Question | Answer | % Correct |
What makes bread rise? | Yeast | 95%
What type of French bread is shaped like a long tube? | Baguette | 88%
What fairy tale characters left a trail of bread crumbs to guide them back home? | Hansel and Gretel | 86%
Who supposedly said that, if the people had no bread, "let them eat cake"? | Marie Antoinette | 86%
What type of bread is used to build houses and men at Christmas time? | Gingerbread | 84%
What does most bread have that a person with celiac disease can't tolerate? | Gluten | 84%
Name a type of bread that is commonly served at Indian restaurants | Naan / Chapati / Roti | 77%
What type of Mediterranean bread sometimes includes a pocket? | Pita | 73%
What is the name of the ritual in which Christians eat bread that symbolizes the body of Christ? | Eucharist | 70%
What word comes before "bread" in the Lord's Prayer? | Daily | 67%
What is the Spanish word for bread? | Pan | 66%
On what Jewish holiday do people eat unleavened bread? | Passover | 66%
What type of bread is naturally fermented? | Sourdough | 52%
What type of durable but tedious bread product did sailors eat on long sea voyages? | {Hard}tack | 39%
What country did bagels originally come from? | Poland | 38%
What were Roman leaders expected to provide to keep the people fed and entertained? | Bread and {Circuses} | 26%
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