
Canada Country Quiz

Can you guess these facts about the country of Canada?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: May 24, 2024
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First submittedOctober 11, 2012
Times taken117,752
Average score68.2%
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Capital city
Most-populous city
Most popular spectator sport
Ice Hockey
Host city of the annual "Stampede"
National animal
Tallest free-standing structure
CN Tower
Largest island
Baffin Island
National anthem
O Canada
Oldest national park
Majority French-speaking
Most populous city of the above
Prime Minister elected in 2015
Justin Trudeau
Bird that appears on Canada's
one dollar coin
Object on the Canadian flag
Maple Leaf
Most-populous province
Smallest province
Prince Edward
Country that is the greatest source of
foreign-born residents
Slang term for a Canadian
Canadian delicacy of french fries,
gravy, and cheese curds
Holiday celebrated the second
Monday in October
Person who is, officially, the head
of state of Canada
King Charles III
Viking settlement established
around 1000 A.D.
103 Recent Comments
Level 37
Jul 1, 2014
Anybody else get most of these answers because of How I Met Your Mother's Robin Scherbatsky?
Level 70
May 18, 2020
Level 83
May 18, 2020
No, but I got one of them because there's a Leaves' Eyes album about it.
Level 74
Sep 6, 2020
Level 33
Dec 10, 2014
Just out of curiosity, what does Canadian thanksgiving celebrate? Is it like a memorial of the pilgrims and Indians like the American one or is it different?
Level 43
Oct 25, 2015
Americans as thankful for football...Canadians are thankful for hockey.
Level 74
Feb 29, 2016
Ya, the NHL season starts around that time. So we are all saying thanks for a new season of hockey.
Level 68
Sep 5, 2024
Yes, we get together a table and break a puck together
Level 43
Dec 6, 2017
Nah, Canadians thankful for Tim Hortons...
Level 66
Feb 27, 2017
Wiseguys aside, it's pretty much the same as yours, I think. A celebration of the harvest, which comes much earlier here.
Level 28
May 11, 2020
Actually, i am thankful i live in canada and not america, its too easy to get a gun in america, no wonder the shmool shmootings
Level 83
Jul 6, 2022
Guns are awesome, regardless
Level 59
Aug 18, 2021
It's just american thanksgiving after the exchange rate is applied
Level 52
Mar 20, 2024
Americans celebrate the Pilgrims, while in Canada, it's more to celebrate the end of the growing season and the harvest. It's earlier than yours because our growing season is a fair bit shorter.
Level 81
Dec 20, 2014
Yep, I'm Canadian and got them all right. Almost had me on the beer though, I don't drink beer. Had to rely on commercials to guess a few.
Level 46
May 24, 2015
The canadian goose or moose is definitely the national animal!!!!
Level 34
Nov 5, 2015
Not likely.
Level 62
May 11, 2020
it isn't doe. the beaver is basically the only reason canada exists.
Level 37
Nov 26, 2020 sorry its a beaver
Level 54
Oct 20, 2015
Time to change that PM question. :)
Level 74
Oct 25, 2015
Bro the CN tower isn't the tallest structure anymore...there are two antennae taller AND also the Burj Khalifa in Dubai since 2009. Can't believe no one noticed.
Level 87
Oct 25, 2015
It's still the tallest free-standing structure in Canada though.
Level 74
Feb 29, 2016
just keep adding qualifiers and we'll hold the record forever
Level 43
Dec 6, 2017
It's the tallest in CANADA. +it also is the tallest Free standing structure. in the world.
Level 66
Aug 10, 2020
It's the tallest freestanding Canadian building in the world!
Level 73
Aug 6, 2021
*structure, not building
Level 72
Aug 8, 2019
the burj khalifa is in canada? wow, are there two or did they transport it as a whole..?
Level 18
May 18, 2020
Free-standing structure IN CANADA!; Duh!!!
Level 68
Aug 9, 2020
Antennas aren't freestanding
Level 59
Jun 1, 2021
nobody cares about antennas
Level 23
Apr 14, 2022
Level 34
Oct 25, 2015
"Ice" hockey?! No true Canadian would call it that. It's just hockey! Any other form of hockey is a pale comparison.
Level 78
Oct 25, 2015
Level 66
Feb 27, 2017
Deej is right. We Canadians relentlessly mock any reference to "Ice" (spit) hockey we hear.
Level 79
Oct 15, 2020
Formal fallacy aside, he's right. I have probably heard the term "hockey" without the preface of "ice" thousands of times and have only heard the term "ice hockey" used in international broadcasts.
Level 83
Jul 6, 2022
Ice hockey = hockey. I played roller hockey and it's not the same as real hockey
Level 54
Jul 2, 2023
It's not only Canadians that are taking the quiz though. I'm Scottish and "hockey" used without an adjective means field hockey.
Level 66
Oct 26, 2015
Accept "hoser" as slang?
Level 74
Feb 29, 2016
