I'd really be curious as to who were the 1% that missed elephant with the picture shown. My 3-year-old daughter said elephant when the picture popped up.
i know that a few times i have done a quiz at work and was halfway through and my boss walked up and i had to slickly minimize the window, so my time ran out while i was talking to my boss and i missed some easy ones. I'm afraid i've been that 1% before. :-(
@aesthus, so? Elephant isnt the first question so it is possible (even if it was the first, you can answer questions out order. My eye sometimes fall on a question before getting around to reading the next in line (during typing) so I answer that first.
Or anyone that is not on a computer but a tablet or smartphone... plus the people that just start the quiz and read the questions instead of inspecting the page and looking at pictures and colors and other stuff that is not the quiz itself.
I didn't know "blue whale" was its own species. I typed "whale" about thirty times. I thought they were classified just as different types, like dogs. Oh well. Learned something new.
Absolutely not. A Chihuaha and a St.Bernard are very similar animals, differing only by size.
A blue whale has no teeth but baleens, it filters huge amounts of water to catch very small preys (mostly plankton and krill), it has two blowholes… A sperm whale has teeth, it hunts for big preys (medium to large squids and octopuses, rays and fish), it has only one blowhole…
Not only are they not the same species, but neither the same family and parvorder.
Like many, I got all but the last two - which is fairly frustrating because I have been in Mammoth Cave, and just couldn't remember the name of it after all these years. As a Canadian who doesn't follow sports, I have very little chance of knowing another country's largest stadiums, but I'm still happy with 24/26.
I missed the cave question so I looked it up. I'm not sure if this is accurate, but it looks like the biggest cave (passage) is in Vietnam....the Son Doong cave. You might want to check it out. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2009/07/090724-biggest-cave-vietnam/
Could accept 'Giant Redwood' for Giant Sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) - as this is a common name for it. - this is different from Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) - Kind of bad form to have a mix of Latin binomial and Common names
Perhaps the question has changed since this comment was made (it's been nearly 10 years), but the correct response is coast redwood (S. sempervirens), not giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum).
I feel like you need to put some qualifier next to the animals (living). I was all set to whip out some dinosaur nerd knowledge. But, sadly, it was just an elephant and a giraffe.
Ahem.. I em... that it asked for animal species that lived in trees hahaha, thought it was a bit odd clue haha oops. (In my defense it was 3.30 am and the first were all amimals)
Maybe because it is not "widely" available. Other countries dont have walmarts so people wouldnt immediately think about it, even when they háve heard about it through movies or quizsites.
having the tree species right after all the animal questions made me try and think of the heaviest and tallest animals that live in trees :( those are the only ones i missed haha
Shouldn't the quaking aspen be heaviest tree species? Pando is the heaviest tree and heaviest species overall on earth. Unless this is about highest average tree weight which could be sequoia, this question is wrong.
Who measures a company by revenue??? I typed Apple multiple times even when it didn't take it the first time thinking I'd done something wrong. It should be by market cap. Interesting it's Wal Mart though.
A blue whale has no teeth but baleens, it filters huge amounts of water to catch very small preys (mostly plankton and krill), it has two blowholes… A sperm whale has teeth, it hunts for big preys (medium to large squids and octopuses, rays and fish), it has only one blowhole…
Not only are they not the same species, but neither the same family and parvorder.
/Michigan nerd alert.
Fun fact: the summit of Chimborazo in Ecuador is actually furthest from the center of the Earth.