Funny how St. Laurent was Prime minister for 9 years and I've never heard of him. I couldn't recall all of the others, but when I saw their names at the end they were at least familiar.
Louis St. Laurent was one of the most culturally and politically influential Prime Ministers of Canada. He was one of the most underrated Prime Ministers in history.
could you change the picture now, please? - many of us in Canada are glad to have moved on from Mr. Harper, and would rather not be reminded of the past nine years!
Lmao, that's a serious play on words. I wouldn't wish for an NDP government, considering how much the executive branch has power compared to other countries. I think the NDP make a good opposition because sometimes it's good to have far-left critiques and it also just brings a more progressive sphere of morality, especially when you have a Prime Minister with as many scandals as our current. I just don't think it's fiscally responsible, just my opinion.
That's the funny thing, no-one remembers the early Conservatives just because they were very early parties that don't have any name resembling todays centre-right parties. I think we have to admit the Liberals did much more and that's why they were the most remembered, but if you look back they also did the most harm. While doing a lot with government makes you influential and historical, it also lets the evil of your time manifest, hence why all the racist immigration policies and exploitations of Asians and indigenous peoples for cheap labor was under Liberal administrations. I think the early Conservatives were semi-competent at government. They handled the debt and some economic and moral panics ensuing the big Liberal expeditions well, but they really didn't help Canada develop and grow in the same way as the Liberals and compete with the United States and the rest of the world.
Also they had a bad habit of dying/falling ill in rapid succession...the four after Macdonald only served about five years combined, the short times making them hard to remember for me anyways.
Canadians are not less prone to a telling of history that focuses on "great men," but there a variety of differences that might account for this. Maybe it's something to do with the early adoption of republicanism, but the US system is more conducive to king-like treatment of presidents (and the queen-like treatment of "first ladies") who live in a palace and the list of whom is learned in more or less liturgical fashion. Of course, Canada still has its literal (foreign) queens and kings.
People are always claiming that the incumbent is the "worst ever" if it's their political opposition. Do you honestly believe you have any basis to make that call? Please, provide us your learned discourse on why Arthur Meighen and Sir Wilfred Laurier were superior to Trudeau.
Yeah, Laurier is generally considered to be a pretty important figure in Canadian history because he managed to keep the English/French relationship afloat during some tense years. If we really want to label a bad prime minister, I'd say Bennett is the best choice. He was a silver spoon businessman who applied principles of business to the economy and generally failed entirely to properly address the Great Depression. One of his strangest quotes is, "one of the greatest assets any man or woman can have on entering life's struggles is poverty." Anyway, he was a one-termer who left Canada after losing the second election, and only like half a dozen people came to see him off. Justin Trudeau certainly won't be as well remembered as his father, but he'll have accomplishments that students of Canadian history will learn about 50 years from now. Bennett... forgotten, except as a punchline for the Canadian Great Depression.
jmellor13 First of all get rid of your condescending attitude right now. Second, I should probably clarify that he's the worst one we've had in a long time as I admit I'm not quite as familiar with Laurier and McDonald.
Nevertheless thanks to Trudeau we are now the only G7 nation without a AAA credit rating, are drowning in debt, are led by a man who made it easier for illegal migrants to come in prior to Covid, cost us a number of trade deals with other countries, and lies to us all the time. He's done some good things but it doesn't make up for all the sketchy things he's done.
I'm curious, are you one of those people who can't take any criticism of him? Because if you are I hate to break it to you but even mainstream media sources in Canada like CTV, CBC, and Global lie and distort the news too. I've personally witnessed events which they lied about.
It's also worth mentioning that Trudeau has been involved in numerous scandals including with SNL Lavalin and the Aga Khan and has only ever apologized for ethics violations after he's been caught.
He's been called out by feminists for lying about being one and has bullied people in his party including Jodie Wilson Raybould which she talks about amongst other unethical things Justin Trudeau did in her new book Indian in the Cabinet: Speaking Truth to the Power.
He also made told a woman to say "peoplekind" instead of mankind, used $215,000 in taxpayer money to pay for a personal vacation of his to the Bahamas, and called a woman racist just because she asked him when the federal government would pay back the province of Quebec for housing all the illegal migrants that came in.
He also didn't do enough to fight the opiod crisis, said the budget would balance itself which it never did, and lied about his promise to fix the problems with electoral reforms.
“SNL Lavalin”? Anyway, I’ve always thought of Trudeau as a runaway muppet, but your disdain seems a bit over the top. Methinks the lady doth protest too much?
...sorry Canada
Nevertheless thanks to Trudeau we are now the only G7 nation without a AAA credit rating, are drowning in debt, are led by a man who made it easier for illegal migrants to come in prior to Covid, cost us a number of trade deals with other countries, and lies to us all the time. He's done some good things but it doesn't make up for all the sketchy things he's done.
I'm curious, are you one of those people who can't take any criticism of him? Because if you are I hate to break it to you but even mainstream media sources in Canada like CTV, CBC, and Global lie and distort the news too. I've personally witnessed events which they lied about.
He's been called out by feminists for lying about being one and has bullied people in his party including Jodie Wilson Raybould which she talks about amongst other unethical things Justin Trudeau did in her new book Indian in the Cabinet: Speaking Truth to the Power.
He also made told a woman to say "peoplekind" instead of mankind, used $215,000 in taxpayer money to pay for a personal vacation of his to the Bahamas, and called a woman racist just because she asked him when the federal government would pay back the province of Quebec for housing all the illegal migrants that came in.
He also didn't do enough to fight the opiod crisis, said the budget would balance itself which it never did, and lied about his promise to fix the problems with electoral reforms.
I honestly don't know what I expected
Must agree with above comments that Trudeau is very likely the worst Prime Minister...although that may have recency bias.
Also, being from Malton, I have to say that Diefenbaker is right up there with him.