Not sure what it was like before but every entry here makes sense and is pretty easy to guess. Thinking of the non-contiguous bits of some European countries is perhaps the only really tricky part.
Lots of unexpected results for me here. I was expecting North/South Korea and Haiti/Dominican Republic to be near the top. It was eye-opening that Oman is so high -- it's actually classified as "high human development". In my mind, I've always just lumped Oman and Yemen together as being similar poorly developed countries. Shows my ignorance.
Where is Russia and Norway (145), Russia and Finland (91), Moldova and Romania (103), Ukraine and Poland (112), Ukraine and Slovakia (102), Ukraine and Hungary (93), Guyana and Brazil (116), Bolivia and Brazil (80), Brazil and France (French Guyana) (143), Suriname and France (French Guyana) (172), Zimbabwe and South Africa (150), etc??
can you put in brackets french guiana at least, confused me and thought there was a fault with the quiz. You could put "France (French Guiana)" otherwise nice, 30/31
International support, contriubutions and investments of wealthy jewish families all around the world, CIA and Mossad constantly interfering in neighbouring countries affairs sewing instability and wars and proping up dictatorships and corrupt governments... I wonder why Israel is so better off! It must be because they are a master race that is supperior to their untermensch arab neighbours :)
Half of this is is true and half is paranoid rambling. Short answer is it's complicated but it's neither because they are God's chosen people, nor because the Elders of Zion are conspiring to keep down the Muslim ulemma. Both of those theories are obviously stupid.
Ah yes. I'll never forget the day I was stopped at the Saudi Arabia - China border. I looked like a right fool dressed for desert weather in the middle of Chinese winter.
North Korea - South Korea apparently used to be on this, but if it's not listed because no HDI is available for North Korea, this should probably be mentioned.
I don't understand. South Korea is in a tie for 19th. How can you be so sure that North Korea would be ranked at least 94 if it was on the list? The last time it was rated (1995), it was ranked 75 out of 174. Its score of .766 would rank it 83 now, and its HDI has probably dropped in the intervening 27 years. It would only need to drop 12 places, which would happen if its HDI fell by .022. You're totally sure that North Korea's HDI is at least .745 today, after going through COVID without access to vaccines?
I remember speaking to an Australian lawyer while in Phnom Penh who lives there. He said he enjoyed it there (the rest of his family were Cambodian), but sometimes he needs to go to Bangkok, just for a little touch of modernity. This quiz shows why that would be.
The presence of Belgium brings the HDI of its neighbouring countries down drastically (hence why the France-Suriname border was removed from the quiz).
Or do Ceuta and Melilla not count?
USA and Mexico
France and Suriname
North Korea and South Korea
Imagine my surprise when NONE are on this list.