
Canada Multiple Choice Quiz

Can you answers these multiple choice questions about Canada?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: January 14, 2019
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First submittedJanuary 14, 2019
Times taken30,883
Average score62.5%
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1. What is the capital of Canada?
2. Which Canadian province has the highest population?
British Columbia
3. What is the national animal of Canada?
Beluga Whale
Grizzly Bear
4. What is the capital of Manitoba?
Sault Ste. Marie
5. What British sea captain charted the coast of British Columbia in the 1790s?
Sir Francis Drake
Henry Hudson
Horatio Nelson
George Vancouver
6. What province did not join Canada until 1949?
British Columbia
Newfoundland and Labrador
7. What country kicked out Canada's ambassador after the Canadian government called for the release of two dissidents in 2018?
Saudi Arabia
United States
8. Which French territory is located just 8 kilometers off the coast of Newfoundland?
New Caledonia
Saint Barthélemy
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
9. About what percent of Canadians speak French as a first language?
10. Which of these is NOT a current NHL hockey team?
Calgary Flames
Montreal Canadiens
Quebec Nordiques
Vancouver Canucks
11. About what percent of Canadian residents were born in a different country?
12. What is Canada's largest island by land area?
Baffin Island
Île Jésus
Prince Edward Island
Vancouver Island
13. Mount Logan is the tallest mountain in Canada, and the second tallest in North America. Where is it located?
Yukon Territory
14. True or false? More than 50% of the Canadian population lives at a latitude further south than Seattle.
15. Which of these bands is from Canada?
Creedence Clearwater Revival
Death Cab for Cutie
The Tragically Hip
16. What is depicted on the front of a Canadian $1 coin?
a City
a Loon
a Maple Leaf
a Star
Level 81
Jan 15, 2019
Interesting quiz! And a Canadian gets to make the first comment! I missed only the question about percentage of residents born in another country. Should have known it was that high.
Level 89
Mar 8, 2019
I was surprised the percentage was so high. I've never been to Canada, though.
Level 80
Jun 30, 2019
Same results exactly
Level 79
Feb 10, 2021
I remember 25 years ago when Canada's population hit 30 million and we learned about it in school. The population is nearing 40 million and Canada's natural growth rate is fairly low. It's mostly immigration, jazz cats.
Level 76
Jan 15, 2019
So if 22% speak French and 22% were born in another country, does it follow that the French speakers weren't born in Canada? (I find it funny that it's the same percentage!)
Level 75
Jan 15, 2019
Honestly, that's the reason I did not guess 22% for the question about those being born elsewhere. I couldn't believe they would be the same, so I stupidly picked something else.
Level 74
Jan 16, 2019
Level 77
Jun 30, 2019
Mere coincidence. Most French speakers in Canada reside in the province of Quebec. The population of Quebec is over 8 million and 95% speak French as their first language. If you do the math, then according to your logic, none of them were born in Canada, which means in all the other provinces and territories, absolutely no one was born outside of Canada. I live in Ontario, where the population is over 14 million. Your flawed logic says all 14 million were born in Canada. Ask yourself, does that make sense?
Level 27
Jul 1, 2019
1- It's a joke

2- How are we supposed to know all that information about the populations of Ontario and Quebec so that we could calculate, in the middle of a quiz I might add, if the entire percentage of Canadian speakers of French and Foreigners is the same percentage as that in Quebec

Level 77
Jul 2, 2019
StealthyNinja467 You don't need to know the population figures. That's filler on my part. You just need a modicum of knowledge about Canada, basic common sense and very, very rudimentary math skills (and you don't even really need the math ability)...that's how.
Level 72
Apr 12, 2020
Did it really not occur to you that he might be joking? Explaining it is fine, but I find the "to your logic" "your flawed logic" "does that make sense" somewhat hostile or atleast overly defensive. You could ve just stuck to explaining.

He just pointed out the coincidence and attempted to make it sound funny.

Level 77
Jul 20, 2021
Relax, take a breath and meditate.
Level 55
Jul 21, 2021
Dude, you overreacted. It was clearly a joke and there were no negative implications to you or us as Canadians. I'm from Quebec and find that coincidence funny...
Level 61
Jan 15, 2019
I aced this quiz, if you don’t count the ones I got wrong.
Level 87
Apr 2, 2019
Level 57
Jan 16, 2019
As a Canadian, I'm disappointed I got the national animal wrong. Good quiz though!
Level 81
Jan 16, 2019
I knew the dissidents question had to be either Saudi Arabia or China, and the band had to be either Death Cab or Tragically Hip. I guessed wrong in both cases.
Level 87
Apr 2, 2019
I did the exact same thing.
Level 45
Jul 20, 2021
Me too, China or Saudi Arabia had similar events.

