
Brand-Name Animals Quiz

Based on the brand, name the type of animal that appears in its advertising.
For example, Borden Dairy is advertised by a cow
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: September 12, 2014
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First submittedMarch 1, 2012
Times taken70,463
Average score65.0%
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Frosted Flakes
Honey Smacks
Froot Loops
Toys "R" Us
Coco Pops
Cocoa Puffs
Honey Nut Cheerios
Polar Bear
Corn Flakes
Tootsie Roll Pops
Level 28
Mar 1, 2012
Mr. Owl, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? I still can't believe some have not seen the classic commercial.
Level 33
May 6, 2013
Cant get them in Ireland :(
Level 67
Sep 30, 2014
They're on YouTube!
Level 74
Mar 25, 2021
Unlikely that people will search YouTube for an advert of a product that they had never heard of
Level 79
Jun 1, 2022
The thread is referring to the commercial, not the actual product.
Level 23
Apr 13, 2015
I have a t-shirt that says "wanna lick?" with the original logo.
Level 26
Sep 18, 2016
I literally just saw that commercial on t.v. a few days ago. Had no idea it still came on.
Level 20
Oct 4, 2016
how many does it take???
Level 66
Dec 22, 2016
Level 40
Oct 23, 2017
I know the guy who wrote that commercial!
Level 74
Jan 16, 2018
I didn't know what a tootsie roll pop is, never mind knowing the advert
Level 61
Aug 2, 2018
RIP Toys "R" Us... =(
Level 37
Mar 1, 2012
what is a Cuckoo?
Level 85
Sep 23, 2016
Just scroll down. LOL!!
Level 64
Mar 1, 2012
In the USA, there is no Coco Pops, there are Cocoa Puffs and Coco Krispies.
Level 76
Oct 17, 2014
...and don't forget Count Chocula!
Level 90
Oct 16, 2019
R.I.P., dear Chocodiles.
Level 14
Mar 2, 2012
I only got Lacoste because I thought Honey smacks was an alligator.
Level 26
Sep 18, 2016
That's how I got Snuggle (though I would have gotten it anyway) because I could have sword Honey Snacks was a bear but I was thinking of Sugar Bear.
Level 20
Mar 2, 2012
the giraffe for toys r u was hard - i had no idea that they even had an animal associated with them. i had to quickly run to their website and even then there was only a random small picture of a giraffe halfway down the page.
Level 86
Jan 16, 2014
Geoffrey the Giraffe!
Level 22
Mar 5, 2012
Lacoste is like an AWESOME BRAND NAME. lol.. Half of these brands don't exist in Australia.. So, i did pretty well getting 13/20..
Level 22
Oct 23, 2014
Doing this quiz again after 2 years doesn't improve my score. ..
Level 63
Mar 19, 2012
I'm surprised so many people missed penguin considering there is a big picture of it on the top.
Level 44
Apr 23, 2012
Hello Brickster, I see you have taken this quiz! I got 12. :(
Level 17
Aug 2, 2012
Ohhh...I feel so STUPID!! I never really put two and two together to think of Mickey MOUSE for Disney...
Level 72
Dec 10, 2018
Yea really had to think a little, thought, huh, animal? First saw the rainbow and then castle in my mind.

Then I saw micky mouse as a wizard. Having an image oriented brain (im sure there is an english term, picturethinking? But that sounds made up) really helps sometimes!

Level 24
May 4, 2014
i had just seen the boxes for coco pops. Thought it was a squirrel haha
Level 33
Jul 2, 2014
Tried koala bear for Snuggle - didn't get it... Add?
Level 15
Oct 17, 2014
I always thought Vlasic was advertised by a pelican.
Level 28
Oct 18, 2014
Owl was a stretch.
Level 66
Nov 6, 2015
I had to look up Coco Pops.

Cocoa Krispies (known as Choco Krispis, Choco Krispies, Coco Pops, or Choco Pops outside of the United States)


Cocoa Krispies first appeared in the United States in 1958, represented by a chimpanzee named Jose. He was quickly replaced by Coco the Elephant in 1959 when Mexican-Americans complained. In 1963, the Hanna-Barbera character Snagglepuss took over as the mascot. Ogg the Caveman took over in 1968. In 1971, Tusk the Elephant became the mascot of the cereal, and he remained until 1982. Snap, Crackle and Pop (the mascots of Rice Krispies) also became the mascots for Cocoa Krispies starting in 1982. In 1991, the mascot became Coco the Monkey. In 2001, Snap, Crackle, and Pop returned, and they remain the product's mascots.