that's not really a term for a Canadian person. It's a Canadian insult. for example. "Those montreal fans are nothing but a bunch of hosers"
Level 54
Oct 28, 2015
Really was a very easy Canadian quiz...
Level 38
Oct 30, 2015
I couldn't figure out how to spell 'canuck'... I'm a dork.
Level 71
May 18, 2020
Me too, no-one spells it starting with a K then?
Level 79
Oct 1, 2023
Etymologically speaking, it’s derived from Kanakas, which starts with a K!
Level 66
Mar 29, 2016
100th commenter!
Level 38
Mar 5, 2017
15/20! i live in Florida and have only been to Canada once!
Level 78
Aug 2, 2017
I learned about the Loonie when on a trip to Nova Scotia. We went to play pool, which took a "loonie" to play. My dad didn't understand, and neither did I of course! My dad said "Yes, it does," thinking it to be a crazy person and not a Canadian dollar :P So now I know Loonies and Toonies.
Level 58
Jan 21, 2018
"Name this Canadian holiday, on the second monday in october:" OKTOBERFEST
Level 68
Aug 9, 2020
Only in Kitchener
Level 35
Jan 21, 2018
13... should have known beaver but kept trying wolf, moose, bear etc... and banff (being scottish) but never heard of Loonies, Canuck, Hortons, or poutine ... and though I've not been to canada, I have been to the States several times, and they don't know what bacon is...
Level 70
Apr 18, 2018
I've been around and I like bacon, but I must say the best bacon in the world is Danish Bacon.
Level 45
Nov 15, 2018
then what is it?
Level 46
Dec 1, 2019
Having visited Quebec several times, I kept trying "Castor" for the national animal...I was blanking on the English!
Level 67
Apr 10, 2018
Can only get 14/20 and I'm Canadian.
Level 74
Jun 13, 2018
I live right on the border and i still only got 15/20, I have never heard of Banff or Labatt though
Level 45
Nov 15, 2018
Level 88
May 17, 2020
Is there a reason L'Anse aux Meadows is not accepted? It was the first viking settlement, just more specific. I frequently read the list of world heritage sites and so I immediately thought of this, so I was stumped when it wasn't accepted.
Level ∞
May 18, 2020
Changed to fill-in-the-blank so there can be no possible confusion.
Level 22
Jul 5, 2020
I would also like to see L'anse aux Meadows accepted. I spent most of my time trying to figure out if there was a "_____land" English translation for it. :/
Level 85
May 18, 2020
Great quiz. I give it an Eh+!
Level 75
May 18, 2020
Level 56
Jun 2, 2020
Strictly speaking, poutine is not a Canadian "delicacy". A delicacy is a food that is rare or expensive. Poutine is a Canadian food, but it's cheap and crude, so not a delicacy.
Level 67
Aug 9, 2020
I think the word was being used ironically. I certainly took it that way, because...yeah. That pile of mess is not a delicacy. (Very tasty though.)
Level 57
Feb 24, 2022
Poutine is a Québécois food not Canadian. Would you say the same if it was a Native Meal?
Level 50
Sep 2, 2022
Who are more Canadian than Quebecois? Like if something is Pennsylvanian it is also American by extension.
Level 79
Jul 1, 2023
Naw, you can get poutine in any Canadian city these days. McDonald’s in Canada all carry poutine, as does Wendy’s, Burger King, Costco, etc. It’s very much permeated throughout Canada now.
Level 61
Jun 9, 2020
Didn’t know Poutine. I guessed Kraft Dinner
Level 22
Jul 5, 2020
Please consider accepting L'anse aux Meadows for a 1000 year old Viking settlement.
Level 64
Jul 17, 2020
This is outdated. You should accept "Bieber" for "beaver". And I thought "poutine" was the Russian president.
Level 82
Jul 21, 2020
Some really specific stuff here. I thought I knew about Canada, but it appears not as much as i thought.
Level 28
Jul 31, 2020
What does "Most populous city of the above" mean?
Level 91
Aug 9, 2020
Most populous city of the above = most populous city in the answer to the above row.
Level 54
Aug 9, 2020
Someone should do a poll of the number of times someone says "which one? field, floor, ball, street, road, pond, bubble, table top, pickup or air". Because you know all the americans answering this quiz were thinking just that. Then they finally say to themselves "oh, wait, ICE hockey!"
Level 67
Aug 9, 2020 Is this some Canadian thing where you think Americans are fussy about the different types of hockey? If an American hears "he plays hockey," he's going to assume it's ice hockey. That's the default brand of hockey. Roller hockey, field hockey, floor hockey, etc. will always be specified by the person saying it. All of the examples you listed except field hockey are casual games mostly played by children. When we think "hockey," it's ice hockey.
Level 69
Oct 17, 2024
Jmellor, in Canada and the US ice hockey is the default hockey. In a number of other parts of the world, field hockey is what people think when they hear hockey.

