Is it that hard? Obviously they were thinking about/typing (and correcting typos) the previous answers. Reallyy... it doesnt take a braniac to think of the cause...
You are "smart" enough to think of south korea, but not think of this? Or are you playing dumb? (Like it is weird people might not have time to get them all to the last question)
great idea for a marathon round at my local pub...figured the travel direction would be on land, but just in case, The Republic of Cyprus is a country . .a member State of the European Union, with a National football team, a parliament, a President, a judical system, a National Anthem, need one go on . . .
Gambia shares all of its borders with senegal. Not all borders besides the west... (borders as in the definition bordering a country, not like the far end of a country)
Gambia is also not perfectly straight, it is a little squiggly. If you go west from Birkama Ba, you will end up in Senegal before crossing back into Gambia.
To be honest, aside from doing the Countries quiz countless times, I probably wouldn't know either if I hadn't been. (BTW, it's quite nice, but there's not a lot there.)
I would ve guessed it between switzerland and luxembourg, so close enough. (North instead of east of switzerland) the thing that (used to) confuse me was (coins with) letzeburg.... i didnt know if it was a country or what...
I pity the ones that cant seem to grasp that maybe not everybody got around to that question... (either thinking hard about questions before it or not typing fast) really.. it is common sense..
It doesn't say that "west" is the best way to describe the direction of Egypt from Israel. It says that *if* you go west from Israel and cross a border, then you'll have crossed into Egypt. (Like many answers in this quiz, it's the most natural answer but not the only possible answer. For example, you can cross a border from Israel going west and end up in Lebanon. It's even possible to cross from Israel into Jordan going west if you're near one of the meanders of the Jordan River.)
You dont cross a border then do you... not untill later well at sea, when you reach international waters. (IF you could call it a bordercross then.......)
travelling due east from any part of Panama will land you in Colombia. That being said, you may have to cross some ocean or sea first, but you will reach Colombia eventually.
Because Netherlands is the name used by the UN for the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and because jetpunk conforms to this, it would be true to say here that you can reach France by crossing a land border to the east from the Netherlands, on Saint Martin/Sint Maarten
In fairness to the surprisingly large number of people who didn't get the North Korea one, I'll just point out that heading north from South Sudan doesn't get you to the country of North Sudan. Heading south from North Macedonia doesn't get you to the country of South Macedonia. Heading west from East Timor doesn't get you to the country of West Timor. This still isn't much of an excuse, but I'm trying to be nice.
Like maps but i dont like countries....
North = Senegal
South = Senegal
East = Senegal
West =
Atlantic OceanSenegalWhy not any directon?
And how come no one commented on that yet?
San Marino-Italy
I've also crossed from Sweden to Finland, but that involved a ferry ride.
(not a criticism of the quiz, great quiz, just funny)