Level 90
Oct 16, 2019
He threw the English complainers on here a bone. I googled it and I couldn't have told you what that mascot is supposed to be. Looks like Fievel Goes West.
Level 67
Aug 15, 2017
Go Tux! Linux rules.

Half of these I'd never heard of.

Level 86
Dec 11, 2017
Please consider accepting 'teddy bear' for the Snuggle question.
Level 21
Feb 28, 2018
How did people not get cuckoo... CUCKOO FOR COCOA PUFFS... they had like a billion ads showing that!
Level 83
Aug 18, 2018
Maybe the ad wasn't shown in a lot of places.
Level 90
Oct 16, 2019
Calm down. We'll get you some Cocoa Puffs.
Level 44
Mar 27, 2018
I only got the Linux one because i saw the picture of a penguin, so I typed penguin.
Level 20
Mar 28, 2018
Can't you just accept bear for Klondike?
Level 69
Nov 20, 2021
I had no clue what Snuggle’s mascot is but I got it when I was typing in Klondike’s mascot.
Level 66
Nov 10, 2018
can you accept goose for duck?
Level 72
Dec 10, 2018
This really should be called American brands quiz. Cause I think only Sega disney and linux are known worldwide. (Maybeeee kellogs we do have that here, but dont know about the rest of the world.) I also knew lacoste but judging by the comments it isnt everywhere.

This is the first time I comment about a quiz being american centered. Usualy (even though it often is american centered) it soesnt matter too much, because it is about things when you occassionaly watch tv or go on internet you will have heard about. Even though the place item or word doesnt excist in your country. But with this you will need to have seen it. (I indeed have heard about some stuff, cause it is often mentioned (dont know where, thats the thing about learning by osmosis) like cocopuffs and toys r us. And actually know one you can eat and the other is a store :p)

Level 72
Dec 10, 2018
And before someone answers, well it is an american website.. nowhere it states it is by americans for americans. The extension is not .us if so I would ve given you the point. But it is .com which is generally used when someone aims at a worldwide audience.
Level 81
Oct 13, 2020
There's no such thing as .us... the Internet was invented in America. Thus, American commercial websites use .com. The same way that British postage stamps don't list the issuing country on them.

Also, America is part of the world.

Level 37
Feb 1, 2019
Polar bear in dutch is "ijsbeer" witch would translate to icebear. i kept typing "ice bear" and started wondering if klondike had a different mascot/logo in europe, compared to the US
Level 28
Feb 1, 2019
Add Lizard for Geico??
Level 93
Dec 1, 2020
Just got lucky by guessing monkey. Had never heard of "Coco Pops"
Level 74
Mar 25, 2021
Have heard of less than half of these but managed a few educated guesses. Only spotted the penguin at the top of the page with about 5 seconds to go
Level 67
Apr 11, 2021
Most of these brands either aren't sold in the UK or aren't advertised with animal mascots so there was a lot of guessing involved
Level 71
Aug 3, 2021
RIP Toys R Us but I believe it's making a comeback
Level 69
Nov 20, 2021
In Europe Duracell has a bunny as its mascot and Energizer has an anthropomorphic battery.
Level 71
Dec 10, 2021
Level 69
May 24, 2022
RIP Bob Vlasic, who just died on the 8th of May 2022. He was the man behind the idea to use a stork as the mascot for his family's pickle business.
Level 56
Jun 1, 2022
What the heck is Vlasic and Lacoste
Level 56
Oct 21, 2022
Vlasic is a pickle company. Lacoste is a fashion brand (Novak Djokovic is probably the most famous person sponsored by them)
Level 24
Oct 15, 2022
I think this quiz would be better if you had to guess the specific one instead of guessing any, as people can just guess a bunch of random animals.
Level 51
Jul 7, 2023
Nice to see Tux the [redacted] as the cover image. Also the Cocoa Puffs mascot looks NOTHING like a cuckoo bird. I kept typing in other colorful birds just to see if they stick.
Level 63
Jul 7, 2023
Man I knew Vlasic but couldnt think of what it was, tried heron
Level 49
Dec 7, 2023
in the UK Energizer is an anthropomorphic battery and Duracell is a bunny. Are they the same brand??
Level 69
Jan 26, 2024
This quiz is grrrrrrrrreat!