It would be nice if you'd accept "PT Boat" as no one I know has ever referred to one as a "Patrol Boat" - two of my relatives served on PT Boats in WWII and they never once used the term "Patrol Boat". Just a thought - that one kept me from moving on for quite sometime as I kept putting in PT boat in as many forms as I could...
Hasbro changed the ships and their names in 2002 is the problem. I still have my set with a cruiser and the smallest ship is the destroyer. The quiz doesn't specify which year of the game is intended.
Preferably cruiser/patrol boat should both be accepted. Bloody Hasbro, have ruined many good games.
isn't the tiny boat in Battleship called the Frigate? And the new Candyland game i just bought my daughter doesn't have any of those places. The one i played when i was a kid does, but my memory only goes back so far.
Ice cream sea is where Queen Frostine is, which used to be "ice cream float." I'm glad I kept my Candyland. I refuse to let my children play with the new one where Queen Frostine and Princess Lolly have been demoted and Plumpy is no more. He was my favorite.
I played Candyland so many times with my grandkids I thought I'd never forget the places, but I just couldn't get Licorice or Peanut Brittle even though the kids always loved calling me Gramma Nutt when I passed the Peanut Brittle House. Sorry to hear they've changed the game again. Just checked out the new board online and it looks as though Queen Frostine has become a Disney princess or a Barbie wannabe. Sad.
I've played Stratego, but the one i played was a Medeivel/Mythical type, and I was wondering why ones like Knight and Dwarf weren't working.... So the only ones I got was scout and flag
It was my favorite too! I was always the iron! (It did help me get an extra point for the Settlers of Catan though, which I haven't played, since "iron" was accepted for "ore"!).
It's usually one of the first board games played by children - at least in the US. No reading is required. Players draw cards with colors on them, and the player advances his playing piece to the next square of that color on the pathway. The path winds through regions of different types of candy and treats, and a few cards send players ahead or back to a different region. First one to the end square wins. We always had a family tradition that whoever drew the lollipop card got a DumDum sucker.
I think it is the only game not being sold outside the US. (I ve searched and can't find any references to it being played/available outside of the us. Not counting people that buy stuff via internet ofcourse, nowadays everything is available everywhere. But what I am trying to say I think that this is a strictly US game. It is not a game people outside the US are aware of besides perhaps through a movie reference, or perhaps quizsites ;)
Yeah, cruiser should definitely be allowed for Battleship, or at least it should be specified that this is the current "official"* names. It looks like they changed it to Patrol or PT Boat in the early 2000s or so, but it was definitely called a cruiser for a long time (see here, here, and here, for instance.)
*I mean, the game mechanics are public domain, so I assume we're only talking about the "official" names used in the version originally manufactured by Milton Bradley and now by Hasbro.
I've only played Stratego once and apparently I took this quiz pretty soon after... I finished this quiz to see a whole forest of missed Stratego pieces that I apparently got last time, lol. Also I was too distracted by Catan and Battleship to realize that I hadn't answered any of the Trivial Pursuit answers until two seconds remaining on the clock, whoops.
Preferably cruiser/patrol boat should both be accepted. Bloody Hasbro, have ruined many good games.
*I mean, the game mechanics are public domain, so I assume we're only talking about the "official" names used in the version originally manufactured by Milton Bradley and now by Hasbro.