
Cat Knowledge

Can you answer these random trivia questions about cats, both big and small?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: October 31, 2021
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First submittedJanuary 3, 2018
Times taken24,322
Average score75.0%
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What type of cat is the fastest species of land animal?
What is a group of lions called?
Complete the analogy: Canine is to dogs as ______ is to cats
What is the common name for "nepeta cataria", a plant that makes some cats act high?
What is the term for a large cat, such as a mountain lion or jaguar, that has has black fur?
Black Panther
What is the name for an unneutered male cat?
What movie features cats named Duchess, Toulouse, and Thomas O'Malley?
The Aristocats
What is the term for a cat whose fur patterns make an M-shape on the forehead?
A "cat cafe" is a place where people can pay to play with cats.
What country has the most "cat cafes?
What country worshipped a cat god named Bastet?
What does a "polydactyl" cat have more of than a normal cat?
What sound does a cat make when it is asking for attention?
What sound does a cat make when it is happy and relaxed?
What sound does a cat make as a sign of aggression?
What might a cat regurgitate as a consequence of its grooming habits?
What wild cat of the Americas has a name that starts with O?
What U.S. state has the greatest number of lynxes?
Which country did Siamese cats originally come from?
What animal is a cross between a lion and a tiger?
Liger or Tigon
What is the only country where a lion and a tiger could theoretically meet in the wild?
Level 88
Jan 3, 2018
Please accept "furball" for hairball.
Level 75
Jan 3, 2018
And just "hair".
Level 83
Jan 3, 2018
Likewise: this is the most common expression used in the UK. Thanks.
Level ∞
Jan 3, 2018
Furball will work now
Level 90
Aug 4, 2018
Accept Chewbacca too then?
Level 77
Aug 19, 2022
That would be fuzzball
Level 72
Mar 26, 2024
I couldnt think of it so started typing catball... that is something else haha. (I thought of furball before finishing that word though)
Level 75
Jan 3, 2018
"Intact" for an unneutered male? :-)
Level 69
Nov 1, 2021
That applies to any unneutered animal though.
Level 70
Jan 5, 2018
I think 'Growl' should also be OK for noise when ready to attack, our cats make a low throated growl and with a tail-wag then........ attack!.... they make the hiss if something suddenly fronts up to them, they arch their back, tail goes down, mouth opens showing teeth and they hiss, but it seems more defensive than attacking.
Level 13
Jan 6, 2018
Hissing is the main one. the one that is most common. The surest way to tell a cat is thoroughly pissed off is if it hisses. Sure, growling is something they also do, but a lot of predatory animals growl, whereas not very many predatory animals at all hiss. When you think of an angry cat you think of hissing. At least, most people do.
Level 77
Aug 10, 2022
I do love technicalities, but I have to agree that keeping it as just hiss is reasonable. I guessed growl too and then immediately knew the answer was hiss. It is somewhat unlikely that you've heard a cat growl and also never heard one hiss.

Though, cats actually aren't that unique in hissing! Most reptiles, including birds, hiss PROLIFICALLY. I've had pet lizards and birds that hissed like a sailor curses. Some amphibians can hiss too, and even some insects stridulate in a way that mimics hissing!!!

Level 50
Jan 6, 2018
Purely trivia (not disagreeing with the angry noise answer) but my cat made an angry purring noise- very deep and throaty- when she thought she heard a snake.
Level 76
Nov 17, 2021
Cats can go Bill Burrrr for many reasons, as scientists now agree.
Level 49
Jan 6, 2018
"Hit Cat" was a very minor character in The Aristocats. The clue would probably work better with a different cat's name, such as Thomas O'Malley, Berlioz, Marie, or Scat Cat.
Level 91
Jan 8, 2018
Agreed. I had to look Hit Cat up to remember who he was.
Level 78
Jan 10, 2018
All you need is Duchess. The rest are just extra.
Level ∞
Oct 31, 2021
Changed it to Thomas O'Malley since I've never seen Aristocats.
Level 71
Jan 6, 2018
Purr and Hiss was the hardest ones for me... With english not being my native language.
Level 55
Jan 7, 2018
I'm with those who requested "hair" be accepted in lieu of hairball, seems common sense to me. Whatever form its in, it's still hair.
Level ∞
Jan 7, 2018
Level 90
Aug 4, 2018
Napoleon Dynamite must love the sweet questions about ligers. It's like his favorite animal.
Level 35
May 30, 2020
Omg the only reason I couldn't guess cheetah is cause I was spelling cheeta, and could not think of putting an h behind the a... Lol
Level 63
Nov 9, 2021
The only reason I didn't get Ocelot is because I kept guessing it with a z instead of a c.
Level 82
Oct 31, 2021
Cat cafes originated in Taiwan with a cafe called Cat Flower Garden.

Japanese tourists took the idea back to Japan which now has the largest number of cafes

Level ∞
Oct 31, 2021
Thanks, changed the question!
Level 73
Nov 1, 2021
please accept "toe" singular.
Level 63
Nov 1, 2021
Nice quiz, thanks.

Please accept catmint for catnip, that's the usual name in the UK

Level 68
Aug 8, 2022
Another request for catmint.
Level 75
Dec 2, 2021
Maybe you should also accept 'otorongo' for a cat beginning with 'o' in the Americas; it's another name for an Amazon jaguar.
Level 63
Jan 1, 2022
Did anyone else put ‘McDonald’s cat’ for the m shape question? Just me? Ok,
Level 69
Aug 8, 2022
Is melanism not correct for black panther? I thought panther was not a scientific term, but I know little of taxonomy- from what I remember it seemed like a pretty soft subject.
Level 40
Aug 8, 2022
Mew Mew hiss.
Level 62
Aug 9, 2022
I was going to write Liger as a joke but decided not to. Imagine my surprise when it was actually the answer.
Level 40
Aug 10, 2022
Level 81
Aug 9, 2022
Cats also growl and roar (bigger ones anyway) in addition to hissing.
Level 77
Aug 12, 2022
Accept Oncilla for American wild cat starting in O?
Level 67
Aug 13, 2022
Has anyone else never heard of the 'M' thing for tabby?

Tabby refers to the stripes across the whole body and tail, not specifically the head. Seeing as it's the lowest answer by some distance, could you check this?

Level 73
Sep 28, 2022
"A tabby is any domestic cat (Felis catus) with a distinctive 'M'-shaped marking on its forehead..."

This ↑ is the first part of the first sentence from the Wikipedia article on tabby cats:

To be honest, I also didn't know about this, but now it makes even more sense that Minerva McGonagall is a tabby cat specifically.

Level 83
May 21, 2023
Minor nitpick. Cat cafe question is missing a “
Level 79
May 25, 2023
I highly recommend polydactyly. Three thumbs up.
Level 53
May 19, 2024
For some reason, I know a lot of these because of JetPunk.