular island and I would wager that in none of them is the place called “New Guinea.”
Fun fact: hybrids of blue whales and fin whales are rare but can actually grow larger than blue whales, and unlike most hybrids they are fully fertile because blue and fin whales have the same diploid number :-)
The hybrid's size is intriguing, because it seems to have a growing capacity more similar to the Blue whale. Immature hybrid specimens have been found to be larger than fully mature fin or blue whales. I know this was noticed in at least one quite old publication: (Cocks, 1887), but sadly they are very rare in general and still being hunted, so there are too few to do a really comprehensive analysis. But in theory they could be the largest animals of all time :-)
For those wondering, as I understand it female tigers are the only ones which pass on the hormone for growth, so in a pairing with a male lion and female tiger the offspring can grow much larger than either. However with a pairing of a female lion and a male tiger, the offspring can only ever be smaller than the parents.
I believe Hippopotamus should be the biggest for land carnivore. If you say its an omnivore, so is a brown bear. If you say its not a land animal, neither is the polar bear.
Can you put sizes in metres and kilograms, please? There are approximately 196 countries in the World and approximately one of them still uses pounds and feet to measure things.
To be fair, liberia and burma/myanmar still don't use the metric system either. (I looked it up, didnt know that either and think few do unless they life close. i.e africa or east asia)
But yea, kilograms and (centi)meters should atleast be added alongside
While I agree that the metric system would make more sense, both due to widespread use and the logic of the system itself, I don't think that knowing the specific weights is necessary to find the answers in this quiz.
Biggest animal in the world? Don't need to know how much it weighs, it's a whole lot
Trying to do this quiz with imperial units is like hell. Please add metric units. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! I get that this website is American but 192 countries use the metric system and that should be the primary system of measurement on a website like this on which people from many countries take timed quizzes.
What's your source for this? Specifically I'm curious about the Andean Condor versus the Eurasian Black Vulture. I've always heard/read that the Andean Condor is the largest bird of prey, and a brief search of Google listings seems to bolster that view. The List of largest birds article on Wikipedia has a section on birds of prey that appears to give both birds the top status, depending on how they are classified.
Dammit I missed polar bear, because I thought of the german "Eisbär" which lead me to think it's "ice bear". Could you maybe accept that? Pretty please?
There are only three species of elephant, which take up the top three spots on their list. There are two species of gorilla, which take up the top two spots on their list. Meanwhile, there are eight species of bear, with only the two at the top of their list (the rest beaten out by some of the big cats.) And there are over 500 species of shark, many of which are quite small (some less than a foot long!), so you definitely need to be more specific there.
I think the Andean condor is usually considered the largest bird of prey, at 33 lbs. At least according to Wikipedia.
As several people have pointed out in the past 5-ish years, the heaviest bird of prey is the Andean Condor, at 33 pounds, not the Eurasian Black Vulture, at 31 pounds.
brief research says andean condor is the largest bird of prey. Maybe accept both? Also, liger feels a little cheap. Maybe indicate its a hybrid or something. Overall this is a great quiz and an easy 5 star despite the nitpicks
Great Quiz :)
Equally amazingly, they somehow manage to always find a spot where they take up very little space, despite their huge size. Absolute heartbreakers though, unfortunately they don’t live very long due to the way they’re bred. :-(
Source? I'm curious.
Source links:
Oh, and I typed Komodo dragon, but I think Komodo monitor should also be possible (yes, I retook the quiz to try if it works).
But yea, kilograms and (centi)meters should atleast be added alongside
Biggest animal in the world? Don't need to know how much it weighs, it's a whole lot