I think in some places there isn't a default so it's always specified

Level 83
Jul 6, 2022
I'm from the US and played roller hockey growing up. I've only called ice hockey just "hockey" unless a specific distinction needed to be made.
Level 58
Nov 5, 2023
In the UK the default hockey is field hockey
Level 81
Aug 9, 2020
Isn't the Canadian horse also a national animal along with the beaver?
Level 69
Jul 8, 2024
I don't think so... I believe that the Canadian horse is only the national horse of Canada (as opposed to a national animal). At least that's what I gathered from the official government website but I could be wrong
Level 33
Aug 9, 2020
uhmmmmm, i got 5/22 because i'm not canadian :D
Level 73
Aug 9, 2020
100% in 50 seconds, from Canada though
Level 74
Aug 9, 2020
I love Canada - went on a fishing trip on Lake Nipigon when I was sixteen and I'll never forget it. Years later my daughter worked at McDonald's during high school and a woman came to the counter and asked for a burger with Oot cheese. My daughter said they only had American and cheddar cheeses available. The woman repeated, "I want my burger with Oot cheese." Again my daughter explained they only had two types of cheeses available and neither of them was Oot cheese. The woman, getting very frustrated, spelled it out as she said, "I want my burger with Oot cheese! W-i-t-h-o-u-t!" My daughter quickly got her a burger without cheese and when she left my daughter looked at the woman's license plate and she was from Canada. I was reminded of that when I saw the movie Canadian Bacon and Roy Boy told a Mountie, "We have ways of making you pronounce the letter O, pal." Even though ya'll talk funny up there, I still love y'uns. ;)
Level 71
Aug 18, 2020
Ah, my eternal combat on Jetpunk. Being from Montréal, I always cringe a bit when I see Québec and Montréal without the accent in quizzes. I know, the quiz is in English, but we're fighting so hard to keep our language alive up here that it makes me cry a little every time. (Also, poutine is from Québec and I hate when Canada gets all the credit for it.) I feel better now. Thanks!
Level 59
Aug 22, 2020
Never heard of Vinland, but that seems to be the general area, the settlement was named L'anse aux meadows
Level 83
Sep 1, 2020
100% with 3 minutes left.

Can I get Canadian citizenship?


Level 73
Dec 15, 2020
I read the question as "country that is the greatest source of

foreign-born rodents," and I had to take a moment to digest that something big has been going on that I had no idea about!

Level 69
Jul 8, 2024
Fun fact, Alberta is the largest inhabited landmass with no rats
Level 74
Dec 17, 2020
The Horse is also the national animal of canada

Level 53
Jan 7, 2021
17/22 as an American, great quiz!
Level 58
Jan 7, 2021
baniff should be counted for banff
Level 38
Mar 11, 2021
i tried hab for canadian slang
Level 56
Mar 23, 2021
Calgary stampede.. Rly?
Level 48
Jun 14, 2021
100% in 1 minute exactly
Level 33
Dec 15, 2021
100%, ez I am a Canadian and I did it in 37 seconds
Level 57
Feb 24, 2022
Poutine is a meal from the Québec Nation, not Canada, please stop this cultural appropriation as you already did with the National Anthem (originally composed for the Saint-Jean-Baptiste) and the beaver as a symbol of my nation. Thank you - Merci!
Level 83
Jul 6, 2022
Y'all should just secede already. I'm sure there'd be some ramifications but I don't see a reason why Quebec can't be a sovereign state.
Level 63
Jul 7, 2022
I am going to assume this is satire
Level 62
Mar 3, 2023
100% and I'm from Wales. Not bad.
Level 24
Jul 4, 2023
22/22 and from Canada, I guess I paid attention in Gr. 5
Level 67
May 24, 2024
India is the greatest source of foreign born residents. China is actually in third place, slightly behind the Philippines. That's according to the 2021 census, I suspect recent immigration has only increased India's lead.
Level ∞
May 24, 2024
The quiz has been fixed. The order from the 2021 census is India, China, Philippines when we include the Hong Kong numbers as part of China.

Level 53
May 26, 2024
wow,quiz updated already,great
Level 34
Jun 2, 2024
One question for all of western Canada? None about BC, the third most populous province?
Level 69
Jul 8, 2024
I thought there'd at least be one on the Vancouver Olympics or the prairies