But I knew Deathcab for Cutie is from Near Seattle. Verses The Hip from Ontario.

Level 74
Jan 16, 2019
Tragic that Rush wasn't the band you chose to represent Canada.
Level 85
Jan 18, 2019
Could have been Nickelback.
Level 73
Jan 20, 2019
@MiracleMax my thoughts exactly. Travesty ;)
Level 19
Jan 29, 2019
I think The Tragically Hip represents the Canadian identity more so than Rush (although a fantastic band!)
Level 67
Jun 30, 2019
I agree.
Level 68
Jul 20, 2021
The Hip is all but unknown outside of Canada, though.
Level 75
Jan 27, 2019

I know nothing about Canada

Level 90
Jun 30, 2019
The what that is depicted on the front of a Canadian $1 coin is the queen of England, like all the rest of their money.
Level 77
Jun 30, 2019
Level 76
Jun 30, 2019
Although not a very good excuse for getting the question wrong, the obverse of the Canadian dollar coin is indeed Queen Elizabeth. The loon is on the reverse:
Level 77
Jul 1, 2019
To eric29cocoanuts. Great link about the definitions of obverse and reverse when it comes to coins, and confirming the Queen is in fact on the "front" of Canadian coins. I've learned something new today....but who refers to those descriptions on a daily basis to describe a coin other than a numismatic? Let me try and picture that with a coin toss scenario: "Hey, let's flip a coin to see who goes first, do you want obverse or reverse?"...nah, doesn't sound right. More importantly, it I don't think it was what the quiz creator had in mind when they asked that question.
Level 76
Jul 1, 2019
Thanks hybrid. I know what the Quizmaster meant, and the answer to the question is obvious. But that doesn't change the fact that the queen is on the "front" of the coin and the loon is on the "back". That was the whole point of my comment...the question should be asking what is depicted on the BACK of the Canadian $1 coin. I'm not being pedantic, the question is just plain wrong. In fact, any reference to front or back could easily be eliminated; just ask what is depicted on the coin. Since the queen is not one of the given choices, loon would have to be the correct answer.
Level 70
Nov 7, 2020
Yes, the "front" or "obverse" depicts The Queen. The "back" or "reverse" depicts a loon. This quiz gets that one factoid wrong. Otherwise, good quiz. I got 13/16. I didn't know who charted the West Coast (George Vacouver - since I didn't know it, I thought his name was too obvious and would be a red herring, so I picked someone else). I am a dual citizen - born in the U.S., immigrated to Canada, came back to the U.S. (with reluctance). I do miss Canada, though. I also thought that Mount Logan was in Alberta.
Level 45
Jul 20, 2021
I agree. The Heads side is the queen and they are asking about tails side. However, it is pretty obvious that they are referring to is that a Loon is on the Loonie. Easy question.
Level 19
Jul 1, 2019
Know little bit about Canada, cause I spent two weeks in Montreal. BUT I FORGOT THE CAPITAL OF CANADA?! HOW... I got all right but the CAPITAL QUESTION ONE. ;c
Level 96
Jul 20, 2021
Loon resides on the back or reverse of the dollar coin. Queen Elizabeth II is depicted on the front or obverse.
Level 85
Jul 20, 2021
If you're going to identify sides of a coin, you should use either obverse/reverse (formally) or heads/tails (informally). Front/back are ambiguous and subjective. As others have correctly pointed out, though, if you decide to go with front/back, the loon is on the "back" of the $1 coin.

And if the reasoning is, "Well given the choices, you should be able to figure out what is meant" then that same argument destroys any objection to using the correct and infinitely more precise obverse/reverse terminology.

Level 76
Jul 20, 2021
I love the Death Cab reference, even if it’s the wrong answer bc they are from Washington!
Level 63
Jul 21, 2021
Only 5/16 thus proving I know nothing about Canada, I really should remedy that.
Level 69
Dec 9, 2023
That's nuts, why are they desperate enough to import 1/5 of their populace? Unless it's Americans, or temporary work-related or something
Level 71
Dec 16, 2023
The official name is Yukon.